What make & model is your laptop? eBay is where I usually go when I need a specific laptop part.
It's for a class project in a marketing class I'm taking. We had to come up with a product to "market," so we came up with a laptop keyboard with LCD lit keys. SO, i was trying to find laptop keyboard prices to use as a base for pricing.
I believe what Punisher is saying is that most laptops are constructed together as unit by propriety companies like Dell. Unlike the Desktop market, which has a lot of independant part manufacturing companies, laptops are tricky to put together so they often come as one unit.
That could be a good thing for your project idea as their could be quite a market for customising laptops and trust me, typing on a black keyboard in the dark is hard work, I should have though of that before I bought one.

Anyway, best look up what I said as I've never owned a laptop and therefore don't have much knowledge in them. Good Luck!