All right. I had some time this week to really take a look at this. The buggy code in EEK mission causing the dbl-fighter bug was these two lines:
// Enable AI Officers
for(i = kECMOfficer; i <= kShuttleOfficer; i++)
mChangeAIOfficerState((eAIOfficers)i, kTrue);
Namely, the kFighterOfficer.
The FireSoul script had not effect on the EEK scripts. It did not matter if we used FS script fix or not. As a precaution, tonite's tests reveal them to most probably be un-necessary ones at that, EEK already compensated for any BaseState issues with the missions made a year ago for SS2 even though the stock missions, that don't produce dbl-fighter bugs, don't use the BaseState checks.
Bottom-line: as long as the mChangeAIOfficerState(..) routine calls were out of the tTeamShip::SetupShip(..) call, the dbl-fighter bugs were gone. Any scripts out there using this routine need to be fixed otherwise they'll dbl-fighter bug break.
Many thanks to Bonk and DRB for being great Co-op mission testers.

Things really started to move when all 3 of us got into the s/w testing groove with one guy coding, one guy pushing the new scripts on the GWell dyna and then 2 players playing while the not in-mission guy looked up the enemy Hydran ships to verify their fighter complements.
Funny thing is that if I did not get overly aggressive in my officer AI coding then this 18 month old bug would never have appeared in EEK missions...OOPS!!