First of all i dont give a dam about the 4th ppd rule , cause i dont think it will actually change anything.
I wrote that i respect your opinion and pointed out that it ll be considered as it already did.
I just disagreed with your statement that ISC ships are designed to be better and stated my arguements.
The x2 ships r not irrelevant at all , i picked them just because the I-XCA has the dam 4 ppd and wanted to show u that u would be able to use them just once against races as fed klig and lyran .I didnt intend to personally challenge u to a fight on 1v1 so i can proove that i m better pilot from u ,but to show u that (not just in theory) the plasma cant back up the isc ship as much as u think and that in most cases u wont be able to fire your ppd more than once.
If u dont like the x2 ships then feel free to choose the bpv.
All im saying is if u havent found a tactic or u dont have the skill yet to overcome ISC ships that might have lead u to the conclusion that "ISC are designed to be better" ,which to my opinion is definetely wrong.
Im glad FPF decided to go ISC cause this way u ll find out better what i mean when u ll get toasted by FSD or by hydran races with 14hornet2.Then u might reconsider your opinion .
As for the plasma vs plasma match

im always open to good challenges and im looking forward to have fun flying against u or against your fleet in 3v3 matches (fun or league).
Im a gsa freak u ll find me most of the time there.