Topic: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here  (Read 1967 times)

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Offline Red_Green

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SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« on: November 22, 2004, 02:19:13 pm »
Big thank you to MajorRacal for uploading this mod. Without his efforts it would not be available. THis mod is 115mb total and is divided up into 6 parts. Its about a year in the making all told. Version 2 is 100% better than the original, thanks to feedback from S31 clan members. The emphasis is on quality rather then quanity. Each race has 15 to 19 ships.

The races include: Federation, Lyran, Romulan, Hydran and Pirates. Each race has its own slot with the exception of Lyrans/Romulans which share the Romulan slot. Klingons and Borg have been removed. All slots have new music that is triggered by events. All slots except the Federation have unique voices and sound forn OP and SFC1 specific to the races in the slots.

Other features include an intro story for the Lyran/Romulan alliance by The New Guy and a Hydran intro by myself. New fonts are included and a new system to display the weapon arcs of ships BEFORE you buy them to help make puchasing decisions.

Here are the links to the 6 parts. Just follow instructions in the readme which will be below the links as soon as I get home to get a copy of it. All contributers to the mod are listed in no specific order.

Enjoy! Just a note, I use an old version of WINRAR and on occasion a ship mod file gets corrupted. This is rare and in my testing so far all the ships appear ok. If there are any problems, post them here as I will support this mod to the best of my ability.

READ ME FOLLOWS----------------------

This mod dedicated to Deborah Formo.

Special thanks to V1ctor1st, Katherine & Nicola Venra over at
for hosting the 1st version of this mod as well as forum hosting.

Title      : Rise of Kingdoms II
Version         : 2.0 for SFC3 patched to version 531  You will need all 6 parts to install it.
Date      : 9/24/04
Mod Author      : red_green

Mod contributors:
Karnak - missions
The Pelican -missions
Queball - ships
The New Guy - science fiction story
SkinMan - ships
Atrahasis - ships
ToastyO - wallpaper
DarkMatrix - SFC porting of ships
Cpt. LC Amaral - ship
Dawn - ship
Mackie - kitbash
Admiral Ljungberg - ship
P81 - ships
Atheorhaven - Textures/ship file conversion
Pataflafla - sFC ship port
Knox1711 - Kitbash
Vichama - conversion of ship to SFC3
NightStorm - SFC3 ship conversion
S31-Data - game testing
S31-Chuck - game testing

More detailed credits listed after Overview. Ship credits also appear
in each model folder as well as in the visual library. The New Guys story appears in
the intro screens to the Lyran Campaign. His story is available in word document in
the same folder as the readme to this mod.

Mod Overview

   A complete race substitution featuring minor SFB races and pirates.
   This meant not just adding ships to existing races, but entirely
   swapping them out. The Hydrans replace the Klingons. The Lyrans
   are added in with the Romulans. Pirates replace the Borg, while Feds remain
   in their original slot. This was done partly to give SFB races
   the spotlight, but also because it allowed more freedom to change
   weapon arcs, textures, cloak availability and other ship characteristics.
   As well as swapping of music, voices and sounds.

   While not a huge mod. I strifed to make it one of the best SFC3 mods quality wise.

Mod Installation

1: Uninstall your current SFC3 version. Remove the Activision folder then reboot the

2: Reinstall SFC3. Then install Build 531 Full Patch. This patch is available here.

3: Extract all 6 parts of the KingdomsII mod to your hard drive. Move these extracted files to your
   Activison folder and allow any files to be over written.
4: It is of the utmost importance that you do all 3 steps above before you play the game.
   If you play a game and then add the mod, the new missions won't show up. This is
   because the 1st time the game runs in makes cache files for the missions. Then
   it loads the files directly from these cache files.

Changes made since version 1.1

1) Increased damage of Inversion beams from 11 to 13.

2) Increase damage of myotronic beam from 10 to 12.

3) Increased R-disruptors slightly.

4) Decreased damage of anti-matter mines from 26 to 22.

5) Decreased damage of Ion-Cannon from 19 to 18.

6) Increased warp power of Pirates by 16%. Increased cost as well.

7) Advanced warp engines now cost more to reflect there lower mass and ability to equip
   higher thrusters when they are used.

8) Energy draw of tachyon beams lowered.

9) Refit alerts elliminated and previouly un-refittable weapons given normal mass figures.
   Note-Light Plasma remains only available to Romulans. Though romulans can now equip any
   Heavy available to the Lyran slot. Removing the light PLasma is ill advised as it is
   modded to act like medium plasma (damage20) to aid Romulan ships that still have
   traditional narrow arcs.

10) Five classes of cloak now available to ships that have a 2nd bridge hardpoint. There
    are now 8 ships available that can equip cloaking devices. None above Cl class.

11) New fonts added throughout the game. There from SFC2. Most of the fonts are Hydran and
    appear thoughout approximately 60% of the game.

12) A science fiction story by The New Guy appears in the 4 introduction screens as the
    Lyran campaign loads. Be sure to read it. This story is in Lyran font.

13) Seventeen new ships added and one retextured ship.

14) Visual Library and Tactical ship displays are all redone to fix over lapping arcs and general disorder. There all organized nice and neat now. 

15) Fixed Dragoon not having light maps assigned.

16) Hydran Eclipse ship is renamed to Ancestor due to a problem that arose when I added the Federation Eclipse.

17) Fixed no ambient engine sound for pirate slot by added new sound.

18) All ships now are equipped with tractor III instead of tractor IV.

19) All ships now come with a weapon loaded on every available arc. This helps make the AI harder. Many ships now come with higher thrusters, warp, impulse armor and shields.

20) A couple ships now have 13 weapon arcs instead of 14. Found out the maximum displayed on screen in red or yellow is 13.

21) Edited some beauty shots for the Hydrans. Got rid of some grey splothes in them.

22) Pirates now have photon torpedos available to them.

23) Energy draw of Lyran disruptors increased slightly. Energy draw of pirate cutting beams altered as well.

24) Increased shield strength and armor for defense platforms.

25) Turn rates increased by roughly 50% for frigates, 30% for destroyers and 10% for remaining classes.

26) Pirate cutting beams incresed slightly. In most cases by 1.

27) Pirate shields 1-3 increased slightly

28) Hydran fighters now come with forward and aft shields.

29) Improved light maps for Hydrans

30) Improved damage maps for Lyrans.

31) A few more Karnak missions added since version. 

32) Most bitmaps are converted to 8 bit to make play on the server smoother.
    Damage maps and lightmaps resized to 256 by 256 for the same reasons.
    This also allowed me to add missions that use more ships, such as
    Karnak's Fleet Action. Which is 6 vs 7 for 13 total ships in the mission!
    The main maps remain at 512.

33) Changed number of officers available for review fron 6, back to 8.

34) Hydran fighter and Pirate shuttle changed to lower polyigon versions.

35) All ships now come with 50% more marines.

36) Two missions by the Pelican have been added. Emergency and Survey.

Mission Credits

These 12 missions below are by el-Karnak. 


The 2 missions below are by Pelican.


Story writing Credits

Lyran/Romulan Peace treaty story by The New Guy.

Hydran Mission Intro by red_green.

Story Board Credits

Each board in the visual library has the credits listed at bottom. Credits include SFC1
and SFC2 for art and background information. One of the backgrounds used is by ToastyO.

Music/Voice Credits

Music and voices were added to replace the stock ones for the Romulan, Klingon and Borg slots.
These all came from SFC1 and SFC2.

Ship Credits

Ships by Queball

Kazon raider

Ships by Atrahasis

Talarian (renamed to Banar for purposes of this mod)

Ships ported to SFC by DarkMatrix

Delta Flyer originally from EliteForcesII
Dark Vor'cha from EliteForces
Dominion battlecruiser from Armada
Griffin from Armada
Kazon raider
Raptor (renamed to Tarus for purposes of this mod)

Ship ported by Pataflafla


Ships by SkinMan

Fed Brel
Hydran Brel
Steam Runner
Kvort-Cha (renamed Thunderduck for purposes of this mod)
Romulan BOP
Defiant Shuttle

Ships by P81/Mackie/Atheorhaven


Ship by Admiral Ljungberg/P81/Knox1711


Ship by Cpt. LC Amaral

Raptor (renamed to Tarus for purposes of this mod)

Ship by Dawn


Ships by P81

Dauntless (converted to SFC3 by Vichama)
Norway (converted to SFC3 by NightStorm)

Ships by red_green
(note ships with * denote ships that I wish to remain exclusive to this mod, please do
not include them in any future mods.)

Hydran Base*
Jungle Mother*
Lyran Base*

Ships edited by red_green
(These are either kitbashes or retextures of stock models.)

Hydran retex of stock Bop.
Pirate Base

Texture Credits

Disruptors, cutting beams, tactical display, tractors, mines, the sun, tactical overlay and
planet atmospheres all are Taldren textures edited by red_green.

Font Credits
All new fonts used in this mod are fron SFC/OP

****Please notify my of any errors in crediting. I made an effort to get them as accurate
as possible. In certain cases where no readme was available with the ship, I created a
new one.*********************************

Known Issues

1: Only single player conquest mode is playable. The storyline is not playable
   because it uses Klingon/Romulan ships that are now unavailable.

2: Picards voice overs will not be available. The number of sound files would make the mod gigantic.

3: The story boards in the visually library are not ships. They are Asteroid bases.
   They cost the same as the regular ones and are equipped the same.

4: This mod was built on my 800MZ Athalon computer. This mod needs a computer equivalent
   to that or higher for best performance. The models I make are limited to 1 or 2 bitmaps
   to reduce the burden put on the graphics card. All ships and missions have been tested
   on this machine.

5: Certain points in specific missions, may have a bit of lag as new ships are being created.
   One example is in Convoy Escort. After several minutes you recieve reinforcements. On my
   machine I experience a 1 to 2 second lag period while the ships upload. The mission is
   too much fun to leave out and some of you will have better machines than me, so I
   included it.

6: In the Lyran/Romulan race slot. Only Romulans come equipped with plasma. Once removed it can't
   be refitted with plasma again. This is to prevent the Lyrans from equipping it in order
   to make these two races unique. The Lyrans have wider arcs to compensate for lack of plasma. 

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

This mod is intended for non-profit personal use only.

Read me author: red_green

« Last Edit: November 29, 2004, 02:45:42 pm by red_green »

The most creative person hides his sources the best!

"The universe hates you. Deal with it!"

Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

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Re: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2004, 09:02:29 pm »
WoW! Somebody has been very busy. I like the part about the SFC1 music too!

GASP! No Klingons??? OK with me its your corner of the Trek Multiverse ;)

BUMP for other folks to see this.

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Offline Reverend

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Re: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2004, 12:53:44 am »
I made a little mod similar to this, but not nearly as complete...not this fine tuned. Great work Red_Green, glad to see it up and going to your likings..... guaranteed it will get populated!

Offline MajorRacal

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Re: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2004, 07:44:01 am »
It plays like a dream.
Great stuff Red!  ;D

Offline Red_Green

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Re: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2004, 12:49:51 pm »
WoW! Somebody has been very busy. I like the part about the SFC1 music too!

GASP! No Klingons??? OK with me its your corner of the Trek Multiverse ;)

BUMP for other folks to see this.


The Klinks were a problem as the Hydrans were the inspiration for the mod. Once I changed the disruptors to purple the Klinks wouldn't work any more. Plus the voices are swapped out as well.  Its possible if I get back to this mod in maybe a year (don't hold your breath) I might add Klinks into the Borg slot and give them the Rommie disruptors which are still green. I was able to work the Dominion into the pirate slots. They use the purple disruptors and are unique in that the DN only has 5 weapon arcs if I remember. Yet the ship is equal to DN's from the other races due to fast recharge rate/high damage and a couple 360 degree arcs.

Thanks for the comments everyone.

The most creative person hides his sources the best!

"The universe hates you. Deal with it!"

Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

"Pesimism is not a survival trait"

Offline Red_Green

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Re: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2004, 02:42:13 pm »
Added pics to top post.

KF there ARE Klinks ships in the mod. Though none in the traditional green textures. There is a Hydran and Fed version of the BOP and some pirate skins of a Vorcha and at least one other class. :)

The most creative person hides his sources the best!

"The universe hates you. Deal with it!"

Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

"Pesimism is not a survival trait"

Offline Darkdrone

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Re: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2004, 03:35:05 am »
added too sfc3files now man relly sorry for the delay its been real busy for me last few days


Offline Red_Green

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Re: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2004, 03:51:12 pm »
added too sfc3files now man relly sorry for the delay its been real busy for me last few days


No problem. Just in time for Christmas. Thanks for your efforts on this. Thanks also to Chris Jones. Have a great holiday everyone.

The most creative person hides his sources the best!

"The universe hates you. Deal with it!"

Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

"Pesimism is not a survival trait"

Offline Red_Green

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Re: SFC3 game mod Rise of Kindoms II-get it here
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2004, 11:27:22 am »

Just a bump for those that requested a 1 file version.

The most creative person hides his sources the best!

"The universe hates you. Deal with it!"

Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

"Pesimism is not a survival trait"