Topic: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play  (Read 26540 times)

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Offline Ronin

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To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« on: November 16, 2004, 01:06:56 pm »
*Hoping this might get stickied. If anyone has changes, suggestions or recommendations I can add them in.*

I finally sat down and put together an explanation of what it would take to really get into the spirit of the Dynaverse. Some of you might not need all this, but for anyone who has been thinking about it but was unsure, here it is in all its glory. Some of these things are recommendations from me, but after some time involved my recommendation is to take all the steps to have the greatest chance of success in getting the Dynaverse to work when you try it. Here goes...

OK... as big a pain as I know this is... here is what I suggest.

1. Make sure you have DirectX v9.0C by downloading it here...

2. Uninstall OP completely. Use "Install/Uninstall" in your Control Panel (Be sure to manually remove any leftover files.)

3. Reinstall and patch to 2552 here...

4. Download and install...

OP Enhancement Pack v2.2 (Firesouls 3.4 list and assorted mission scripts, etc. that are used on the Dynaverse and that you can not get in without...) which you will find using the link below (follow all instructions carefully),163350526.0.html

5. Next you will need to download and install the latest version of the shiplist, Firesouls 4.0 list, which is now standard for Dyna play here...

You will likely need to uninsall the 3.4 version before the 4.0 installer will work.

6. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your video card. If you have an NVidia card you can check here...

Remember that you will need to uninstall your current drivers before installing the latest ones. The NVidia site explains what to look for, but you will use Install/Uninstall to remove the old one, then reboot and install what you downloaded. If you have another manufacturer's card I am sure their site will have updated driver information. (I finally broke down and did this EXACTLY as outlined on the NVidia site and WOW!!! what a difference it made.)

7. Go to...

and download and install the EZini file created by MagnumMan. This will provide some much needed changes to your settings. Or you can do it manually by going to your hard drive here...

C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates and open the file called "sfc" and then make sure you do the following...

Make sure you have the following in there, just as you see it here...


(Ambient lighting and spacedust are changed by me... you will be able to see the ships and also will be able to take some beautiful screen pics with the spacedust at "1" instead of the default 0.)

Then, at the very bottom of this file you will need to manually type in...


Add this to the line directly under...

WONNickname="whatever your name is"

with no space between [Debug] and the line above it. This will insure that you get damage information on other ships in-game. If you have never used this you are going to really be in for a treat. (It is very nice to know how hard someone has been hit, whether enemy or ally.) And then SAVE it.

8. Then go to...

where you will download and install a Dynaverse Directory Installer (created by FireSoul) "mini-patcher" which will set up your WON files to allow you to connect to the OP servers properly. (Which is required since the end of Taldren support.) Or, if for some reason that mini-patcher is not working, you can do it manually by going to...

C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\MetaAssets\ServerProfiles\Multiplayer

on your hard drive where you will find the file "WONServerSetup"

Before making these changes you will want to right click on the "WONServerSetup" file icon and select Properties, then uncheck the "Read Only" box if it is checked so that you can make changes to this file. Don't forget to reset to "Read Only" once you are done. Once you have done that open this file and then delete everything in it, replacing it with the following... (Copy and Paste but if that does not work you will need to type it in manually. Likely the only things that will be different will be the four lines right under "[WONDirectoryServer/Addresses]" so try copying and pasting just that section into place first. This will allow your game to find the Dyna DNS servers. If after doing all this you still get the message indicating that you are not online or are behind a firewall check to see if your Windows Firewall is turned on. If it is you may be able to fix this trouble by adding SFCOP as an exception in your Windows Firewall setup. Of course, you can always turn off your Windows Firewall while playing if that will solve the problem, but if you are not behind a router this can leave you open to attack. If all else fails contact someone who has things working and ask them if they would be kind enough to email a copy of this file to you.)


SingleThreaded = 1
CreateCentralSwitch = 0
SinglePlayer = 0
BlockSize = 10000 // How many micro-seconds to spend on server side stuff before doing page flip
DelayMultiple = 1.0 // What multiple of time to wait before going back to server side stuff
PacketQueLimit = 75 // What

Listen = 0

//ServerPath = "/StarFleetCommand2/Game/Release"
ServerPath = "/StarFleetCommand2/Game/Release"
//ServerPath = "/StarFleetCommand2/Game/Release_Test"


ChatClient = 1
SecurityClient = 1


then SAVE it. This will give you the correct [WONDirectoryServer/Addresses] to be able to play on the Dynaverse since Taldren shut down and the old addresses no longer work.

9. Download and Install the Current Dyna Installer here... (currently the GW5.)

Once you have done these things you should be ready to roll for Dyna play. It takes a while, but you can't go wrong with the Dynaverse. The community is solid, the people are, for the most part, mature working adults or young people of character, and is a great time overall.

Now, should you happen to have a router, I have the settings I have used forever and a "how to" that may or may not help you depending upon your actual hardware. These settings allow me to play SFC2, SFCOP and SFC3 on GSA and on the Dynaverse. The following is for a LinkSys BFSR41 router, but the information here may actually help you get your own router set up properly. Each router should have a way to do "Port Forwarding" and you will need to get to that area, usually by typing in your browser and clicking "go" which will take you to an admin password area. I believe the default LinkSys Name and Password are both "admin" (in case you are not sure) but may be mistaken.

Once you open your router controls you will click on ADVANCED and then on FORWORDING. This is where you will open the ports needed to play online on GSA and on a Dyna. In your Forwarding section...

Extension Port     Protocol           IP Address         ENABLE

47624 to 47624     TCP              192.168.1.???        X
2300 to 2400       TCP                192.168.1.???        X
6500 to 6500       TCP and UDP   192.168.1.???        X
6667 to 6667       TCP                192.168.1.???        X
3783 to 3783       TCP                192.168.1.???        X
27900 to 27900     UDP              192.168.1.???        X
6073 to 6073       UDP                192.168.1.???        X
28900 to 29901     TCP              192.168.1.???        X
13139 to 13139     UDP              192.168.1.???        X
6515 to 6515       UDP                192.168.1.???        X

Make sure that you ENABLE each of those (off to the right on each line.) Also, make sure that you have the
correct IP address (where .??? is the location of the machine you are using. Mine is 100, yours may be
different) for the machine you are using in each line.

If you are not sure what the last three digits are go to START, then RUN and type in the word "command"
(without the quotes) and hit enter. This will open a DOS box. In there type "ipconfig/all" without the
quotes and then hit enter. You will get a bunch of data. One line will read "IP ADDRESS and have the
192.168.1.??? but the ??? will be the location the router has assigned your machine. That is the number
to put in the Forwarding area where I have ??? above.

One thing to remember is that if this works, and then tomorrow does not work, that I think XP can change
those last three numbers between the machines in your network. So if it stops working after working a while
use "command" and "ipconfig/all" again and see of the last three digits of your IP have changed. Happened to
me twice before I figured out what was going on.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 01:12:28 pm by Ronin »
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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2004, 01:40:10 pm »
AAACCCCK!!! Not the spacedust, anything but the spacedust please! ;)  (J/K - I prefer to play without spacedust)

Offline madelf

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2004, 01:56:55 pm »
Man Ronin, if EVER there was a post deserving + karma, that one is the definition. 

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2004, 03:56:33 pm »
How bout we add basic networking and router management as well... could save us a lot of repetition.

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2004, 05:17:51 pm »
Thats a good point.

Ronin, you may want to add "Read the manual".
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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2004, 05:22:29 pm »
Thats a good point.

Ronin, you may want to add "Read the manual".

Lol, good one.  (but it should be "Read the f'in manual!") I used to explain networking and routers here over and over (Cleaven too), but this is the third incarnation of these forums and most of those posts have been lost, I explained it here a few times as well but cannot be bothered repeating myself any longer.

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2004, 06:35:19 pm »
How bout we add basic networking and router management as well... could save us a lot of repetition.

I think I have some info on port forwarding that I can add here. I will look around in my folders and see if I can turn it up and add it in at the bottom.

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2004, 06:52:06 pm »
   I  just want to point out the the OP  Enhancement Pack contians the 2552 patch in it but not FireSouls OP+ 3.4 go get in the General  SFC forum.

    or go here

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2004, 08:41:37 pm »
   I  just want to point out the the OP  Enhancement Pack contians the 2552 patch in it but not FireSouls OP+ 3.4 go get in the General  SFC forum.

    or go here

Hmm... at 149 mb I was certain I read that it had the 3.4 list in it. I will have to research that again. Thanks for the note.

*EDIT* OK... here you have it. This is a quote from Pestalence, the man that put the OP Enhancement pack together.

"OK.. what this does is it installs the Dynaverse 2 models first .. it will back up your original game models and replace them with the P81 / Atra model pack.. then OP + v3.4 will install.. if you use the Model version of the install for the OP + pack.. it will install all of Firesoul's model's plus since he still copies some of the models from the original models installed.. his pack will pull a couple from the D2 models installed, thus enhancing the experience a little more... basically they co-exist together.

Now if you use the OP + v3.4 without model install method.. it will copy models from the original game.. as such use the Dynaverse 2 models installed.. either way the game will use both models without loss of any from eith package.." - Pestalence

So it appears that the Enhancement Pack does take care of installing the shiplist. No need to get it elsewhere.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2004, 07:29:49 pm by Ronin »
"Flying Romulan takes cunning. You either have it... or you die."

In The Beginning -- An unfinished fictionalized account of events surrounding the old Starlance League.


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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2004, 10:48:46 pm »
Done, now I have to find the router settings!


Offline Tumulorum Fossor

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2004, 02:02:47 am »
Just for snits and giggles, here's my installation sequence, reprinted from the OP Enhancement Pack thread.  The only significant difference is the use of Strat's Mod Chooser, available at the downloads section of Dynaverse.   I CANNOT say enough good things about this utility, making switching between mods for Dynaversing a pleasure.  Should be a mandatory installation!


(1) Installed OP from CD after totally clean uninstall of EVERYTHING OP related.  Including Taldren and Taldren Software Inc folders.  Including fan created content.

(2) Ran Pestalence's OP Enhancement Pack 2.0, following his instructions CLOSELY (including deleting the OP shortcut on desktop before even starting, and creating a new desktop shortcut via StarfleetOP.exe from the Orion Pirates program folder) (NOTE: Actually, given that FireSoul's miniupdater, further downstream in this sequence, is supposed to fix this link anyway, this step of creating a new desktop shotcut to StarfleetOP.exe instead of the erroneous initially-installed shortcut to SFOP.exe is probably unnecessary).

(2a) When Pestalence's Enhancement Pack got to the OP+ shiplist, and started OP+'s own installer, CANCELLED out of OP+'s own installer (but continued with the rest of the installation in the DOS window from the Enhancement Pack).

(2b) Cleaned up the Startmenu, which is kind of messed up at this point (Modviewer links to nothing, for example) and desktop icons to my preferences.

(3) Ran Firesoul's Mini Updater ( SFC-OP_mini-updater-20041026.exe ).

(4) Installed Centauri's FleetPick2a;TeamStarfleetBattlesv3.0; StarTrekII Missions.

(5) Installed Strat's ModChooser65 (in violation of the instructions which recommend actually starting with a clean install.  But at this point in the installation, I have SFC-OP at a good restore point: new scripts and utilities, fixes pre and post patch, and the basic SFC shiplist.).

(6) Installed FireSoul's Opplus_34_models.exe (OP+ 3.4 with models), followed immediately by running ModChooser65 (as per Strat's instructions for ModChooser), assigning OP+3.4 to slot #1 on the ModChooser.

(7) Using ModChooser, "restored" SFC-OP back to "Taldren" (which, I think, is how my SFCOP was as of completion of step 4).

( 8 ) Installed Bonk's SFB_OP_04.exe then SFBOPmissions.exe (you cannot install SFBOPmissions.exe without having SFB_OP_04.exe installed first), followed by once again immediately running ModChooser65 and assigning SFB-OP 04 to slot #2.


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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2004, 10:43:44 pm »
Anybody use an SMC Barricade 7004 ABR switch?



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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2004, 12:48:10 pm »
Anybody use an SMC Barricade 7004 ABR switch?


i'm use an SMC Barricade 7004 VBR router

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2004, 05:05:06 pm »
OK... added some router help info at the bottom of my original post. It is for a different type of router, but you may find something in it that will help you. I will hope it helps...

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2005, 09:42:32 pm »
The link for point 9 is dead.

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2005, 02:31:32 pm »
Thanks for this Ronin! I dusted off the SFC:OP disk, reinstalled and I've been surfing for days trying to figure this crap out. I'm going to look at NSIS and perhaps come up with an installer for this.
-Decker out

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2005, 07:19:45 pm »
OK... thanks for the note about link 9, Mordred. For future reference, in case real life takes over and I am not here for a week or so again, you can always check the other sticky-posts for up to the minute dyna-download information. I will try to keep it current as best I can, though. :-)  In case you did not see that I changed it above here it is...

And I am glad that this information was helpful to you, Decker. My own frustration years ago and the frustration of untold numbers of friends over the years prompted me to put this together. Not sure how long it will be valid, but I try to keep up with changes and to modify my original post when I can. :-)


"Flying Romulan takes cunning. You either have it... or you die."

In The Beginning -- An unfinished fictionalized account of events surrounding the old Starlance League.

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2005, 12:56:49 am »
Hey! Can you help me to get Klingon Academy to work on Windows XP? (I thought since you seemed to have this game figured out so well  ;D

Seriously, I might just have to copy all this somewhere. It's awesome...
IKS Ab'Qaff
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{sound of explosion}

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2005, 04:57:32 am »
OK... thanks for the note about link 9, Mordred. For future reference, in case real life takes over and I am not here for a week or so again, you can always check the other sticky-posts for up to the minute dyna-download information. I will try to keep it current as best I can, though. :-)  In case you did not see that I changed it above here it is...

And I am glad that this information was helpful to you, Decker. My own frustration years ago and the frustration of untold numbers of friends over the years prompted me to put this together. Not sure how long it will be valid, but I try to keep up with changes and to modify my original post when I can. :-)



Thanks for your response. You have been a great help.

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2005, 10:36:40 am »
Anyone who uses Cisco routers of any kind and wants to do the appropriate port forwarding configuration to play or host Dyna servers feel free to send me a pm.

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2005, 10:14:57 pm »
Well that answers alot of questions for me.. Thanks

Offline Ronin

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2005, 01:14:31 pm »
Made some changes and updated a link or two here. If anyone sees anything glaring that needs to be updated or corrected please just let me know. Many thanks.
"Flying Romulan takes cunning. You either have it... or you die."

In The Beginning -- An unfinished fictionalized account of events surrounding the old Starlance League.

Offline Ronin

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2005, 01:27:44 pm »
OK... Pestalence (thanks!!!) has spent a lot of time and energy making all of this simpler with something called the OP Enhancement Pack v3.0. So, here is the letter he sent me and a link to his simplified way to accomplish a lot of what I did above...

Just to let you know.. all a player needs to do is install SFC OP and use the Enhancement Pack v3.0 and then set their ports, update their Video Dirvers, and make sure they have DirectX 9.0c and finally set up their ports..

here is the listing of what OP Enhancement Installs :

Total Package Install Content :

SFC OP Patch v2552 Full Installer (out of Box SFC OP installation only)
SFC OP Bonus add on (Taldren Bonus install CD Content)
OP + v4.0 Shiplist installers by Firesoul
EAW to OP Conversion scripts with *.MCT single player setup files by Firesoul
Sulu Bonus EAW to OP conversion scripts by Firesoul
Complete Evil Dave OP Mission scripts by Nuclear Wessels
EEK Dynaverse mission package by Karnak including the EEK *.MCT single player campaign files
OP + and Standard Fighterlist.txt and shiplist.txt as converted by Karnak for use with the EEK mission scripts in single player (located in Assets\Specs\EEK Shiplist)
OP Patrol Scripts v4.1 and Convoy Raid mission by Tracey Greenough
Dynaverse 2 Model Pack by P81 and Atrahasis
Co-OP Ace Script v4.0 as modified by Firesoul
Sector Assault v1.1 for Orion Pirates by MagnumMan
EZ-INI game set up utility by MagnumMan
ShipEdit EAW and Shipedit OP by EagleEye Softwae Group
Fests + v1.1 by Firesoul
SFC-OP mini-updater created 11-06-2004 by Firesoul
In game Model Testing Script v1.23 for single race by Firesoul
In game Model Testing Script v1.00 for all races by Firesoul
In game Model Testing Script v1.00 for bases only on all races by Firesoul
Taldren Model Viewer by Taldren
Centauri Vaughn's Fleet Pick 2.A
Centauri Vaughn's  Team Starfleet Battles 3.0 Mission Pack
Strat's Mod Chooser v6.5
Dynaverse Server IP correction *.gf file
Custom conquest campaign *.mct files for single player by Pestalence using Nuclear Wessels scripts.
Conquest campaigns now utilizing the Conquest game map and conquest file as fixed by Pestalence.
EAW to OP Custom Single Player campaign *.mct files created by Pestalence which incorporate Nuclear Wessels scripts into the EAW to OP conversion.
Any other credits are included in the additional readme.txt files installed for NW OP Missions, OP + installation, and EEK OP Missions in
the main Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory.

As you can see.. to get the game into a playable state, all they need is the OP Enhancement Package v3.0

then when they want to join a server, they can use the server specific installer and then run Mod Chooser and save it to an empty slot...

basically OP Enhancement is a one stop shop for OP.. and so long as the servers are using the latest version of the mission scripts, then they only need an installer that does not contain scripts (to save HDD space)..

Anyhow.. as you can see it alreeady contains  EZ-INI, ShipEdit (both EAW and OP version) the Dynaverse fix, the mini-updater, OP + v4.0, Co-Op v4.0 etc..

all the player need do after installing it is to check their drivers and make sure they have Direct X 9.0c and to configure ports if using a router and / or firewall.

Hope that this helps.,163352009.0.html
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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2005, 03:56:26 pm »

New to dynaverse but a longtime player of SFC:OP.

First, thanks to Firesoul, Pestalence and all the people who put in what has to be a lot of unpaid sweat and blood into these game extensions.

Thanks especially to Ronin for compiling a nifty set of directions.  I got SFC:OP up on dynaverse just last night. 

To other newbies after me, I would strongly suggest downloading and installing Firesoul's OP Enhancement pack 3.0 first thing after you have checked drivers and done a fresh install (Install to the DEFAULT directory!). 

3.0 takes care of patching the game to 2552 and most of the rest of the downloads/installs on Ronin's list.  I still had to make the WONServerSetup changes (Ronin's Step 8 ) and open up ports on my router (Ronin's Step 9). 

Ronin links to a Pestalence post which gives a list of possible download servers for the Enhancement Pack.  3.0 is only available through

XenoCorp.Net FTP:

Now that public service is done, I have a question.

Can someone give me a few easy steps for working with Strat's Mod Chooser?  I missed figuring out how to add the alternate ship models to the mod chooser when installing.  I would like to correct my mistake and play around with the new models.
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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2005, 07:35:58 pm »

New to dynaverse but a longtime player of SFC:OP.

First, thanks to Firesoul, Pestalence and all the people who put in what has to be a lot of unpaid sweat and blood into these game extensions.

Thanks especially to Ronin for compiling a nifty set of directions.  I got SFC:OP up on dynaverse just last night. 

To other newbies after me, I would strongly suggest downloading and installing Firesoul's OP Enhancement pack 3.0 first thing after you have checked drivers and done a fresh install (Install to the DEFAULT directory!). 

3.0 takes care of patching the game to 2552 and most of the rest of the downloads/installs on Ronin's list.  I still had to make the WONServerSetup changes (Ronin's Step 8 ) and open up ports on my router (Ronin's Step 9). 

Ronin links to a Pestalence post which gives a list of possible download servers for the Enhancement Pack.  3.0 is only available through

XenoCorp.Net FTP:

Now that public service is done, I have a question.

Can someone give me a few easy steps for working with Strat's Mod Chooser?  I missed figuring out how to add the alternate ship models to the mod chooser when installing.  I would like to correct my mistake and play around with the new models.

First the OP Enhancement Package is My creation, not Firesoul's, though a lot of the stuff contained in the Enhancement package is created by Firesoul..

Second, the file is fixed by the Enhancement Package automatically to find the directory servers.. that is unless you killed the batch file before it was complete..

Third, the Mod Chooser does not back up Models or Scripts, it only backs up the shiplist, music, weapon textures, and game setting *.gf files and the Model.siz file.. the actual models used are manually swapped by the end user if they so choose..

a server or the game does not care what model you are using, it only cares for the shiplist, ftrlist, the strings files, the *.gf files, and the model.siz file.. the models themselves are eye candy for the user of the game.. what ever model you are using, only you can see it, the other person sees his model.. as such, a model is about 5 MB in size for each model..

given that several people use custom models, it is irresponsible for Strat to make the Mod Chooser to back up the Models as the backups are not compressed, just copies of the original files put in a separate directory.. as such if it was to back up all of your models (say 400 MB worth), then the game would have 400 MB of models for each mod backed up.. say you have 4 Mods  + Taldren's Original setup, then that is 2 GB of nothing but backed up models.. and that is not good and is not required to play online...

As the OP Enhancement Package Instructions state in the setup instructions (if you read the Official OP Enhancement Thread), It clearly states instructions for Custom Model Users and the need to manually back up your models and to swap them out manually to avoid losing models...

Sorry the Mod Chooser is not doing what you wanted foryour models.. but it is stated in the Mod section of this forum for the Mod Chooser and it is included in my install instructions and it is part of the OP_Enhancement-Readme.rtf file..

Also, the most current update to OP Enhancement v3.0 is located at

Xenocorp has not been updated to the newest version.. and the FTP you listed above is not up to date either.

Hope that this helps.
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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2006, 01:24:58 am »
I recommend Pestalence installer cuz it has this, but here it is seperately for those that need it, i cant ever find it...

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2006, 10:20:23 am »
The Enhancement pack 4 is broken - do not use it.

This thread is overkill and outdated. The Directory servers list is incomplete among other issues...

Please use this thread:,163359567.0.html

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Re: To Get Set Up For Dynaverse Play
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2006, 09:38:02 am »
The only part of the 4.0 enhancement pack that is broken is the scripts installer. Get the newest scripts installer and install that after the OP enhancement v4.0 pack is done and you'll be fine.

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