Topic: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.  (Read 3415 times)

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Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« on: November 14, 2004, 06:40:32 am »
Link to full article

If you have purchased a copy of Half-Life 2, we are sorry you are still waiting to play. This is not Valve's choice. Vivendi is insisting that the game has not yet been released, and has threatened that Valve would be in violation of its contract if we activate the Half-Life 2 Steam authentication servers at this time.

Thanks for your patience and we will update you when we have more news to share.

The game does not interest me but to others here who are awaiting it I thought that this might be useful.
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Offline Iceman

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2004, 11:00:18 am »
I hate Vivendi. Not only because of this but because Homeworld 2 took so damn long too.
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2004, 07:57:45 pm »
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2004, 08:07:10 pm »
LOL @ Dash.

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2004, 09:46:36 pm »

wondered where he went after iraq fell   :rofl: :rofl:


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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2004, 06:12:38 am »
What an utter pile of manure! Using customers as hostages in some corporate money grabbing tiff! >:( >:( >:( :thumbsdown: :lame:
 Every body that owns this sick joke, ought return it and tell both companies where to insert it.

 I don't even have a clue how these guys get away with this legally.

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2004, 06:47:48 am »
Yeah, so, my roomate is insane, he set hit alarm for 2:45 this morning to be up at 3 so he could play. Then I woke up for PT at 0525 and he was still playing. I go to PT, get back around 0715 and head down to the Fine Dining Facility on campus (breakfast) and he's just coming down to eat. He hadn't stopped all morning. Freak.
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Offline Grim

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2004, 07:11:22 am »
Well after several days playing it i have to say in my opinion Half-Life 2 is the greatest first person shooter ever made and has to be one of the greatest games ever.

Half-Life was revolutioanry, a great single player experience and a great platform to mod in terms of multiplayer options, i didnt think it could be bettered, but valve have surpassed themselves with this game.

You can tell that 6 years or so of hard work has gone into this game, the graphics are amazing, the ambient music effects are excellent, especially going through the "we dont go to ravenholme level". But the best feature i like of all is the ragdoll physics that are in the game which are quite frankly amazing.

Just my thoughts on hl2, annyone else played it and if so thoughts?

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2004, 08:22:03 am »
I'm not thrilled with HL2. My complaints:(in no specific order)

-I feel like a mouse in a maze. Only played through the "railroad" levels, I assume I'm almost to the boat. The puzzles, whether they be jumping or discerning your next exit leave me very dry. The "valve" puzzle in particular, does not make the graphic engine shine; you can't even tell your on anything or that your really jumping to anything other than the visual of the pipe.

-I'm killing a lot of people with a 9mm and I'm doing it from a range I consider extremely long for a pistol shot. let alone a head shot. Those cops sure look like there wearing body armor? No problem for me I'll just shoot them in the head. Most games don't have realistic weapon physics and HL2 is a pretty bad offender.Even some hand waver would be an improvement, but it would probely make that long distance head shot impossible. 

-I did not play HL. So I know no back story, and without really any cut scenes up to this point, I'm just running down the canals because the game wants me to, not that I care at all, I really don't know what my next objective is other than its ahead and not behind. I'm thinking level design is lacking, and doesn't do much to immerse you in the story line. Hell I havn't heard Freeman utter a word.

Right now Far Cry is the best FPS I've played this year. I seriously doubt I'm going to finish HL2 before I sell it.

Offline Iceman

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2004, 12:43:40 pm »
Try Doom3. It's scary as all get out.
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Offline Redshift the Kook

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2004, 02:33:22 pm »
I'm loving HL2, in my opinion it's better than Doom 3. I was so glad I got out of Ravenholme, it felt like every corner was a dead end. ;D

'Water Hazard' is an amazing level, beautiful scenery, the gunship that chases you is hard core. I'm still having nightmares about those mines.
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Offline Elvis

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2004, 02:49:20 pm »
The atmosphere in Doom 3 was done really well. Played in a dark room with the headphones on, it was fun. And I find a lot of fun missing in Half Life 2, the graphics are great and the world looks like no other, but its not sucking me into the game.

Offline Redshift the Kook

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2004, 05:37:52 pm »
That's cool Elvis, not everyone likes the same thing.  :)

HL2 is similar to its prequel in that it is linear and it is heavily scripted, but I don't mind that so long as it produces magic moments, which I think this game has. You get sections where it is fairly obvious where to go while other times it becomes quite difficult, (a la Ravenholme, I don't think you'll like that level).

Your right about the pistol, it is more accurate than it should be but I guess that's balanced by the fact that the submachine gun you get is not very accurate at all, so you can choose between spraying or accuracy, (but with less shots). Perhaps part of the problem is that Valve have just used the same weapons as Half Life and perhaps should have improved them a bit, (actually I lie, there are a few new ones). The Gravity gun is very fun to use, not useful in every occasion, but it's cool to pick up a metal table with it to sheild yourself from bullets or to hurl exploding barrels at enemies.

I guess it would be difficult to get to grips with Gordon Freemans scenario if you hadn't played the first one, hell I don't fully understand what's going on and I've played the first game several times. If you like I'll give you a quick synopsis:

Freeman worked at the Black Mesa facility, deep in the heart of the Nevada desert. An experiment went wrong, (or maybe right for some  ;)), and alens started destroying the base coming from another dimension. You eventually destroy the Nihilinth, the aliens hive mind, in the alien world of Zen at which point it looks like the government have control of the aliens to use as they wish. Gordon wakes up in HL2 to find the world has been taken over by some despotic regime, which utilises aliens and alien technology to keep order. I think this shows in that some aliens are controlled, some are roaming free, while others have joined the resistance.

I don't know what purpose the G-Man serves and the above might be proved wrong as I haven't finished the game yet. Anyway, at least get through the boat level because I thought that was the most fun and really made the environment shine for me.
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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2004, 09:36:24 pm »
hhmm i guess i'll spout off my suspect opinion here  ;D ;D

so far i am disappointed in hl2. after all the hype i have some problems with it. if i hadn't played far cry first i probably would like it more. unlike farcry, hl2 feels _very_ linear and i feel like i am beiing lead around by the levels and not the plot. 

the graphics are great but the eye candy can't make up for everything. it does look great on my new 19' lcd monitor tho! w00t ;D

i do like the continuation of the storyline and it does feel very continous, but again the storyline is almost driving me along (especially near the end of the "railroad" levels.) it is not as scary as doom3 but i like doom3 less that hl2. (so there id suck-ups :P )

the weapons should have been given a more thorough look over and improvement. they are almost exactly like the first one, (altho redshift is right the gravity gun is kinda cool) i agree with everyone who has mentioned that the pistol is way to accurate over long distances. but i'd rather kill someone from too far away with a head shot then have them eat my brain so it's a good trade off...  ;)

i have more but i can't really think of anything else right now so i'll just give it about

7 out of 10

watch out....farcry could win game of the year

p.s. mines suck royal ass!!!!!
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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2004, 05:20:19 pm »
Do you know what makes you me old????

I figured I would get through to the airboat; I knew I wasn't far. After playing about 10 minutes with the airboat I'm feeling ill, great, I'm nauseous. Motion sickness from a video game?? Whats up with that. I played through Far Cry and Doom 3 without any sickness. Love roller coasters and have been on airplanes alot in the past ten years without any sickness. I've been brought to my knees by a video game....

Offline Redshift the Kook

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2004, 11:15:19 am »
Lol, wow, hope you get used to it soon.

To be fair, after completing the game, (I cheated a few times though, *hangs head in shame*), I think some of the comments you made before were reasonable. The game is great when your in a big outdoor environment but I think there are too many instances where you're caught in what seems like, as you put it, a frustrating maze.

Alas, Half-Life 2 creates far more questions regarding the plot than it answers.
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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2004, 04:44:53 pm »
OK, I went ahead and Ordered the Bronze Level over Steam. I hope this game is worth It, as I have 100 minutes or so left on my Cable Modem.

Will they also send you a copy of the Game in the Mail? I'm thinking Not, since There was no Shipping and Handling charges on the CC.

Also, what good is the Counter Strike Source Code? to me It Doesn't seem to have any use for me. I already have CS for HL1.

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Offline Redshift the Kook

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2004, 05:51:19 pm »
OK, I went ahead and Ordered the Bronze Level over Steam. I hope this game is worth It, as I have 100 minutes or so left on my Cable Modem.

Will they also send you a copy of the Game in the Mail? I'm thinking Not, since There was no Shipping and Handling charges on the CC.

Also, what good is the Counter Strike Source Code? to me It Doesn't seem to have any use for me. I already have CS for HL1.


I'm pretty sure you won't get a copy in the post. If you can I would burn it to CD, (or CD's if possible).

Counter Strike : Source is the same as counter strike but uses the 3D 'Source' Engine from HL2 to make it look pretty.

BTW, the game should run beautifully on your setup Stephen. It ran very well on mine and my computer is hardly new.
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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2004, 06:05:33 pm »
Too cool redshift, and thanks for the Info. 23 minutes to go. Whoot!!!!

Stephen Changing the Light Bulb so I can go to red alert.
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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2004, 09:05:34 pm »
Actually burn it to a DVD, you'll only need one of those.

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2004, 10:56:08 pm »
 >:( Two flipping hours trying to install Half-Life2 and I can't play offline? WTF!! I know how to read damn it.

EDIT: I finally got this game registered. I'll let you know in a  few hours if I like what I see; I've been waiting for this like everybody else for so long... MY wife says "We'll buy it but yu can open it until X-mas"  Yeah right!

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2004, 11:11:31 pm »
I finished Half-Life 2 on Tuesday. Great game, I had alot of fun playing it. I do
wish that it was a little bit longer.

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2004, 12:07:29 am »
my  roommate at school woke up at 2:45 to play at 3. He played from 3 am till about 9 pm when he beat it.

Him: "I beat it, finally."
Me: "was it worth $50 and the sleep deprivation?"

Just like that. I couldn't believe it.
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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2004, 02:28:22 pm »
It's Kinda fun so far, and That Little boat thingie is out of this world. Now If I can just get past that Helicopter.

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Re: Half Life 2 on sale now. But you can't play it.
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2004, 06:09:56 pm »

Apparently Valve are releasing a little "suprise for the community" sometime soon when the SDK comes out, most people seem to think it will be Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, would be great if thats the case  ;D