Topic: Untitled  (Read 3689 times)

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Offline atraxerxes

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« on: March 16, 2005, 10:12:05 pm »
      Location: Senarius Prime; ISC Eastern Military Frontier, District Capitol
      Time: "Old Earth Time" 2292 A.D., March 2nd

            Yabrin sat within the transporter shuttle as it gently turned on its last course correction
for the planet's central landing facility. It had been four years since his departure from the confines
of known space for him, the ISC. And three months since his return, but those last three months had been the longest he had ever known. First there had been the recovery facility, then the rehabilitation facility, the doctors, the medical staff, the medications and exercises, and of course the
pain. Yes the pain, though the medical staffs had told him that in time the pain would lessen, and
they were correct, the physical pain had lessened. The pain of the lose of one's command, the crew, and the pain of failure would be a long time with him and he knew it. But now he was on his way to a very important meeting. A meeting that his superior's believed would dictate the course of events for the ISC for the foreseeable future.

            As the shuttle straightened out its course and began to hover and slowly descend to the landing pad, Yabrin wondered where it had gone wrong for him and his ship and those that accompanied him on thier great mission. Was it the enemy themselves, their strengths, their numbers ? Or was it just not planned properly from the beginning ? And the others, who were they, we had never known of them from the intelligence reports ? But as this  last thought crossed his mind a voice broke into his thoughts. "Sir, we have arrived." It was the shuttle's pilot standing above his seat looking concerned at him. "Yes, yes of course, just thinking." "Just let me get this and you can continue your flight plan." Yabrin reached over his body and retrieved his personal data pad from the left side of the side of the seat compartment. Normally he would have retrieved it with his left hand, but since he no longer had one it was becoming necessary to plan things that had gone unnoticed in life a little more carefully. Quickly taking the pad from its holding place Yabrin rose up and headed for the hatchway. As he reached the hatch the door detached and descended downward, stairs swung out from their concealment within the door its self, and Yarbrin exited the shuttle.

            Yabrin quickly descended the steps and began to look far a familiar face when from the left came a quick, harsh, military voice. "Squadron Commander, Captain Yabrin Tolluse?" Yabrin turned to see a Pronhoulites, a medium height Reptilian race that belonged to the ISC. " I am HisSiltha, and I am here to escort you to your meeting, please follow me." HisSiltha turned and began to walk towards a secured door to the left of the landing pad. As he followed HisSiltha, Yabrin thought, yes thay are related to the Gorn, but not as tall I think. Our science officers were correct in that at least.

            Both presented their identifications to the guards both on the inside and outside of the door. They traveled down a small hall to another door, where HisSiltha inserted a security card into the computer-reading device. the door opened and HisSiltha stepped aside to allow Yabrin to enter the room. " The Officer inside will complete your transit Sir. Good Day." With that HisSiltha turned and left Yabrin, with no more thought than the completion of any other duty would call for.

            Yabrin entered the room and scanned it quickly. Inside were a transporter tech, a medical tech, and a Security Officer. The Officer approached Yabrin and asked for his security identification classification and identification credentials. Satisfied the Officer turned to the medical tech and said, "Please take your readings now". The medical tech approached Yabrin, smiled and said "Good day Captain Yabrin, I will be taking some DNA readings and some medical security readings, please relax and it will not take long". Five minutes later the medical tech turned to the Security Officer nodded and saying " All medical readings are clear and DNA match is cinfirmed, Sir", stepped to the side of the room.

            "Thank you, Captain Yabrin please step on to the transporter pad." Yabrin began his ascent on to the pad and in a pleasent voice asked the Security Officer "Unusally tight security measures isn't it?" "Not really Sir, not in these times, and not in this case." The Security Officer smiled at Yabrin, turned and ordered the transporter tech to input the quordernates. With that done he looked once more at Yabrin, the smile was gone, and the stone face expression of the completion of duty had replaced it, just as it had with HisSiltha.

            Within half a heart beat Yabrin was in the light-surrounding cylinder of a transporter beam headed for his final destination. And when the heart beat ended he had arrived, and once more he was in a small room with three of his fellow ISC citizens, a transporter tech, a medical tech, and a Security Officer. And again the same routine happened, medical scannings, DNA readings, and finally the nod to the Security Officer. But this time the Security Officer did not smile but firmly said to Yabrin, "Please enter the next room, Sir, you will be called when they are ready for you". With that Yabrin descended the transporter pad and went though the opening door. Passing though he again took stock of his surroundings, a small, but comfrtale room, no art, no communication devices and no windows, just the small sitting area. And when he heard the door close behind him, no escape.

            It could have been an hour or it might have been two that Yabrin sat in that room, but finally he heard footsteps coming from behind a door opposite the one he had arrived though. Yabrin stood and straightened his uniform knowing that who ever was coming though the door would be taking him to the meeting he had come for. Half a moment later Yabrin stiffened to attention, saluted and said "Squadron Commander, Captain Yabrin Tolluse, reporting as ordered, Sir".

Though the door entered Fleet Admiral Hydos Liptor, Commander Eastern Military District, ISC. Hydos quickly returned Yabrin's salute and walked briskly towards Yabrin. "Yabrin, it's been a long time, how are you feeling son?" With that he put his hand on Yabrin's shoulder, a sign of familiarity, and a sign of trust. "I am fully recovered Sir, and I am ready for my next assignment". "Not so fast son, first thing first, we need you for something more important at the moment". Hydos removed his hand and motioned Yabrin closer. "I need you to give a full report of what happened out there, of what you saw, of what you did, of what went right and especially of what went wrong". "Inside are representatives of the Central ISC governing body, and they need to know, they need to hear it from the source, not in some dusty, flowery report". "But, Sir I have put everything in my first report, did they not read it ?" "Yes they did son" Hydos said, but then his expression changed from good-natured to deadly serious, "but they either don't believe it, or they don't understand it and can not accept it". "You see Yabrin, for too long they and the rest of the ISC have been safe, too safe. It's been a long time since we've been defeated, and in such away, it just dose not fit into their view of the galaxy". "And what dosen't fit into their view of reality dosen't exist to them". "But you and I are soldiers and we know defeat is a probability in all that we do, we live with it and we accept it".

            Yabrin lowered his head and looked towards the floor, but it wasn't the floor he was seeing, but the bright, hot flare as his ship exploded, that was what he was seeing. "Admiral, I too thought that we could not be defeated, but then .....". Yabrin raised his head and looked straight into the Admiral's eyes, no word issued from the ISC Captain's mouth, but the look, it was in his eyes. "Yes I know Yabrin" Hydos said, "so many lost, so much destroyed". "You will be stronger for it, I know this, I believe this, if not, you would not be here". "I need you to explain it all to them, make them understand, use small words if you have too, but make them understand". "The fools want us to return immediately, with no planning for these new events, they think if we send more ships we will win as we always have in the past". "No Admiral, we can not return, not now, not without the proper planning, and not without better ships". Yabrins expression had changed. From resignation to stone, the stone he had seen in the officers he had encountered all day. This was a duty he had to complete, and a victory he must win. "Yes that's what I need Yabrin, that voice, that conviction". "Give them that and they have no choice but to open their eyes". Hydos once more put his hand on Yabrin's shoulder. "Give me the time, give me this battle and we will return, and you will be there also". Admiral Hydos turned and walked briskly down the hall to the meeting room, behind him followed Captain Yabrin, just as briskly. Yabrin had purpose now, a purpose he had not known for many days. "Yes I will return", Yabrin thought "and I will be victorious".

            Six hours later, Earth standard time mesurement, a meeting on Senarius Prime; ISC Eastern Military Frontier, District Capitol ended. All parties returned to their points of departure with no security lapses. Orders were issued from ISC Central governing body within the month, and the gears of the Interstellar Concordium military's industrail machinery began to turn.


« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 09:46:11 pm by atraxerxes »

Offline atraxerxes

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Re: Untitled
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2005, 08:00:37 pm »
Location: Imperial Warship Draconus, Null Space.
Time: “Old Earth Time” 2293, January 13

   Weapons Officer James Septemus and the newly appointed Diplomatic Observer Frank Octius walked down the corridor of the Imperial Warship towards the ship’s centrally located Combat Control sphere. James had been down this corridor many times in his service on this ship, and as they walked he took little notice of his surroundings. But for Frank, this was his first time going to the sphere, in fact it was Frank’s first time being on a Imperial class Warship of any kind. And so as they walked and made small talk, his head turned from side to side taking in all the sights and sounds of this huge war vessel.

   “So Frank, first time in Null space, correct?” James said with a slight smile on his face. “Yes, and I am not very comfortable here, nor do I really understand the whole process, science was never my strong suit in school” Frank said. “That’s o.k. Frank” James said, knowing the frightening feeling one got being in Null space for the first time, even for the most knowledgeable about it. “We’re perfectly safe here in this ship”, James said. “And as to Null space, think of it like this. In all things there seems to be three parts. The Positive, the negative, and the Neutral. Null space is just the Neutral. And in it we can travel great distances without the sense of motion and without time elapsing.”

   “That’s what I don’t really grasp. The lack of motion and the time thing. And don’t even mention the color, gray, and no stars. It’s all so disconcerting.” Frank said. “How do you even navigate in all this great empty gray ugliness?” “Well Mr. Octius it happens like this” James said as he folded his hands behind his back while walking. “Long ago we discovered how our former enslavers had traveled in space, and how they had discovered a ancient marker system allowing this. When we over threw them and took over we too found the same system, and also how to make these markers. With these we also began to use Neutral space as away to travel, and so the Empire was born. A little simple, and a little short, but correct in all facts. Really you should study up on this, you’ll find all the facts on the computer network and I am sure the Science and Navigation Officers will be happy to help you.” James had made this kind of lecture may times to new recruits, and it gave him no end of entertainment to see the confusion in their faces. And this new Diplomatic Observer looked not only confused, but also downright scared.

   With this last thought James stopped at the end of the corridor, before him stood the reinforced blast doors of the Combat Control sphere. His face and mood now changed, straight to business, pure military. “O.k., Mr. Octius, inside is the Commander for this mission. He wants to brief you and feel you out a bit. Answer his questions and take his advice, learn from him and you’ll do fine.” With that last sentence James turned towards the door and said in a strong military voice, “Permission to enter, Sir.”

   Into the door entered Weapons Officer Septemus and Diplomatic Observer Octius. The room was bathed in a gentle light source, which took Frank a few moments to become accustomed to. As he scanned the room he saw stations for various controls, and in front of each station and connected to them by bio connections were operators. Though he did not know exactly what each one was, he knew there where stations for navigation, weapons, combat controls, science stations and more it would take a lifetime to learn. As he gazed around, to his side James had been quietly talking to one of the Imperial Marines that were stationed to the sides of the entranceway. Frank looked for the first time at the ships complement of Imperial Marines. Dressed in full combat armor and standing like metal statues, Imperial Marines were notorious for their lack of mercy. James had apparently finished his questioning, and the only answer he received was the marine pointing towards the central core of the complex.

   “Please follow me Mr. Octius” James said, and motioned him towards a central complex within the sphere. At the entrance to the central sphere within the Combat Control center stood not an Imperial Marine, but an Imperial Guardsman. Frank knew, as did every imperial citizen, where the marines lacked a reputation for mercy, Imperial Guardsmen did not know what the word meant. At the entrance way Weapons Officer Septemus presented his identification and told Frank to give over his also. With these scanned into the security computer, the Guardsmen stepped aside and allowed both officers to enter.

   “Sir, allow me to present to you the ship’s new Diplomatic Observer Frank Octius”, James said in a steady, firm military voice. Frank watched as a tall black chair swung around to show its occupant. Seated in the chair Frank meet for the first time the commander of this mission. Seated in the chair was not a young man, but not an old man. If Frank were to guess he would say the man was not yet in his fifties, but he could see and feel in him an age not counted in numbers.

   “Greetings Mr. Octius, I am Dux Militarius John Flavius, Commander of the 5th Imperial Fleet, once governor of the Imperial provinces of Galaticia and Bithia. But that was in the past now am just a Fleet Admiral. Funny how time changes things, and not always for the best.” So this was his new commander Frank thought, no ordinary military commander, but a Flavian, a member of one of the ruling families. What would he say, what would be the proper diplomatic phrasing?  And in the split second that these thoughts passed through Frank’s mind, he heard his own voice say “ My Lord, I am your servant”, and he bowed face towards the floor.

   “Yes Mr. Octius, I am your Lord, and you as all others on this ship serve me and this ship. And I, I serve the Emperor, so serve me and you serve the Emperor” John said. “I have downloaded a secure file into your personal data base, please study it. I will make use of your highly praised Diplomatic skills on this mission, so be ready.” With a little more small talk, John then dismissed the young Diplomat, and ordered one of the Command’s junior officers to escort him to his quarters.

   As he finally exited the Command sphere Frank thoughts raced, the man he had just meet, the ship he was on, everything was just happening too fast for him. And then it dawned on him, as he walked down the corridor with his escort, failure. This was no ordinary Diplomatic mission, nor was it just a military one, no this was important. Failure, any kind of failure would mean death.

   “Well James you think he’ll have a nervous breakdown before he reaches his quarters, or after he reads the mission brief?” The Dux’s face had a small devilish grin to it. “My guess my Lord is if you see again tomorrow and he’s still coherent he’ll be ok.” John laugh at that and finally so did James. It was customary for the military to drive the diplomatic core crazy. When the laughter died a sense of seriousness returned to the room. And James finally asked the question that had been nagging him since the beginning of the mission. “My Lord my I ask a question?” “Of course James, you and I have served many years together, I trust you and value your council” John said. James hesitated as he thought of a way to ask his question, and then finally said “ I understand the purpose of the mission, but I must ask you, is this not a great gamble on our part, maybe too great?”

    John thought for moment and leaned back in his chair as he stroked a finely trimmed beard. Many people had asked him this question, including the High council, and the Emperor himself had questioned him. “James I’ll tell you two reasons I believe we must chance this. First the old ones, the first who were slaves had a saying among themselves. “Those who do not dare and risk nothing will never gain anything.” Second, and this is not widely known outside the military, the transition of the Imperial planet took more out of us than anyone had believed it could. We need resources, we need time. Time to rearm, time to rebuild our forces, and finally time to regroup. If we pull this off, our enemies will be looking for elsewhere, not where we are. We can throw them off the scent at least for a while. And when we are ready we can make the final transition to the point of origin.” “But Sir” James said, “If this dose succeed will not the enemy be at Homeworld when transit?” “Yes. Yes they could James, but by then we will be ready for them. And remember all our thoughts and efforts are focused to the return to what you call “Homeworld”. All though our history, we have had no other purpose in life but to return to that from which we were taken from. As our fathers did this for us, and we shall do this for our children, as it has always been, until we finally return home.” James thought on this and finally saw that maybe the gamble was worth the reward, if it put him and his people closer to going back to Homeworld, any price would be paid.

    The Lord and his Weapon’s officer talked more of the thoughts of home, and of the history of their peoples struggle to return. As the conversation died down a sharp beeping sound emitted from John’s control council on his chair. “My Lord we have reached the point of transition to normal space” the voice said. “Thank you Navigator, please inform the Captain to make ready to transit to normal space. James please secure the Command center, I’ll be with you in a moment”, John said. Weapons Officer James Septemus saluted his Lord and exited the central sphere.

   The Imperial Warship Draconus hummed to life, and awoke like a beast from a long winters slumber, soon she and her crew would once again be in normal space, far from the galaxy they had originally left from.

   The Location: Null Space.
   The time: “Old Earth time measurement” 2293 A.D. January 13th.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 09:47:48 pm by atraxerxes »

Offline atraxerxes

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Re: Untitled
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2005, 08:17:39 pm »
Location: ISC Eastern Frontier; Military Exercise Zone.
Time: “Old Earth Time” 2293 A.D. January 20th

   Captain Yabrin Tolluse had taken command of the ISC Warship “Harmony” several weeks earlier this year. First it had surprised him that he had gotten a command so fast, and secondly it had surprised him that he had gotten command of such a powerful ship. The ISC “Harmony” was a newly constructed and commissioned I-CCZ class ship, and to him and his newly staffed crew, she was beautiful as well as deadly. But with all it’s deadly weapons systems she was still new, and so was her crew. They were trained, as all ISC crews were, but not in real life. And that’s why he and his ship were here, to train. This section of ISC space had long been used by ISC Captains to take their new ships out in and put them though their paces. And so they had been running exercises for the last 3 days, battle exercises, navigational and ship control exercises, emergency repair, emergency evacuation exercises, everything that he could think of and some that had not occurred to the ISC Military trainers before. Yabrin drove himself and his crew as if the combined forces of all the Alpha Empires were after him, and him alone. And so it began to show, his new crew were beginning to take shape, obeying orders without hesitation and becoming proficient at their and their comrade’s duties.

   “Navigation, set course for the weapons range, Weapons Officer, bring plasmas on line, I want to go though plasma exercises one more time before retuning to base”. “Yes Sir”, the answers had almost come in unison from the two officers, and it made Yabrin smile, yes this crew was shaping up very well indeed. The great bulk of the ship turned to starboard as the Helm Office and Navigation Officers set the course of the ship for the target range. For this small journey Yabrin allowed himself the time to read some of the Medical Officer’s reports on crew health and fitness. Half way though the report on emergency Medical exercises, a calm, but hesitant voice broke Yabrin’s concentration. “ Sir, I have a strange energy reading coming port side, approximately 1,000,000 units from our current position”, Yabrin looked up to see the Science Officer concentrating hard on the screens in front of him. “What kind of energy reading”, Yabrin asked? “Unknown, Sir” the Science Officer said as looked from panel reading to panel reading. “I can only say. Large, unknown, very powerful”. “Tactical, bring ship to condition red, Weapons Officer all weapons on line”, Yabrin turned and handed the data pad he was reading to his aid and said to the Navigation Officer, “Navigation set course for disturbance, Helm, make speed three quarters impulse. Navigation bring the ship to within 10,000 units of the disturbance and halt the ship. Tactical, set the forward shield to full strength and reinforce, Weapons, train all weapons to the disturbance, Science, begin sensor scans when we reach optimum range, Gentlemen lets treat this as a real threat!” Yabrin gave his orders in a calm, short manner and his crew obeyed will speed and effectiveness, whether this was a real threat or not, Yabrin was going to use this to gage the crew. And in the back of his mind, as if playing for the first time, was the lose of the last ship he commanded, “not again he thought, not ever again”.

   The Imperial War ship Draconus began to fade into normal space, the ship it’s self shimmered as if one were focusing a lens on an object that had gone out of focus. There was no discomfort to the crew, but the unnatural feeling it gave one took training to over come. Captain Matthew Marius, master of the Draconus, had been though this many times, but it still gave him that uneasy feeling, even after all these years. “Tactical, I want all shields up and at full strength once the transit is complete. Weapons, all weapons full charge, Science begin scanning the area to a quarter light year range. Communications scan all frequencies”. Matthew walked the circle to each station giving orders to each of the station’s occupants as he spoke. And as he pasted each station the occupant nodded in acknowledgement, no longer did his people need to push buttons or flip switches to activate the machinery, no the bio connections his people had developed rendered that obsolete. The mere thought from the operator gave the computer the instructions it needed, that and the speed of the mind itself made Imperial War ships lethally alive. As the last shimmer past the Draconus solidified and was now in normal space, and in that moment the Tactical Officer spoke. “Captain, target moving towards us, sub light speed.”  “Science” Matthews barked “full scan, Weapons, target that unknown”. “Weapons, belay that order”, Matthews turned to see who had dared to counterman his order, and standing to his right was the Dux Flavius. “ I am sorry Captain, the ship of course is still yours, but this is part of the mission, I will of course give the target to you if what I want to do fails”. “Of course my Lord, the Con is yours” Matthews said and stepped to the side of his commander. “Thank you Captain, Weapons target the unknown but do not lock, Science begin passive scans, and bury a override command in the scan, prepare to take over their computer systems on my command.” The commands were processed and cared out almost the instant they had been thought, the ship Draconus waited for the unknown to approach and Dux Flavius waited to see if what he had come so far for could be accomplished.

   “Sir, we have reached position,” Navigation said. “What is that?” it was the Communication Officer that Yabrin was hearing. “Science report” Yabrin said as he and the rest of the command crew was fixated on the image on the forward view screen. “Unknown Sir, I just can’t read it, I don’t understand all our scans are being reflect right back at us.” “Easy crewman, find out what you can. Tactical, what can you tell me.” Yabrin said as he swung his chair to face his Tactical Officer. The Tactical Officer looked up from his panel and spoke, “We have not been targeted that much I can tell, but as to weapons, shields, all my scans are being reflected back also.” “Sir!” the Science Office had practically screamed, “We’re being passively scanned.” “Alright, Communications send a report back to base and try to hail that ship, Weapons give me a lock on that ship” Yabrin said as he swung his chair around again to face the view screen.

   “Science report” Dux John said. “They are attempting to scan us, all scans are being reflected back.” “Sir”, “Yes Tactical” John said, “Target is attempting to gain a weapons lock on us, also I detect a communication beam.” “Communications” the Dux said, “Block all Communications in this area, Science can we now override their computers?” “Yes my Lord, I have all necessary data now.” Very well John thought lets see if this will work. The Dux walked over to the science station, “Take over their computers, shut all systems down except for life support and artificial gravity, and get me a language translation.” With the order came the thought, with the thought came the action, and a tight blue green beam shot out form the Draconus and struck the ISC ship.

   “Sir, still attempting weapons lock” the Tactical Officer said, “but the reflection of scans is interfering.” “Sir communications are being blocked” the Communication Officer said. “Sir target has just launched a beam at us!” and now the Science Officer was screaming, and screaming in fear. Yabrin swung his chair around to face both the Science and Tactical Officers and said “Is it a weapon?” No sooner than the word weapon left the ISC Captain’s mouth than ever thing happened at once. The engines shut down, weapons went off line, shields drop, and communications went down, if fact the whole ship just turned off, everything except for life support and gravity no longer worked. Yabrin and his entire command deck crew and the rest of his ship sat or stood in a dark unpowered ship, no weapons, no shields, nothing. Yabrin turned to face the view screen expecting to see the unknown ship launching a full attack at his helpless ship, and he thought to himself “all I went though, just to die here, in my own space by another unknown.”

   “Science your report” The Dux said, “Completion of commuter shut down accomplished Sir, all systems down except for life support and gravity.” The Dux turned and spoke to one of the Marine guards at the Combat Control sphere’s door, “have the Diplomatic Observer escorted here”, “Communication establish a link to the target, blank screen, text only.” Now we’ll see what we will see John thought, “Communications, status?” “We have established link Sir”. “Good, send this message exact words” the Dux said and smiled, this in a perverse way this was fun.

   “Sir, unknown target has just established a communication link with us, text only.” “Can you put it on main viewer Communications?” “Yes Sir” the Communications Officer said, “I don’t know how, but when link was established view screen became operational”. “Very well, lets see what they have to say, and Tactical see if the crew can begin manual escape procedures.” “Yes Sir” the Tactical Officer said and began the task of passing face to face orders to the bridge crew and to have it relayed from deck to deck. “Sir text ready for display” the Communication Officer said, and punched the message transfer to the main view screen. Yabrin sat motionless as he read the message scrolling across his ship’s screen, in fact he had to read it several times before the words began to sink in, it was not a threat and not a demand for surrender. It really made no sense, but there it was, “GREETINGS WE ARE KNOWN AS THE TRADERS, WE HAVE COME TO TRADE. WOULD YOU CARE TO LOOK AT OUR MERCHANDISE?”

« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 09:49:14 pm by atraxerxes »

Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: Untitled
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2005, 10:43:17 pm »
First off, atraxerxes, welcome to the fanfic forum. ;D

Now, before I say anything else, I have a recommendation. Put a double space between your paragraphs, so one paragraph is two lines below the preceding one, instead of simply the next paragraph down. I was able to get through the first part all right, but I found it very hard to focus on the second and third parts because all the text seemed to just run together.

If you'll do that, I'll come back and offer you some more detailed feedback-- I don't want to do so until I've read the entire thing, and the second and third parts are just too hard to focus on without some breaks in the text.
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline atraxerxes

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Re: Untitled
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2005, 09:52:01 pm »
     Thank You, sorry about that I was pasting from what I wrote at home and the trying to check for mistakes in content. But I do see what you mean. I'll remember that on my work before I post again.

Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: Untitled
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2005, 10:25:20 pm »
Hey, no problem, glad to be of assistance. It's much better now, by the way, thanks. I don't have time tonight, but tomorrow I'll try to read the rest of it and give you some feedback.
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."