Topic: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup  (Read 2002 times)

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Offline Klingon Fanatic

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Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« on: November 18, 2004, 07:42:32 pm »
Inspired by ROGUE, I revisited my favorite STOCK Gorn and Klingon Academy Gorn.

If figure the Romulans have all their different feathered squadrons, the Federation has the famed Andorian Blue Fleet, and the Klingons have the Black Fleet and Tholian Border Harassment squadron, the Gorn should have their own special fleet or two.

Thus the Rogue Scale squadron was created.

Ships in this squadron are more heavily armored than standard versions of ships in the same class as they are expected to be more self-sufficient as they will be further away from help than other ships in the Gorn Navy.

Officially, the Rogue Scale battlegroup does not exist. In reality it is an elite taskforce in the Gorn Navy that only volunteer crews with exceptional skills are allowed to take on unsanctioned long range reconaissance and harrassment operations against the enemies of the Gorn Confederation. Ships in this battle group prefer to ambush their warm-blooded Romulan prey in the fabled "Outback" territories located on the edge of Gorn, Federation and Romulan space.

The Rogue Scale Ghdar may be found here:

Special thanks to QobnuH for adding a 'T' strut to support the floating warp engine above P81's fine model.

More ships to follow.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2004, 08:05:31 pm by Klingon Fanatic »
HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2004, 08:03:20 pm »
So what's different from the last time I did these retextures? I used ROGUE's example of rear mounted shuttle bays and tweaked a few other places I hadn' done before on these Gorn ships. I think they turned out MUCH better than the last set I did.

The Gorn Rougue Scale CA may be found here:


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2004, 08:21:16 pm »
One of the things I've been thinking about is the Gorn Cold-bloodedness. The Gorn would probably enjoy having windows to veiw the stars.

Gorn Euromastyx GCC/GCM can be found here:


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2004, 08:46:56 pm »
Building upon Rogue's retexture of P81's GCX I came up with the following retexture.

The Rogue Scale GCX may be found here:

I have TWO versions of the Klingon Academy style GDD but one is a ktibash [called the Venoumous at Battleclinic] by somebody other than P81. I do not know if there would be any issues if I put that retexture up or not.

I have also retextured P81's kitbash of the Gorn Grendel BB. I want to finish the GDN version [Komodo Dragon] and release them at the same time.


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2004, 12:55:43 am »
 :dance: :dance: :dance:
Dawntreader Shipyard
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Where the waves grow sweet,
Doubt not, Reepicheep,
To find all you seek,
There is the utter east."
-'Voyage of The Dawn Treader' C.S.Lewis

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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2004, 04:09:55 pm »
Way cool, Klingon Fanatic. I'm updating to the new G'Dhar and am happy to have it. I usually revamp one race at a time and have been working on the Gorn as of late. These style of vessel have been picked for X1 service and this just about completes the set. Any plans on giving the Venomous the treatment ? I keep looking at it but can't get the gumption up to do it for some reason.

BTW, do you have a copy of the Viper? I can't find who kitbashed it but think it was done by Lord Delekhan. It uses these kind of textures and could be useful for destroyer duty.

Offline Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2004, 04:59:15 pm »
Way cool, Klingon Fanatic. I'm updating to the new G'Dhar and am happy to have it. I usually revamp one race at a time and have been working on the Gorn as of late. These style of vessel have been picked for X1 service and this just about completes the set. Any plans on giving the Venomous the treatment ? I keep looking at it but can't get the gumption up to do it for some reason.

BTW, do you have a copy of the Viper? I can't find who kitbashed it but think it was done by Lord Delekhan. It uses these kind of textures and could be useful for destroyer duty.

The Venomous at Battleclinic is done. I just don't know who created the bash. I need that to update the Readme and I'll get it hosted.

I'll get the Viper hosted when I post the Venoumous retexture ;) If you want that sooner send me an e-mail.


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2004, 01:35:08 pm »
 ;D P81's Grendel Battleship + is now available.

Note the very large shuttle/PF hangar on the rear of the ship. This makes a great BBV or even a super PF tender or even a carrier!

Manitoba and Darkdrone, feel free to add these ships at your convenience to your sites.

D/L here:

Anybody know who made the Gorn Viper kitbash or the Venomous DD kitbash? I am 99% certain these were kitbashes by Crymson over two years ago. I have done the Venomous and P81's version of the Anaconda DD in the Rouge Scale textures.

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2004, 04:27:38 pm »
Gorn Defense Satellite is now available.

Its not really part of the Rogue Scale Battlegroup but it will make a better GDP than the STOCK XDP in planetary Assualt missions against the Gorn or in Gorn Base Defense Missions . This retexture uses mostly STOCK GFA and GSB textures with Thulls' scaley texture thrown in. I like this retexture myself.

D/L here:


Three more to go....
HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Commander, Task Force Kraag Dorr's Teeth First Strike Squadron

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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2004, 07:19:23 pm »
Here's the OLD  Gorn Viper kitbash. It used to be hosted on SFCItalia. This is a model I have not altered in anyway. I use it as my GDX.

D/L here:

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
SuvwI' Qeh KCC
Commander, Task Force Kraag Dorr's Teeth First Strike Squadron

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Re: Gorn Rogue Scale Battlegroup
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2006, 02:24:34 am »
A few of those are indeed my old kitbashes, glad to see someone is still getting some use out of them, there were just far too few Gorns around for a long time.
The Viper posted above however doesn't look like my work and I looked up the venmous and it doesn't look like my work.  I did a gorn called the viper but it's a smaller craft and doesn't look as nice as the one posted here.

Anyway just happy to see the stuff is still of some use.