Topic: Romulan Peaceful Observatory Base about to fall to Federation Assault Force (RP)  (Read 1296 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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The Romulan Times
Stardate 2285.124
A special editorial by Dizzy of Romulus.

Romulan Peaceful Observatory Base 28,6 was under heavy attack. Reported ships in the area were a DNH, a BCV, a Carrier and a CL class warship.

An urgent plea for help was repeatedly sent out on all Romulan frequencies hoping that someone would come to their aid. However, the defenses of the base were so low, it could fall at any moment. To make matters worse, all sectors around the base were completely surrounded and heavily controlled by the Federation. The Romulan women and children of this peaceful observatory at 28,6 ware cut off and had little hope of anything save becoming Federation slaves in their dreaded minning camps.

There was, however, one single ship in the area that picked up the distress call. TacoBell's KRCS. The hour of decision was nigh and the command was given. TacoBell ordered his brave and gallant crew of the Molly Hatchet II into harms way. TacoBell knew this would likely mean the death of himself his crew and ship, but the pleas of innocent women and children could not be ignored.

Without hesitation, or fear, Commander TacoBell charged into heavily contested Federation controlled space. The ensuing fight was bloody and vicious, but TacoBell emerged victorious and had made it through the outer Federation controlled sector to Peaceful Observatory Base 28,6.

The Base, however, was under heavy assault by the bulk of the Federation Attack Fleet. Upon seeing TacoBell emerge in system, the Federation insurgents sent a lone BCV commanded by Captain Deadmansix to intercept.

The battle unfolded in close proximty to the systems's sun, far away from the dreaded and savage attacks the Federation were inflicting on Peaceful Observatory Base 28,6. What followed was a daring show of boldness and ingenuity on the part of Captain TacoBell. With an amazing display of dizzying tactics and bravado, the BCV was mercilessly dispatched, all crew aboard apparently killed.

The Federation, upon recieving news of their felled BattleCarrier, immediately broke off attack on Peaceful Observatory Base 28,6 and proceeded to intercept and destroy TacoBell's KRCS. But TacoBell was too crafty and managed to evade his enemies using clever cloaking tactics. In what will become a legendary and often spoken of rescue, TacoBell managed to sneak past the Federation Attack Fleet and rescue ALL of Peacful Observatory 28,6's women and children and then proceeded to warp out of the system.

All was not well, however as the dragnet of the dreaded Federation Fleet was quickly deployed thoughout the area in order to snag TacoBell's ship and capture and put into oppression the women and children he and his crew valiantly rescued from the now doomed Peacful Observatory Base 28,6 before it could make it back to the haven of Romulan space. And in this, the Federation were nearly successful. The DNH commanded by Captain DrAzteca was lying in wait in the Nebula just spinward of Peaceful Observatory Base 28,6.

TacoBell, realizing his ship and crew were haggard and distraught from days of endless combat and sacrifice, his ship ragged and torn from photon and phaser blasts, his supplies and spares all but exhausted and depleted... knew now was not the hour of dispair. He knew after all obstacles that were put in his path, all the odds against him, ill fate itself had been seized by his hand and he had triumphed throughout despite it all. And he would not fail here either.

With sheer reckless abandon, The Molly Hatchet screamed toward the DNH, Plasma Torpedoes overloaded, Phaser crews at the ready... Closer, closer the two ships came until... unbelieving to everyone's eyes, the Nebula flared, the gases exploded and all was obscurred! The Molly Hatchet had done the impossible! She had lost her adversary in a maelstrom and torrent of continual electronic static and interference.

False ship readings abound, then there! The DNH had shown to be destroyed! Althought this could not be confirmed, as TacoBell had tempted fate once too often this journey, he chose the better part of valor and quickly returned to the safety of Romulan space a hero, and a savior. The women and children of Peaceful Observatory Base 28,6 were once again safe and secure from the tyranny of the Federation.

Praise be to the Praetor! The Romulan Empire shall prevail

Offline FPF-Wanderer

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Excerpts of the Broadcast of Radio Free Romulus
Stardate 2285.130

...The recent edition of "The Romulan Times", reporting a Federation attack of a "peaceful observatory base" in sector 28,6 is simply nothing more than the usual propaganda that everyone has come to expect from the Romulan Ministry of "Truth".

The real truth of the matter is that this "observatory" was originally a Federation base station situated along what was the original border of the Neutral Zone between Romulan and Federation space.  In an unprovoked attack, Romulan military forces stormed across the Neutral Zone and captured this base that legally belonged to the Federation under the terms of the Treaty of Algeron.

And, in direct contravention of the Prisoner of War clause of the treaty, all Federation personnel serving at Base Station 10, as well as numerous civilian family members, were put to death en masse after surrendering to the Romulan forces.

Citizens of the Romulan nation, will you continue to allow such acts of atrocity to be carried out in your name?  Rise up, and overthrow the brutal regime that has tarnished your good name to the rest of the quadrant! Join the rest of the civilized nations of the galaxy in peace and prosparity...
Alliance SAC, SG4 / Alliance SAC, RDSL / Federation A/RM: AOTK, SSII, GW4 / Federation Chief of Staff / Member of the Flying Circus / Alliance Map Guy

Offline KBF-Nail

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Good Reading! Keep it Up.

Offline Villa64

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Cut and pasted from  Sorry, no links.

Lose Fat in 30 Days!                                     printable version->>

Headlines this Hour:

--Fed President Declares Victory from CV

--Errant Fed Photon Kills 50 Roms at Wedding

--A Day in the Life of a Novahawk Freedom Fighter

--CLC Crew Refuses to Run the 'Tholian Corridor"

--KCW not a Mistake, says Admin

--Fed Election Count in Doubt

--Fed Admiral Claims Photons dont contain Depleted Uranium

--Rom Baby-Milk Factory Mistakenly ID'd as WMD, Bombed


Do you want accurate news from the front quickly?  Click here., The Right Choice

<thought that I'd 'hot & spicy' this thread up a little.  -Villa>
Engaging the precious snowflakes of the world.

Offline madelf

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Great post Diz!   ;D

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Good stuff!  I miss this RP junk from the old days.  I t makes me happy, like those little pills. 
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Good show, Villa! 

Keep up the RP!!!
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