The "Atra" style windows are a double edged sword. I personally like them, alot of people i know do not. In version 2 of my connie i used the atra style windows. In fact i used the windows off his Detroyat model slightly modified, and bussard caps from Andurils connie, because back in 2000 i had VERY bad texturing skills. Alot has changed since then

Getting back to the point, The majority of people that didn't like the atra windows said they made the ship look too cartoonish (where they got that from i have no clue). Others were just "purist" that wanted the ship to look as if it just came off the TV show. Film grain, bad lighting, and all

I'm still considering doing the "Atra" style, but in the way Greg Jien did with the TnT ship. On the front saucer windows you can see a shadow of what looks like a person standing at the window. That is a cool effect IMO. Not a clear window, but clear enough to see silhouette's, and shadows.
Now for the Impulse engine exhaust.... That part of the ship as you can see I'm going way off canon with. On the studio model there is a slight depression on the vents that is hardly noticeable from a distance, because the vents are black. I chose to do a TMP style exhaust with a red glow, and make the engines set deeper inside. I chose a red glow because the ST:TMP connie is supposed to be the TOS connie. Refit and redesigned, but retaining some components of the original ship. Basically the next step in its evolution. The glow is there, but you can hardly see in the renders, because of the way the light is pointing. In game the glow will be much brighter.
LOL i feel like I'm writing a "how to build" a connie novel here

Anyways.. i got an opinion to ask. On the nacelle pylon outboard sides, there are 3 windows. Why they are there to begin with is beyond me, but they are there. Should they be Lit, or should i leave em black?