Sure it can be fair. Here are 3 options.
Remove the Race per fleet option and require everyone fly each race at least once per cycle and that matchups same race. So game are say 370 med TBPV
both sides Hydran or Klingon or Lyran etc. This tests pilot skils and ship selection but does not allow for race based advantages. You cycle through the races to make it fair to everyone.
You alot per cycle that each team has the use of a race a set amount of times that they can use as they choose. So like pitching in baseball you have to figure out what your going to fly against a certain team and plan accordingly.
2 matches with ISC ships
2 matches with Hydran ships
2 matches with Feds
you can even break it down to the individual game based on a 3 game race allotment if you have such patience for accounting. Now that would be really cool now that i thunk about it.
Finally and my favorite if not serious is:
Everyone flying against an ISC fleet can fly ISC ships against them. Cant go wrong if both sides use the same ships. Makes rules alot easier if not boring allowing the Empire ships, which have similar era technology available to fight each other and not having to worry about a race designed by the creator to be more advanced than everyone else.
(Not that anyone has complained at all about ISC having arsenals of Phaser 1s in Early era for example. Not really the point but i just thought id mention it.)
But yes it can be FAIR.
Dont you agree?
Disclaimer: Legendary is not a pbr administrator. All comments and suggestions are property and owned wholey by Legendary.

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