Just had a thought and figured I'd put it out there in case anyone found it interesting.
What about a Federation vs. Gorn server?
I think it should be set in early era perhaps extending into mid. Slow drones and plasma G

The background might be that the Cestus III incident was not resolved peacefully.
One thought I had regarding this might be the creation of a "slot" area, where only one mission was offered, the old training mission and the ship you got put into was always a tournament cruiser. Or perhaps more simply to allow only tournament cruisers (or a similar equal matchup) to run missions in this area (although the ai draw might lead to inequality). The reasoning being that the Metrons (from the TOS episode Arena) were interfering in normal combat in the area and forcing duels between equal opponents.
Some minor refits might be needed for later Gorn ships as they would be facing a drone race as an enemy as the server progressed, but if its limited to slow or slow/medium drones I think they would be very minor, ie. a phaser 3 here or there. The Fed ships would likely be fine as the Gorn are similar to the Romulans a historic federation foe.
I would perhaps suggest the early release of the basic PFT with INTs only to counter mission times by drone ships. They would be toast in P v P but would allow for some hex flipping.
Just thought I'd throw this out there in case someone wanted to do it.