Topic: Rickover and FCF-ish Released:  (Read 4202 times)

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Offline Wolfsglen

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Rickover and FCF-ish Released:
« on: November 23, 2004, 03:27:24 pm »
Damn did i get delayed releasing this or what! - still has Miranda registries, but i will leave changing them to someone far more competent than me. This finishes my work on all Federation vessels for the immediate future except for 3 FBB's (one which Dizzy came up with and deserves some real time sank into it, and two others which are completely finished but im not sure if they are release-worthy at the moment) and possibly a Cheetah Class next week.

Download Here:

And now for something completely different - a quickie alternative FCF made with some conventional parts, namely a Constitution with torp launcher from Firesouls proper FCF with Constellation warps and Belknap "beefy" struts. Its an FCF for us boring old farts  :o

Download Here:
« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 11:26:13 am by Wolfsglen »

Offline Bernard Guignard

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2004, 05:20:47 pm »
Hi Wolfglen
   that is some sweet work there Thanks a lot for creating the Rickover. I'm looking forward to downloading her when she is ready.
Thanks for sharing the pictures and the Fast cruiser it looks great also.

Offline Chrystoff

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2004, 05:53:41 pm »
WOW! Great work! I want them both!

Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2004, 06:25:12 pm »

Go ahead, the one Models Please released should work for it, those were adjusted for the phaser mounts on the model. I also think I gave him blanks for those as well.
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Offline Wolfsglen

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2004, 07:23:12 pm »
Cheers GAFY  ;D Center pylon will need to be done seperate as its a different bit of mesh to the original, but it will be easy enough to match up once i've checked other permissions for release.

Now all that remains, is to somehow cunningly nag the kitbash/moddeling pro's here to make a proper Knox frigate out of P81's Miranda...i have the older one he did lurking around, but its looking hideously dated. I like the Knox...and have some sneaky plans for its hull in something else too before i move away from Feds for a while...

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2004, 07:34:06 pm »
Don't know about the knox Frigate, but the one Models Please released did have a center warp, that i am pretty sure was corrected already texture wise, Comanche_retextured was the name I believe. It is not quite the new style I am using now but it can be converted for the saucer pretty quickly, though the rest will require time. Eventually I will release a Miranda using this new pattern but it will probably have to wait until the new year starts before I can finish it.
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Offline Wolfsglen

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2004, 07:44:49 pm »
Nah not the warp m8, thats fine as is, i know about MP's comanche as im the one who bashed it up hehe, i mapped the original Comanche hack with a new center warp texture with the blue on both sides, its the actual pylon holding it thats different in this Rickover...the Comanche i bashed used the standard miranda rollbar so didnt need any new textures...this one has a new center bit mesh from another model that the warp is attached to since the existing ones were too problematic to adapt, and will stay the same gray color even with the other textures dropped in.

But its a tiny texture that will be easy as hell to match up with the rest.

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2004, 08:11:39 pm »
Nah not the warp m8, thats fine as is, i know about MP's comanche as im the one who bashed it up hehe, i mapped the original Comanche hack with a new center warp texture with the blue on both sides, its the actual pylon holding it thats different in this Rickover...the Comanche i bashed used the standard miranda rollbar so didnt need any new textures...this one has a new center bit mesh from another model that the warp is attached to since the existing ones were too problematic to adapt, and will stay the same gray color even with the other textures dropped in.

But its a tiny texture that will be easy as hell to match up with the rest.

If that is the same pylon from the side of the Miranda then, this guy might have what you are after. If not if you can tell me what ship it is from I will see if I have it.

that model can be downloaded from here
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Offline Wolfsglen

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2004, 08:59:32 pm »
Ooh thats nice! But definitely not what i nabbed the pylon from, its another Miranda by someone trying to track down a readme for the model so i can check permissions for a release tho.

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2004, 12:36:29 am »
Post a picture of the one you used. Someone here will morethan likely recognize it.
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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2004, 01:30:44 am »
U are a machine, Wolfsglen. Let me know when u r done so we can finish our unfinished business. ';)

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2004, 06:18:20 am »
Magnificent............can't wait till ya release 'em. And if ya want new registries on 'em catch me next week.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline Wolfsglen

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2004, 02:57:03 pm »
Just a quick update, GAFY?'s textures look good on here too  ;D I blended the center strut in with the rest, its not perfect but in-game it looks great - i will release both texture sets so everyone can pick and choose (cheers MP, i'll PM you a download link for the registry changes when i get permissions sorted)

All im waiting for now is permission to use the center strut (it was from one of WickedZombie's older Miranda's) and double check with GAFY? and i can spam with a release.

Apart from an upcoming Cheetah Class and possibly the FCF above, this will be the last Fed from me for a while (except that idea you had, Dizzy ;) not forgotten that at all, thats something seperate from my normal list) as i have finally cleared the Fed request list i had for the last 5 months. I'm still desperately hoping someone makes a new Knox out of P81's D2 Miranda so i can finish a few projects that require its hull (Athabaska anyone?) but otherwise, some Klinks of my own and some that people requested will now be in the works for the future.

Offline Chrystoff

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2004, 06:41:27 pm »
Apart from an upcoming Cheetah Class and possibly the FCF above, this will be the last Fed from me for a while (except that idea you had, Dizzy ;) not forgotten that at all, thats something seperate from my normal list) as i have finally cleared the Fed request list i had for the last 5 months. I'm still desperately hoping someone makes a new Knox out of P81's D2 Miranda so i can finish a few projects that require its hull (Athabaska anyone?) but otherwise, some Klinks of my own and some that people requested will now be in the works for the future.
Well, I really am hoping for that FCF. I already have a place all picked out for it!  And, of course, the elusive Athabaska... 8)

Offline Wolfsglen

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP (GAFY? and Regular)
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2004, 06:48:04 pm »
Hehe well no prob then, i'll release the FCF for ya too..was going to eventually, just not sure when, but i'll get it out for this weekend at the latest.  ;D

Offline Chrystoff

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP (GAFY? and Regular)
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2004, 09:52:37 pm »
Hehe well no prob then, i'll release the FCF for ya too..was going to eventually, just not sure when, but i'll get it out for this weekend at the latest.  ;D
Excellent!! :drink:

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP (GAFY? and Regular)
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2004, 12:36:51 am »
You have my blessing but you are using the older saucer rim texture. There is a newer one than that along with a replacement light map for the FCL3 and FCL3i.

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Offline Wolfsglen

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP (GAFY? and Regular)
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2004, 03:51:25 am »
Ah sweet, thanks GAFY i'll slap it in there too  ;D

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP (GAFY? and Regular)
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2004, 06:34:06 am »
Awesome ships Wolfsglen sir !!!!!!

Any chance on getting this beastie?

Can't wait to grab these three.
 :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Attn Bernard Guignard: Rickover WIP (GAFY? and Regular)
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2004, 11:57:58 am »
Ah sweet, thanks GAFY i'll slap it in there too  ;D

Looking at things again...
You also need the FCL1 and FCL 2 I gave to Models Pleases' Comanche. They are adjusted for the Phaser mounts, so they will not be black anymore. Either that or PM me a E-mail Address That can handle 3+ megs and I will send the textures to you.

People always said they wanted the government to listen to them and now the government is listening, taking notes and names...and coming to see you soon!

America-Not the land of the free anymore...
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