Topic: For the love of all that is Holy.....  (Read 1727 times)

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Offline kbf-jd

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For the love of all that is Holy.....
« on: November 27, 2004, 04:35:03 pm »
Would someone please put up a server where you actully had to err well work to get a ship?

Don't take this wrong and I have to say the admins are doing a great job on everything else, but...

With in 24 hours of logging in to GW4, I could buy anything in the yards that I could buy with out begging my RMs for a ship.(even begging, I had the PP to buy the ships)

Don't get me wrong, my RMs are good guys and I have nothing against them, but the idea of having to ask someone else for a ship is not too cool. 

Anyone notice the fall off in players?

The current system promotes 2 classes of players.   But we are going to be down to one class of player real soon....

Again, this is not a slap at the RMs or Admins,  But for the regular joe player, this is getting pointless.  That's why regualr joe has left the building...


PS I cannot even buy a flipping mauler.....  what's up with that...


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Re: For the love of all that is Holy.....
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 04:46:39 pm »
I agree, I'd also like to see a standard/classic (CW) style server soon too. I know Gook would like to see one too. (Lepton won't like it tho.. ;))

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Re: For the love of all that is Holy.....
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2004, 05:09:31 pm »
I think the flip side of it though is that we also lost alot of people when you had ships casual players couldn't afford.

Personally I'm good either way as I know the Romulan admin for GW5 will give me a KHK or two.
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Re: For the love of all that is Holy.....
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2004, 06:20:33 pm »
Your input has been noted and will be given the appropriate ammount of consideration.

(Am I learning J'inn?)  ;D

I agree though, we went WAY too far on the OOB on this server.
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Re: For the love of all that is Holy.....
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2004, 06:37:40 pm »
Would someone please put up a server where you actully had to err well work to get a ship?
Don't take this wrong and I have to say the admins are doing a great job on everything else, but...
With in 24 hours of logging in to GW4, I could buy anything in the yards that I could buy with out begging my RMs for a ship.(even begging, I had the PP to buy the ships)
Don't get me wrong, my RMs are good guys and I have nothing against them, but the idea of having to ask someone else for a ship is not too cool. 
Anyone notice the fall off in players?
The current system promotes 2 classes of players.   But we are going to be down to one class of player real soon....
Again, this is not a slap at the RMs or Admins,  But for the regular joe player, this is getting pointless.  That's why regualr joe has left the building...
PS I cannot even buy a flipping mauler.....  what's up with that...

Know what you are taliing about JD.  However, I like the fact that non-S or C ships aren't too expensive.  In that way, players don't mind losing them and the pvps are a little more conclusive.

As for asking for an s or c ship ... again, I agree.  But the problem really seems to be players 'will' to ask for one (admitedly that is difficult if they are new).  All races (certainly the feds) have had ships in the docks just looking for someone to ask for it.  They simply needed to ask.

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Re: For the love of all that is Holy.....
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2004, 09:01:11 pm »
What about having both.

An OOB system assigning ships to players, and on top of that, a system where players 'qualify' to buy assigned ships at their leisure upon reaching a certain rank.
Assigned ships can be cheap, bought ships can be expensive (would require two entries in the shiplist). Gives both the nutter and the causal player an opportunity to fly what they like, yet still limiting a flood of big ships on the server. Restores meaning to working your way up the ranks again, and the value of prestige, yet still has the conceptual accuracy of an OOB. Perhaps it could be thought of that an 'Admiral' has accumulated enough personal wealth and holdings to call in favours and build his/her own ship.
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Offline kbf-jd

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Re: For the love of all that is Holy.....
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2004, 11:16:15 pm »
What about having both.

An OOB system assigning ships to players, and on top of that, a system where players 'qualify' to buy assigned ships at their leisure upon reaching a certain rank.
Assigned ships can be cheap, bought ships can be expensive (would require two entries in the shiplist). Gives both the nutter and the causal player an opportunity to fly what they like, yet still limiting a flood of big ships on the server. Restores meaning to working your way up the ranks again, and the value of prestige, yet still has the conceptual accuracy of an OOB. Perhaps it could be thought of that an 'Admiral' has accumulated enough personal wealth and holdings to call in favours and build his/her own ship.

Tracy & Green are right along what I was thinking.  make the "s" and "c" versions cheap and assigned.  Make the regular versions EXPENSIVE, say 70,000 to 100,000 pp for  a HBC 140K to 200K for a DN these numbers could easily be played with...   Just throwing something out there...

Thanks for thinking about it....


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Re: For the love of all that is Holy.....
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2004, 09:30:26 am »
I think we need to work on how often some ships appear in the shipyard. I suggest we make some of the smaller ships very rare since no one is going to buy them. It took me two days to find a FDW!