I said WildCard is a member of the GQ clan a clan the was banned from STGD for what they said about Katherine and did to STGD.They started a huge flame war with thier NDF mod Near Distant Future anyway it is a long story.To much to go into it past just watch them around here.
Age....the past is past...
Tons of people were banned from there...some of them highly respected...some completely unknown...
And as a direct observer I can tell you this...you have the sequence of events out of order slightly...
I feel the need to clarify something...
Some time ago Wildcard was a good son over there a moderator even....he parotted others feeble accusations against this very site...spammed other sites attacking us in chorus with others...and had the personal honor of forum combat with me several times
Well..I've talked to him since then....he has freely admitted that he was conned....is contrite and remorseful...and understands that his attacks where based on information given to him, based half truths and outright falsehoods....he did what any brainwashed solder would do...he blindly attacked fully believing the words of those around him to be the truth...
Only through his personal war with that site and those on it did he become aware of their siren ways...
He has stated that knowing what he knows now...he would have never engaged in any of the attacks against DV.net ,as doing so was completly out of line with the facts as he now understands them...
His ban stands for actions on these forums...not for his actions elsewhere...
And this site wont ban an enitire fleet for the actions of an one individual anyways...so other GQ members who have never run afoul of the rules are still free to post here...
Let me make this clear...
Ad hominom attacks on individuals who are not present ,basing such attacks on half truths , or attacking members behaviour on
other forums will not be tolerated here....
This is a rare chance for the SFC3 players to start over....to reform the community free from the constant drumbeat of division...to mend fences and be good neighbors....
A new day has dawned...it's time to shed yesterday's worries and struggles....