Topic: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***  (Read 42434 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***[/color][/size][/b]

Slave Girls IV will be a rewrite, or revisionist history, of the SFB timeline. It will take place just prior to the events that led to the General War and offer a different place in history for the ISC, and the rest of the galaxy, for that matter. If you do not wish to read the storyline and want to proceed to the server setup description, feel free to skip to the 2nd post.

According to info at , this snipet of the SFB Timeline below precedes and sets up the storyline for Slave Girls IV.


    By Y2271, the Klingons and Lyrans were on the verge of victory. The Hydrans were defeated and effectively out of the war, and the Kzintis were barely hanging onto a capital that had been reduced to rubble. The Kzintis were at the point of suing for peace on any terms they could get when the Federation, alarmed at the prospect of a Klingon Empire that could nearly equal its economic power, began taking a serious interest in the war. The Federation began its own arms buildup and was on the verge of providing the Kzintis massive economic support and sending the 4th Fleet into Kzinti space.

    The Klingons, who had been watching the Federation "wake up" and build up its forces, became seriously alarmed at the prospect of a widened war. The Empire's strategic plan was originally to wait at least ten years (after conquering the Kzinti capital) before considering a war with the Federation.

    The Klingons attempted to defuse the situation diplomatically with a protest to the Organians. They argued that Federation interference was about to prolong a war that should be ending, and noted that the result of that war would be a situation far more stable than the previous three decades had been. The Organians remained silent on the question for reasons that have never been fully understood. The Klingons began extensive probing of the Neutral Zone and found that the decrease in Organian interference was rapidly accelerating. While historians continue to argue whether the Organians were allowing a war consciously or were simply involved in some other matter and not paying attention, the eventual result was the same.

    As sporadic conflict along the Federation-Klingon Neutral Zone escalated, the Federation began to mobilize. The Klingons recognized that a mobilized Federation was a very dangerous opponent and were unable to conceive of a defensive mobilization (which some Federation historians continue to insist it was). The Klingons faced a difficult choice. The Federation seemed determined to intervene in the Klingo-Kzinti War, and the Federation buildup was rapidly making any Klingon attack on the Federation a less certain proposition than it had been before.


    When the Organians ultimately disappeared in mid-Y2271, the Klingons decided to be the masters of their own fate, rather than waiting to see what fate the Federation would provide for them. They invaded the Federation on 2 August Y2271, swiftly destroying the border stations and driving the Federation back 2,000 to 3,000 parsecs by the end of Y2272.

SLAVE GIRLS IV, Y171 (Revisionist history)

     In Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls, the Klingon invasion of Federation space never happens, or at least not yet. Instead, the disappearance of the Organians coincides with the accidental and mysterious discovery of an alien artifact on Organia by an unsuspecting Orion Slave Girl refuge and the near immediate appearance of the ISC, approximately 15 years prior to their historical SFB introduction. They quickly occupy the entire neutral zone with their massive long range echelon fleets and begin their task of galaxy wide pacification.

    Obviously, with the Klingons already prepared for war against the Federation, the incursion by the ISC into the neutral zone only further agitates the Klingon?s war plans and the spread thin ISC fleets are seen as easy prey. A full scale attack is then instigated by the Klingons and their Lyran allies who quickly gobble up large portions of the neutral zone before the ISC are able to recover and mobilize for a counter offensive.


     The Federation, meanwhile, sees the alarming advance of Klingons steadily moving closer to Federation space as a failure of the ISC to protect Federation interests. Sitting idly by and hoping the ISC repel the Klingons is something the Federation feels it cannot risk and advance into the neutral zone as a preemptive action to counter the rapidly advancing Klingons.

     Watching from afar are the Romulans who were just beginning to benefit from Klingo-Romulan trade until the occupation of the neutral zone by the ISC, are extremely annoyed by this ISC interference. The Romulans realize that with the recent outbreak of hostilities between the Federation and their new enemies that a unique opportunity is presented for them. So they themselves advance into the neutral zone pushing the ISC aside to reestablish Klingo-Romulan trade and this starts a full scale war with the ISC. Further seeing an opportunity to strike decisively at the Federation while they are distracted with both the Klingons and ISC, the Romulan Empire drives forcefully to occupy strategic points along the Romulan Federation borders.

     The Gorn, carefully watching recent events, sees the Romulan Empire?s incursion into the neutral zone as a threat to their own security and thus drive though the ISC occupied neutral zone to meet them before any strategic loss occurs.
On the other side of the quadrant, the Hydrans have an opportunity to regain lost ground from the distracted Lyrans and Klingons and begin their attempt to recapture lost space. The Mirak likewise, strike back at them as well in order to do the same.

     From the ISC perspective, full scale galactic war has broken out on all fronts with them taking center stage. Vastly outnumbered, and stretched thin over such long occupation zones, the overconfident ISC rise to the challenge and truly believe they will justly restore peace to the warring empires of the galaxy.

And thus, Slave Girls IV begins?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2005, 01:15:21 pm by FA_Frey_XC »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: ***Announcing SLAVE GIRLS IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2004, 09:44:39 pm »
Slave Girls IV: The Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls Server Description

    Server starts in beginning of the mid era sometime and runs for 3 weeks.

Teams are:

    Alliance: Federation, Tholian, Gorn, and Mirydrans which are merged Mirak and Hydrans using Hydran interface as in SG3.

    Coalition: Merged Klingons and Lyrans using the Klingon interface and the Romulans.

    Pacification Force: InterStellar Concordat [/list]

    Note on teams:

      The general focus of this server is on the unrestricted war between the Alliance and the Coalition. Their VC's depend on their holdings in the neutral zone (ISC occupied) and in enemy space.

      Meanwhile, the ISC have a different objective. Their focus will be on maintaining their holdings of the neutral zone in order to prevent the various Empires from warring with each other. (
    The ISC believe that they can wear the empires out and eventually force a lasting peace ultimately resulting in total Pacification. I seriously doubt it, heh. I totally expect them to get bitch slapped!) The ISC will be limited to extending into other factions space no further than border stations (2 hexes, at present until otherwise noted). In addition, the ISC will be limited to equal pacification, when possible, between the Alliance and Coalition, therefore the ISC are not allowed to possess more than one border station hex between each side. If they have two Coalition bases, they must also have two Alliance bases before capturing a third from either side.[/list]

    Here is the Campaign Map:

      Organia is a 50 DV ISC controlled Planet and Starbase hex shown between K and F space. This is the 'Capitol' for the ISC for technical reasons only. This is where most of them will start off when they logon. Their true capitol is a 3x hex area in the far east.

      Most of the ISC controlled Neutral Zone hexes will be 10 DV with the exception of the ISC interior along their StarBase line in the east which will be 20. The 1st row of Empire hexes will also be 10. All other hexes will be 20 with the exception of certain Bases, Planets, etc. Each Empire's homeworld will be 50DV (Some have multiple HW's and that will be explained later) and adjacent hexes to it, 30.

      Without exception, each hex will have an economy equal to its maximum reinforcible DV.


      Only known Alliance players may use a Tholian account. No incognito accounts, please.
      There can never be more than 5 Tholian players online at any one time. See Tholian CnC for more details.
      Thols may operate no further than 4 hexes from their starting border and are subject to the deepstrike rule.
      Thols are limited to capturing hexes no further than 2 from their starting border.
      Other Alliance races are NOT allowed to enter Original Tholian home space for any reason at any time.

    Tholian CnC:

      Tholians will will work off of a CnC rather than use RM's to run the Build Cycles:

      In order to fly a special ship, there must be a player in a line ship for each special ship in play. 
      In order to fly a BC, there must be at least two or more Thol players online and at least one must be in a line ship.
      In order to fly a DN, you must follow the 3 DN limit rule for the alliance in addition to having at least three or more players online and at least two must be in line ships.
      A BC and DN may not both be in play at the same time. You must choose one or the other.
      If the Tholians lose three of any type BC they may not fly anymore for the remainder of the server.
      If the Tholians lose two of any type DN they may not fly anymore for the remainder of the server.
      Any BC or DN loss suffered by the Tholians are counted as VC's just like everyone else.

    Map Details:

      Bases will be revised as they will be destructible.


      If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no
    Allied or Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you may not disengage and must fight to the death.

    ***See ISC and Romulan Special Rules Below***[/list]

    Disengagement/Destruction Rule:

      If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for 'x' number of turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 'y' number of turns.

    ISC and Romulan Special Disengagement Rules:

      The ISC have a slight technological advantage in most starship systems compared to other empires, notably the ISC's ship based sensors which have a greater and more accurate detection range. This enables them to find the holes in enemy detection nets when operating behind enemy lines and aids in their evasion and escape of intercepting enemy forces. Another advantage is their knowledge and familiarity with the neutral zone they have controlled for some time, in addition to merchant and pirate ships which remain loyal and excellent trade and information sources. These two advanatges will be represented in tactical combat as follows:

      ISC ships will be exempt from the Deepstrikes rule defined above so long as they draft or are drafted in a Neutral Zone hex (any 10 or 11 Econ hex). This is abated, however, if at the time of the draft the ISC player is in or adjacent to a Planet or Base hex. This takes into account the Base's/Planet's sensors being much more powerful than an ISC ship thus preventing them from evading detection and getting away.

      The Romulans also have an advatage in evading their enemies. It lies with their use of the Cloaking Device (this exemption applies to any ship with a cloaking device). A Romulan ship must be fully cloaked as it begins crossing over the red disengagement line in tactical combat and remain cloaked (T-Bomb Flashing doesnt count) as it warps away until the mission ends so long as it is not tractored by an enemy ship in order to be exempt from the Deepstrikes rule. This is abated, however, if at the time of the draft the Rom player is in or adjacent to a Planet or Base hex. This takes into account the Base's/Planet's sensors being very powerful and allowing detection of nearby cloaked ships thus preventing them from evading detection and getting away.[/list]

      Ship Replacement/Ship cost:

        When your ship is destroyed, you will get an 80% ship loss. I guarantee you will be put in command of a frigate. The penalty here is that until you can find another ship in the yards (which will cycle frequently) you will be stuck in the worst PoS you have ever flown. ;)

        That being said, ALL Ships will be fairly innexpensive so as not even a newbie or casual player will be the slightest disadvantaged from shiploss. The idea here is equal penalty for casual and nutter players so prestige is taken out of the equation. 
      OoB/CnC (Order of Battle and Command and Control Rules)rules cover the special ships so see that section below for more info.[/list]

      Map VC's:

        The usual: Border Stations, Battle Stations, Starbases, Planets, a few Asteroid, Nebula and Black Hole hexes... Something like that. More details later.

      Special ship player assignments and postings:

        If a player is assigned a ship by their RM, then this will be posted on the SG4 Ship Assignment/Kill thread. Once every 12 hours at noon and midnight, ship transfers may be posted by the RM's. Even tho you you may be assigned a special ship, doesnt mean you have to fly it. You may sell it and fly something else, then rebuy it, or use a different account. Also, one player may be assigned ships from other races.


        There will be a few Captains for each side with prices on their heads. Take them down and win a prize. There will be 3x cycles each announced at the start of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week.

      PvP VC's:

        There will be a Kill List thread where everyone will post their kills/captures. Every ship is worth something.

        At present, it is planned that all regular line ships regardless of class will be worth 1 VC. All other Special (Conversion Point ships) and Capital (Build Point ships) will be worth twice their corresponding CP/BP value total. For example if you kill a particular BC that cost 2 BP's (refits points are added to this if any) then you get 4 VC's.

      OoB/CnC (Ship buying Restrictions):

        Something similar to the last GW4 server.

        There will be a similar ftr and PF rule as on GW4.

      Shiplist/Ftrlist and Missions:

        You saw it, played it and liked it on GW4, expect to see it, play it and like it more on SG4 as the base shiplist used will be a dyna modified FS opplus 4.0.

        Missions to be announced...

      Server Downloads:

        One idiot proof installer/uninstaller.

      The test server will go up on the 8th of January. The website will go up shortly and have all this consicely organized along with all the information and rules you will need.

      « Last Edit: January 09, 2005, 11:34:11 pm by Dizzy »

      Offline FPF-DieHard

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #2 on: November 28, 2004, 10:01:59 pm »
      This server should go live shortly after "War Cruiser Hell."
      Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

      Offline Maverick

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #3 on: November 28, 2004, 11:19:39 pm »
      Tholains sweeeeeet

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #4 on: November 28, 2004, 11:26:44 pm »
      Heh, there's an RM spot open for the Thols!

      Offline Maverick

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #5 on: November 29, 2004, 01:41:29 am »
      hehe depends if other people intend to fly Tholian or not. If they don't sign me up lol... If they do then I just don't have the time lol

      Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #6 on: November 29, 2004, 04:18:08 am »
      So how do the slave girls get their revenge?? And what ships do they fly?? With what weapons??

      Slave Girl helmswoman: "Captain, we're almost in weapons range of Dizzy's ship"

      Slave girl Captain: "Prepare to fire the castration torpedo!"

      "Is that with or without anaesthetic, Captain?"
      Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #7 on: November 29, 2004, 06:49:41 am »
      As Kirk said (just before he died)...

      "Sounds like fun..."   8)

      The four most powerful men in the galaxy:

      The President of the United Federation of Planets...
      The Chancellor of the Klingon Empire...The Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire...

      ...and the Captain of a Federation Starship...

      Offline Sochin

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #8 on: November 29, 2004, 06:58:18 am »
      Yep iam in aswell.

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #9 on: November 29, 2004, 07:06:08 am »

      If you are unfortunate enough to have to disengage and come back unto the server map within a reasonable time of your PvP match concluding and find yourself surrounded by enemy hexes, then your ship is forfeit.


      Somebody wanna translate that for me? :-\

      Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #10 on: November 29, 2004, 07:09:24 am »
      Indeed, what if you log off and come back the next day and the entire area is taken?
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      Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #11 on: November 29, 2004, 07:16:06 am »
      Maybe it just means you have to fight your way back home and are not likely to survive
      Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #12 on: November 29, 2004, 07:56:30 am »
      One ISC Officer, reporting for duty and flag (RM / ARM) rank.

      AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
      S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
      Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

      Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #13 on: November 29, 2004, 08:00:23 am »
      "During combat, if you are forced to flee and upon returning to the map, find yourself surrounded completely by enemy hexes, then you have nowhere to disengage to and must forfeit your ship. Under the disengagement rule, you cannot disengage unless you have either a neutral hex or a friendly hex adjacent to the hex where the battle takes place. The time of the end of the mission as reported by the first combatant to exit normally from the debriefing screen is the precise moment when the above is judged."

      How does that sound?
      Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #14 on: November 29, 2004, 08:05:58 am »
      So how do the slave girls get their revenge?? And what ships do they fly?? With what weapons??

      Slave Girl helmswoman: "Captain, we're almost in weapons range of Dizzy's ship"

      Slave girl Captain: "Prepare to fire the castration torpedo!"

      "Is that with or without anaesthetic, Captain?"

      Well, there is a tell tale to tell. I do need a head Slave Orion Slave Girl. I'm thinking I'm gonna tag a very small group of choice players from all sides to take part in an occasional Pirate raid... There may be a few assigned Pirate ships... depending. And the Orion Slave Girl refuge that found the alien device on Organia that summoned the ISC to our quadrant 15 years before they historically arrived (you didn't read the storyline, did you?) may have some influence of the ISC RM in what their priorities may be. So I'd suggest whoever this Lead Orion Slave Girl vixen is, that people better not piss her off. ;) There are only two people I have in mind that can pull this one off...

      Offline Sochin

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #15 on: November 29, 2004, 08:12:20 am »
      Daft early noob question, what downloads are required?

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #16 on: November 29, 2004, 08:14:41 am »
      Deepstrike Rule:

      This has been edited. See 2nd post for details....
      « Last Edit: November 30, 2004, 09:58:12 am by Dizzy »

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #17 on: November 29, 2004, 08:15:34 am »
      Daft early noob question, what downloads are required?

      You will need the 2552 patch, and FS's OP+ 3.4 at the moment... and then the server D/L installer. Most have the 1st two.

      Offline Sochin

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #18 on: November 29, 2004, 08:18:47 am »
      OP+ is that the 3.4 shiplist?

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: ***Announcing Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls!***
      « Reply #19 on: November 29, 2004, 08:20:38 am »
      yes, 3.4