Topic: you know what sucks  (Read 1638 times)

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Offline Tus-XC

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you know what sucks
« on: November 19, 2004, 04:40:13 pm »
I'm on of those half-life fans who has been waiting for half-life 2 for over a year.  Well i got it yesterday (and was estatic) went to play and found out that i need an internet connection in order to activate (there is no phone number like XP)  Now this wouldn't bee so bad but even if i connected my gaming rig to my network i still wouldn't be able to play cause it don't like steam....

To say the least i'm quite pissed...(cause i really don't want to drag my 45 pound computer to my sponsors house... and that would also be quite rude i tink)


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Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Re: you know what sucks
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2004, 08:18:58 pm »
Was there anyhting on the box stating that you need an internet connection to play it?

Offline Tus-XC

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Re: you know what sucks
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2004, 08:27:35 pm »
it does, problem is i preodered so i didn't see it when i did (either that or knew that the system requirments were going to hefty but didn't bother checking cause i didn't have any worries) and i didn't check back to the site till few days before shipping and i didn't look at the system reqs then (still annoying as hell though.  at least it ain't a show stopper, just will have to lugg my 45 pound system around sometime before christmas... or hope that the realease somthing to auth my game)

just think its wierd that i hadn't read about until i recieved the game.  I'm usually pretty up to date on these things

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Offline Iceman

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Re: you know what sucks
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2004, 08:28:33 pm »
Try calling valve. There must be a way for them to give you a key over the phone.  Don't bother calling Vivendi.  They're pricks.
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Offline Elvis

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Re: you know what sucks
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2004, 10:36:07 pm »
There is no way, other than a hack to avoid STEAM, and STEAM is a Valve requirement and not a a Vivendi one.

The graphics in the game are stunning. But.....and mind  you I never played the first one, the game play I find as repetitive as DOOM3. And your kind of teased by the graphics, it is a beautiful world  but your never going to see more than one path. At least Far Cry gave you options and had the feeling of being open ended. Half Life 2 while being gorgeous is just not really all that immersive. Doom 3 was immersive in a dark sort of way in a maze like base.   

Offline Tus-XC

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Re: you know what sucks
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2004, 12:10:43 am »
looks like i'll be waiting till the sunday after thanksgiving and hulling my humongous maching to my sponsors house... oh well.

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Offline Javora

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Re: you know what sucks
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2004, 11:24:10 am »
The graphics in the game are stunning. But.....and mind  you I never played the first one, the game play I find as repetitive as DOOM3. And your kind of teased by the graphics, it is a beautiful world  but your never going to see more than one path. At least Far Cry gave you options and had the feeling of being open ended. Half Life 2 while being gorgeous is just not really all that immersive. Doom 3 was immersive in a dark sort of way in a maze like base.

That is exactly how I felt about the game when I saw it at a friend?s house yesterday.  I expected so much more out of the game and was disappointed when I actually saw the game on screen.  The people that made Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 need to realize that there is a lot more to making today?s video games then eye candy and in-game physics.  On the other hand if this kind of video and physics is what is to be expected in future games I can't wait for Neverwinter Nights 2 and Battlefield 2.

On a side note, while playing Counter Strike Source we were able to shoot the living you-know-what out of some Dell boxes.  You can actually see the parts flying out of the case.  Hard drives, CPU's/heat sinks, Ram, PCI cards and motherboards just go flying when you shoot them.  I?ve wanted to do that to my Dell box for years!!!  Someone should make a mod called Dell H*||, and fill a room full of these cursed boxes and all the ammo you could ever want. ;D  It actually felt good to blow the boxes up, anyone who has ever dealt with Dell systems will know exactly what I'm talking about. ;D  But when the rest of the game play is so lacking, I can't see paying $50USD plus just for the pleasure virtually sticking it to Dell.