Well, this was my first real start to finish server. Had a great time and enjoyed meeting, hearing and playing along side with some very skilled pilots. Thanks to J'inn and DH for hosting/running it. <S>
And I learned a few things along the way.
First off, that all ships are "expendable", where Kroma is concerned, especially the one that his wing is flying, usually me!!

DH needs to take his "meds" at all times that Kroma is on the sever. ( see above.)
Enjoyed flying with Green, Chuut, Pookie, LeRoy and Hexx. (see above.)
ROFL over the things said on TS.
I need a bigger ship!!!! ( see above.)
Looking forward to the next dyna camp, although I may need a divorce lawyer if I have as much fun and spend as much time on GW5 as I did on GW4.
Thanks and <S>
Wraith 413