Topic: Commander, Federation DNH class Dreadnought detected at maximum sensor range...  (Read 1090 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Stardate 2282.284. Praetor class RIS Molly Hatchet, Sector 10.12, Federation interior occupation zone, former Klingon-Romulan bridge area.

    Commader Dizzy's personal log file, Stardate 2282.284:

    The Federation has come down hard on our stretched thin forces linking our two empires and has split us down the middle. Tholian and Federation space are now in between what was once thought to be an unpenatrable Coalition bridge. My ship, the Flagship of the Romulan Navy, finds herself damaged, and cut off from Romulan space. My orders have carried me to the far western fringes of the Klingon borders to stall Federation offesives there, yet when I attempt to return home, I see the way blocked. No good deed goes unpunished so it seems.

    To make matters worse, in leading this Praetor class dreadnought across battlezone after battlezone laying wasted all that I encountered, I now find my ship without any spares or mines and significant damage has been sustained. I am in dire need to refit at spacedock, and now find myself in what was once thought to be a 2x sector wide federation grip on our former bridge extended to 3. As it is stands now, I am deep in federation controlled space attempting to cross this perilous expanse to the safety of the Romulan Empire and if we can only make it undetected... I fear if we are caught, there will be no way for us to disengage... It will be a fight to the death.

On the bridge of the RIS Molly Hatchet...

"Commander, Federation DNH class Dreadnought detected at maximum sensor range...!" The sensor officer had little to work with as long range detection had been compromised by battle damage. The RIS Molly Hatchet's maximum sensor range was acting more like intermediate range sensors.

Commander Dizzy whirled around to the cloaking statioin. "Engage cloaking device!" Let us be prayful the Praetor's luck is bestowed upon us!"

As the lights noticeably dimmed on the bridge as the cloaking device was activated, the Comms officer chimmed in, "Commander, incoming message from the 'T J's Hooker'. They are hailing YOU, sir. By name. The sender says he is Admiral Die Hard.

Fantasstic... Dizzy thought. All was quiet on the fronts, no reports of activity anywhere. And this moment... at this time... in this place... What are the odds of this? "Disengage cloaking device. Navigation, plotting solution parallel to perpendicular relative to the DNH and keep us moving toward Romulan Space. Confirm."

"Navigation responding Commander... Sir, the DNH is already perpendicular to us and is moving away coreward towards the Federation interrior. they are not moving to intercept."

"Interesting. Maintain optimum course and speed, got to Yellow Alert." Commander Dizzy repressed a slight grin. "Comms officer, open hailing frequencies. Put on main viewer."

"Yes Commander. Channel open and secured. Main viewer activated. Comms awaiting your command."

Dizzy depressed a key on his command chair. The viewer came to life picturing a constricted and uninteresting view of what appeared to be personal quarters, definitely not the bridge of the DNH 'T J's Hooker'. There sat Admiral Die Hard smug and smiling. As he should be. He was the countless opponent of endless engagements that saw him the victor. "Greetings from Romulus, Die Hard. It is good to see you so unexpectedly again. I quite relished our last engagement when you and your Captain Nemo in his BCFF fled before myself and Commander Firesoul. It is not becoming of you to run off the battlefield screaming like a little girl. The moral loss... should be staggering, Die Hard. Are you losing your touch?"

"Insolent as usual, Dizzy. You never fail to surprise me. I still cannot believe they trusted you with the Praetor's most precious ship. I'd say they are getting desperate. Are they running short of starship captains, pehaps? I hear there are quite a few standout picks from the Orion smugglers group just dieing to get their hands on the controls of a Romulan garbage scowl."

"Indeed, Admiral. I see you have been reading your propaganda comic books again. Let me assure you that that is not the case. Forgive me of our termination of pleasantries, as I have more important things to attend to like getting back to my bath. So tell me Admiral, why are you not challenging my incursion deep in Federation space. Two flagships crossing paths so close, yet so far away?"

"Tell me why you cloaked and I'll tell you why I'm not engaging. You knew I had you on sensors long before you cloaked. What are you up to?"

"Puzzles, Admiral. We are testing your ability to determine how far away you can detect us cloaking. Thank you for confirming our projections of your expected techniological limitations. I salute you."

"Ahh, puzzles indeed. Okay, then... I have a date. I cannot stay. There are more important things in this world, Dizzy, than stopping you from harmlessly crossing back to your home space. You have my belssings this once."

"My thanks to you for what is not needed. I am disappointed we will not see battle today." Dizzy let out an inward sign of relief careful not to let down his poker face. "Puzzles, puzzles. Let me leave you with one, Admiral before we part."

"That would be most fascinating, Commander. I didn't know you had the knack for puzzle solving. Er wait. You want me to solve it for you. Heh, how predictable. Okay, shoot."

"A man dies of thirst in his own home. Hows is this possible?" Dizzy shifts in his chair and motions an order toward his navigations station. "With that, I bid you farewell. If you solve my puzzle, I shall give you a bottle of Romulan ale on me our next encounter. Till next time, Admiral."

"Fly Fed, Dizzy!"

"Eat Plasmam Die Hard!"


Sub Commander Rebekah, you have the Molly Hatchet Continue on present course. And praise be to the Praetor. Luck has not failed us...

Offline Green

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Very nice work ... just wondering, was it based on an actual event?

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Very nice work ... just wondering, was it based on an actual event?

Yeah, I flew past Dizzy on my way back to a base whil he was behind the lines.   I had just done a DB clean and had to sign off because I had to get to the bank before it closed  ;D

Dizzy puts is much more poeticly . . .
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .