Okay... the works (dual) are in progress.

I thought about it over the last day and released that I'm going to be doing two of these to nicely cover the gamut.. and this is what I've decided as the donor vessels.

For the Bubba Class, I'm using p81's NX-01 as that's pretty similar in looks to what was shown in the snaps. Work has already started on this one... and this will take the position of the beat-up old car.
And I've decided to do another one as I'd mentioned simply because I realized that there is another role to fill here as well.. the beat up rusted out old Redneck pickemup truck. So I'm using two donor vessels here.. Lord Vader's Daedelus (which I got permission to mod a long time ago), and then I'm stealing parts from one of Lord Schtupp's models to put on it. Going to grab the cargo pod and hitch from it, flip them upside down, and drop it between the nacelles. Indent in the pod and I'll have the box look I'm going for after that.

This will form the base for the new "Cletus" Class.

Prerequisite rust and bondo spots are making it onto both.. and I've already got two bumper stickers on the Cletus.. both quite appropriate. Next will be the Rebel Flag on the front and then I'll get the naked chick mudflaps going after that. This, is the definition of good times. (GRIN)
Wonder if I can get in some fuzzy dice in one of the windows...