Topic: Looking for more Star Blazer's ships  (Read 866 times)

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Looking for more Star Blazer's ships
« on: November 26, 2004, 03:02:49 pm »
My brother is joing the ranks of SFC players but really is doing so to play Star Blazers ships. I have a very SMALL collection of Star Blazers ships but I lost some of them. Here's what I know exists:

Andromeda is around somewhere...


EDF Hornet by ??? Link is where???

Hollis J. Wood

Comet Empire city/moon Link is where???

Other folks are looking for these too. Please help if you can.

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Re: Looking for more Star Blazer's ships
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2004, 03:05:58 pm »
AtraHasis is the only one who has done any to date that I am aware of as well.
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