I dont think it worths a reply at this "bug exploit" ,and i find all these a waste of time.
I think its time to draw a line here and agree to let the league as it is.No more rules change and new regulations that will make the league more complicated than it already is.
This tactic was always legal in gsa cause is just a tactic like many other similar shuttle tactics.
And most of all none ever claimed this tactic cheese.
U guys r able to bring(using PBR), in mid for example, ship combos with amazing firepower :
2 DG+:4hellbores 2phaserg 2phaser1 4phaser2 and 43power!!!,each
+ 1 LGE+(dread):3hell 2fussion 7phaser1
+ 14hornet2!!! 
And when u loose u come and claim the shuttle tactic cheese??? then i feel like i already missed GT... 
Oh, I see, now that your cheese is best, Mr PPD, you don't want a rule change?
PPD rule needs to go back to 1 ship with PPD. Period.
As for your lame attempt at exposing our 'awesome firepower'... consider what you would counter with at that BPV....
4 PPD, 6 PlasS, 18 PlasI, 24 Ph1, 18 ph3.
And the power to run at 31 all day tossing those S torps over your shoulder.
So the Hornets are NEVER gonna get in firing range b/c their max spd is 27.
Anyways, I need a laugh, so tell me. What Hydran LIGHT dread is gonna take on a CCZ without fighters?
ok,what happened here ,lol.
The ship combo u describe above CCZ, CAZ, CAZ (4 PPD, 6 PlasS, 18 PlasI, 24 Ph1, 18 ph3) are late era ships and not mid.

The hydran ship combo though i took for example is in mid era.(for late era cheese hydran ship combo please check Diehard post lol)
I guess it looked too good (or too cheese) for mid ah??

As for the ship combo with CCZ CAZ CAZ(which isnot the appropriate) in late era u can bring more than 20hornet 3 !!! and they can run 31

Its funny u said u need a laugh but on the contrary i
Finally u claimed i dont want a rule changed.But there isnt any legal tactics rules so they can be changed to illegal in these league.
This shuttle tactic issue is something the majority of the fleets votes , that r gonna participate in next cycle , will decide.
And its exactly what happened with the PPD rule change for the current cycle.
This way is what all fleets agreed to handle rules changes.