Topic: STGD/ STCD closes support for SFC3  (Read 3047 times)

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Offline FA Frey XC

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STGD/ STCD closes support for SFC3
« on: November 19, 2004, 10:46:59 am »
In an announcement on their website, STGD has decided to close it's doors on the SFC series.

While Dynaverse.Net and STGD have had some differences in the past, all of us here feel a sense of sadness and loss for the community when we learned that STGD had made this decision.

From the STGD front page:

This weekend will mark the end of the 5 year run of the original Star Trek Clan Directory.

The site itself will oficially go offline friday night after the directory is stripped out and the downloads system is stripped out. It's been a long 5 years, i feel the time for the STGD is now over with more clans playing newer more better supported games and less clans taking part in the STGD (some clans not visiting us at all) it means that the pulling power of the site has waned over the past 2 years.

We would rather pull the site down while it is still riding high than watch it suffer during 2005.

From the original Armada Clan Directory back in 1999/2000 to the new Star Trek Gamers Directory launched 2004 the whole series of sites has seen the rise and fall of star trek gaming, we feel it's time is now over.

I would like to thank all the fleets who have supported the original site and this new one especially SF, RS, RNGD, Q, UNO, SFC, 11thFleet (of which i recently joined), UFP, ELITE and FoH.

If i missed anyone out im sorry, but there are so many clans who have shown myself and Katherine support during the past half a decade.

Trek gamng will live on without STGD, however i must warn you all, 2005 will be a very bad year for the fleets of trek gaming, with no new games out this year and none out in 2005 and only a beta out 2006 with a final game out 2007 it means if you have not done so yet i would SERIOUSLY consider taking your clan into one or 2 non star trek games, like BF1942, EQ2, WoW and the likes.

STGD does not mean trek gaming will collapse, although a lot of people will be running around like headless chickens for a few weeks thinking it will. There are still some sites out there that cater for the gaming populace of trek gamers, the main one that springs to mind is and of course Raven Knights Starfleet Command, Bridge Commander and Elite Force Universe sites.

The main mod directory will remain open for a further month to aloow modders to download any work we are hosting on there behalf. Any hosted sites will remain on the FTP until they are able to find a new host, we will NOT just shut your hosted site down, take as long as you need to find a good stable host, then contact me via to inform me that you have found a host.

To access the main mod directory, visit

As for the former STGD staff?

Our future is in Blizzard games, the above site is just a test site for a gamers site which will eclipse the content that the STGD had in its 5 year history, if you are going to be playing World of Warcraft you'll catch me and katherine in the new site once it is launched.


Thanks for the 5 years of memories...(edited)

Victor Mullin
Katherine Venra-Wilson
Nicola Venra
Claire Venra
James Wilson

1999 ~ 2004

We wish the STGD the best of luck in their new endeavors, so if you play any of the Blizzard WarCraft® titles be sure to check them out!

Thanks for supporting the community and for supporting Trek gaming as a whole as long as you could.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2004, 01:10:51 pm by FA_Frey_XC »
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Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: STGD/ STCD closes support for SFC3
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2004, 03:04:46 pm »

The site is NOT CLOSING :)

Here's directly from the front end:

Is the ST GD back?

More news soon

ST GD is now under new management.

Don't bother looking at the clan directory or the forum. Victor1st cleaned out the directory and deleted the original forum however they WILL be back within the next week or so. This site should NEVER go down, too many people visit this site and the hit count during the last 2 weeks of this site being closed testifies to the massive work Victor and Katherine put into this place, the hits only went down by 100 over the past 7 days. Thats not bad for a site that had closed it;s doors on the trek community more than 2 weeks ago. The names of the people running this site will be made public soon, we are a conglomeration of people from different area's of the gaming community, from Star Wars, Warcraft, Quake and of course, trek gaming. Vic remains as a member of the staff of the site for input and direction. Katherine Wilson has left the gaming scene completely along with Nicola, Claire Verna has decided to take Nicola's place as the head of the modding community side of the site.

Anyway, as i said before, more news soon.



Tony McAdam
The Directory Site Syndicate
UK Division

If you have any enquiries don't hesitate to contact me on Verna@gm

This is a good thing!

Dynaverse.Net offers its congratulations and looks forward to seeing what the new Management is gonna do with the place !


The Community is richer because of it.

Vice President of Technology,
Dynaverse Gaming Association
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Offline Chris Jones

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Re: STGD/ STCD closes support for SFC3
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2004, 08:54:45 pm »
A good thing?

That's a GREAT thing!

..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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