Sorry about this, but, while your models are awsome I have a few problems. The Y-wing component proportions are way off. The clean look though is nice. Few exposed parts. Also the fighters are scaled like frigates. I doupt SFC has 50-foot tall fighter pilots. I know it is probably the last thing you would want to hear. Sorry.
Call it Y wing-a1 before the refit
Its before rebel mechanics got there hands on them and took off all the panels and fit the 2nd generation engines. lol That is one that is going to be fixed.
The readme says it all on the fighters [ xwing ,ywing, bwings, all ties the falcon and imp shuttle] were originally made for a sfc3 fighter mod where the fighter was/would have been a standalone frigate. I don't recommend using them as fighters in sfc2 or op the poly count will lag up if not lock up many machines. There are a few better choices for lower poly fighters out there thats one reason why mine haven't been available all this time. Everything else though should be OK for sfc2 and op.