The last time I argued about the Kzinti at all had to be a couple YEARS ago Dizzy. And I can't remember arguing for the MDC. It sorta sucks.
Why do I need to withhold judgement when I've been told some of the things changed?
Like the C8V (and apparently others) changing two dizzys for 2 B-racks. Gee. And the reason given is "because fighters don't work how they do in SFB". Which is BS. They work as well as they work for any other race. Dig deeper and it's "Well the Kzinti CVA has 6 drone racks and 4 dizzys....". So what? If you like the Kzinti so much better than the Klingon, GO PLAY THE KZINTI.
Or the C10K with an extra ADD12 rack that was added "Well the fed and Kzinti have 3 of them.....". Nice. More BS reasons. And lets not forget the expanded phaser arcs to 'make it more klingon' despite the fact that the C8/C9/C10 series have a specific mention about how they don't fire across decks as well as the smaller ships.
I'm sure there are probably others but given the examples, I'm not likely to be to fond of them either.
If your going to try and take swings at me Dizzy, at least use something recent

I don't like people changing ships for no reason or for stupid reasons. It's as simple as that.