Just a quick update, GAFY?'s textures look good on here too

I blended the center strut in with the rest, its not perfect but in-game it looks great - i will release both texture sets so everyone can pick and choose (cheers MP, i'll PM you a download link for the registry changes when i get permissions sorted)

All im waiting for now is permission to use the center strut (it was from one of WickedZombie's older Miranda's) and double check with GAFY? and i can spam with a release.
Apart from an upcoming Cheetah Class and possibly the FCF above, this will be the last Fed from me for a while (except that idea you had, Dizzy

not forgotten that at all, thats something seperate from my normal list) as i have finally cleared the Fed request list i had for the last 5 months. I'm still desperately hoping someone makes a new Knox out of P81's D2 Miranda so i can finish a few projects that require its hull (Athabaska anyone?) but otherwise, some Klinks of my own and some that people requested will now be in the works for the future.