Topic: PBR League Update  (Read 5324 times)

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Offline GDA-Kel

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« on: November 22, 2004, 02:32:33 pm »

Here's the latest on the status of the league:

1.  I am still aiming for a Dec 1 'opening day' per se. 

2.  We still have several fleets that have not posted rosters.  Please post your roster prior to Dec 1 if at all possible. 

3.  Match terms will be posted prior to Dec 1.

3A.  I anticipate finishing the season by the last week of February.  That gives us almost 12 weeks to fly 10 matches with two weeks off for the Holidays.  Playoffs still to be determined, but should not take more than another two weeks or so.     

3B.  Even though the schedule says 'week #1,' 'week #2' and so on, fleets may fly any match at any time.  Hopefully, this should keep the season moving forward.       

4.  I have decided that terrain will NOT be a random chance.  Of the 30 possible games (3 games x 10 matches), 14 will be open, 8 planets, and 8 asteroids. 

5.  I will use the TBPV min/max per era parameters from GZ. 

6.  Era will also NOT be a random chance.  Of the 30 possible games (3 games x 10 matches), 6 will be Early, 9 will be Mid, 9 will be Late, and 6 will be Advanced. 

7.  I will shamelessly copy the League rules from the GZ site over here.  All rules in force for GZ Cycle 3 will be in force for Winter '04-'05 Season.  Obviously, PBR will be in effect. 

8.  I will admin this League, but I will not mediate disputes, nor make any summary judgements.  A panel of the 8 Fleet Reps will decide all rule interpretations, resolve disputes, etc. by a simple majority vote.  Note I am NOT the Fleet rep for GDA.  Kroma is, so I get NO vote in any 'resolutions' or rule interpretations, etc.  In the event of a 4-4 tie, I will break the tie if required.  I like the idea of 'separation of powers.' 

9.  If anyone has a problem with items #1-8 above, let's talk about it now, before the season starts.  Nothing is set in stone at this point.

10.  I will not have internet access from Tuesday, Nov 23rd through Saturday, November 27th (I'll be out of town), so if you post or PM with a questions/concern/comment and I don't respond, I'm not ignoring you.
Gorn Dragon Alliance

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2004, 03:41:35 pm »

4.  I have decided that terrain will NOT be a random chance.  Of the 30 possible games (3 games x 10 matches), 14 will be open, 8 planets, and 8 asteroids. 


Hey!!!! What the hell happened to my blackhole????  <snicker>
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Offline GDA-Kel

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2004, 03:42:58 pm »

4.  I have decided that terrain will NOT be a random chance.  Of the 30 possible games (3 games x 10 matches), 14 will be open, 8 planets, and 8 asteroids. 


Hey!!!! What the hell happened to my blackhole????  <snicker>

Did we decide to include black hole terrain?  If so, what else am I missing?  I can redo the terrain distribution.....
Gorn Dragon Alliance

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2004, 04:05:38 pm »

4.  I have decided that terrain will NOT be a random chance.  Of the 30 possible games (3 games x 10 matches), 14 will be open, 8 planets, and 8 asteroids. 


Hey!!!! What the hell happened to my blackhole????  <snicker>

Did we decide to include black hole terrain?  If so, what else am I missing?  I can redo the terrain distribution.....

I believe we had it for cycle 3. Maybe lower Open to 12 and add 2 Blackholes.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2004, 05:18:55 pm »
The only terrain that hasn't ever been included is Nebula.  Ion Storm was in a couple times, but I think by and large that one is not preferred.

Offline [ISC]Phaser

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2004, 07:29:01 pm »

Since we are copying the rules from gz is the adv matches still to be played in late era? if so why would we need to include adv era in the terms.. in cycle 3 late era matches were mostly 1st gen ships anyways if we could afford them " i was just curious" also i noticed that the new PPD rule has NOT been updated on the matrix as of yet...

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2004, 07:40:35 pm »
The PBR stuff will be updated over Thanksgiving holiday, when I have ample time off.

Kel - if you copy the GZ rules straight over, you need to be aware that those things were never updated since before cycle one started.  You might want to eyeball them and look for obvious omissions, for example: the fact that, as of cycle 3, the 2nd Gen X ships (the actual Advanced era ships) were considered verboten, and all the 1st Gen X ships were restricted to the 'Advanced Era' matches.

That is, I think, what Phaser is inquiring about. 

Offline Green

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2004, 09:26:39 pm »

Since we are copying the rules from gz is the adv matches still to be played in late era? if so why would we need to include adv era in the terms.. in cycle 3 late era matches were mostly 1st gen ships anyways if we could afford them " i was just curious" also i noticed that the new PPD rule has NOT been updated on the matrix as of yet...

Thought Late Era was just that, late era ships; and Adv Era was First Gen X.

Offline 2Hot2Handle

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2004, 11:02:16 pm »
Yeah from what I recall Green is correct. Late era matches excluded 1st gens and advanced allowed 1st gens only.

Offline GDA-Kel

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2004, 11:47:39 am »
Match terms have been added to the Schedule thread.  Additional rules have been added to the Rules thread.  A sample match negotation thread has been posted.

If anyone has any remaining issues with any aspect of the League.....speak now or forever hold your peace.

Otherwise, we are 'GO' for launch on Dec 1.  Fleet reps may begin scheduling matches at that time. 

I even managed to get a post on the front page for our little adventure here :)

Good Luck to all Fleets!         
Gorn Dragon Alliance

Offline Mutilator

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2004, 12:28:19 pm »
Excellent Kel! See everyone on the battlefield.

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Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2004, 02:10:00 pm »
I did not get to update the PBR rules/matrices over the weekend.  I OD'd on tryptophan.

I'll try to get them updated this evening...

Offline GDA-Kel

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Re: PBR League Update
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2004, 01:32:55 pm »
A couple of general points in response to various comments in multiple threads.....

1.  Teams may fly matches as fast as they can get them scheduled.  I allowed enough time in the schedule for around 1 per week with time off around the Holidays.  This will get us to playoffs near the end of February.  If a team is motivated and is willing to fly multiple matches per week...more power to them.  The downside is they finish their schedule early and have 2 or 3 weeks off at the end of the season prior to playoffs. 

2.  As a general principle, I will not propose rule changes in mid-season.  Mid-server changes have killed several good D2 servers due to bad feelings generated.  It would have to be a very serious cheat/bug in order for me to even consider it.  Even then, I would not make a change without a majority vote by the fleet reps.  If you have concerns/suggestions, anyone is free to post them here or you may PM me if you wish.   

3.  If it's PBR related...Jakle is the final authority.  The ruleset is his creation, and I will defer to him.  Referring to item #2 above, changes to PBR rules/matrices with respect to the current season would also require serious thought and a majority vote.  Discussing tweaks for next season is encouraged.

4.  Regarding the carrier/tender thread started by Corbomite and the PBR v4.0 thread stated by Jakle.  Has anyone ever worked for a boss (who may or may not be a good boss), that doesn't know how things really work?  That's me.  I play this game.  I do not know the shiplist inside and out.  Other than Gorn, I do not know a good ship from a bad one.  I did not play SFB, so I do not own any of the 'source material' often quoted within these forums.  This is sounding familiar.  Have I said this before? 

Anyway...Corbo says 'Let's do A.'  Kroma says 'No...I like 'B' better.'  Jakle says 'C is SFB source...'  You guys may as well be talking Greek as far as I'm concerned.  I will pay attention to all threads and if enough consensus is reached on a suggestion/issue, then I will chime in and call for a vote.  That's about the best I can do, since I do not possess the detailed knowledge that others do. 

5.  The one thing I do see happening is 'scope creep.'  We just added a rule for Fast Cruisers.  Now we're talking about the legal combos used with carriers and/or tenders.  Someone else mentioned escorts being a certain hull class lower than what they're escorting (or something like that).  Soemone else suggested using pirate ships as well as your chosen race.  That's all fine if that's what the majority wants.  The downside of adding additional rules for the sake of 'realism' or 'gameplay' is that fleets would need at least one person to be a subject matter expert.  Picking a legal combo becomes that much harder, especially for folks like me.  Maybe I'm in the minority, and most (or all) of you understand all the nuances of the game/shiplist much better than me. 

I will administer whatever we as a group decide we want as a guiding ruleset.  From my point of view, I would ask the following for any proposed changes.  Does the 'fun factor' increase more than offset the added complexity caused by additional rules?  Are the changes balanced across all races?

That's about it.  You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.         
Gorn Dragon Alliance