Topic: I have returned !!!!  (Read 2065 times)

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Offline Pestalence_XC

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I have returned !!!!
« on: November 21, 2004, 03:57:27 pm »
Due to moving and change of occupations, it has been hard as hell for me to get any time online.. as such.. I now have time in the evenings and on the weekends to sepnd back in the SFC relm..

Now currently i have a few things planned... but seeing that i haven't touched SFC in quite a while (any incarnation).. I want to first get the Enhancement package updated...

Now, I have seen some requests for the Mini Updater by Firesoul.. which I will include.. also someone suggested Taldren Model Viewer.. given that I have the High Res pack, Low Res Pack, OP+ with Models.. I will include the Taldren Model Viewer.. however it does have some quirks with XP systems, so that will be a use at your own risk item...

Now I need to know if Nuclear Wessels updated his missions or if Karnak or Tracy G updated their missions.. I need to know if Co-OP 3.2.1 is still the latest version, I need to know if Sector Assault 1.1 is still latest version and I believe Firesoul updated the OP + 3.4 while i was away so the one in the OP Enhancement Pack may be a bit out of date..

I also Need to know if there are any other items that may need inclusion in the package...

I intend to create 3 packages, and now with my new connection, uploading them should not be a problem...

and finally Kudos to Krueg for blowing me into bits on the D2 a few moments ago, It just reinforced just how rusty I really am now.....

After the Enhancement Package, I am going to turn back to SFC 3 to complete what I started in the Open Beta and finally get that rolling again..

Also my Email has been changed.. I am now at , until I can find a better email provider...

Sorry everyone for being away for so long, I had no idea I would be gone for this long... anyhow.. I'm glad to see that many of you are still here...

now back to business !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2004, 04:04:03 pm »
Outstanding Pesty.

BTW, I'll send you a Gmail invite Pronto Bro.

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2004, 04:13:05 pm »
    It is great to see you back and I will help you out .There is a new mission pack out by el Karnak .I don't believe NW has updated his missions  in awhile and for Tracey G. you will have to ask her but I do believe she is planning on updating some of hers.

    el Karnaks misssions are in hear somewhere maybe a few pages back.I thought you were getting some new skin for your ;)   

    The SFC3 Community does need that patch fixed up I installed it and see it is your work .I will have to get you up to speed on that Community has there has been some changes.I have been looking after your post at STGU as well  STGD is now closed . I have been enjoying flying around with DieHard,Jem,Tracey G. and a few others.Tracey but a posting about me in here it is now on page 2.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2004, 04:26:29 pm by Age »

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2004, 08:16:27 am »
WB, Pestalence.

                           Wraith 413

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2004, 12:50:31 pm »

Welcome back ;D

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2004, 01:08:41 pm »
Welcome back  :police:
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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2004, 03:40:12 pm »
WB, Pestalense.... now get on GW4!!! ;D
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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2004, 08:58:44 pm »
WB Bud. Longtime no see.

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2004, 09:15:44 pm »
WB Bud. Longtime no see.

What Nail said ... but, of course, with much more feeling and warmth ;)

Thanks for what you do here Pesty.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2004, 10:33:23 pm »
Glad to be back.. I'm working on an updated enhancement package for OP currently.. I should have it together within a few days.. but I am still wondering on the status of mission scripts.. have ED or El Karnak or Tracey G. updated their scripts???? I have everything else so far for the enhancement package..

Glad you are all still here.. I'll be online Thanksgiving day and this coming weekend.. hopefully spend quite some time on GW 4...

Laters for now..
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2004, 11:47:40 pm »
Glad ur back Pesty. I bought Halo2 and Halflife2 but cant stop playing the dyna.

Got a question for ya. Does ur enhancement package mess with the damage textures? Or any textures for that matter? If so, what happens is when it updates that file, it gets moved to a different location on the hard drive and thats problematic for peeps with slower HD's. I did defrags after doing ur enhancement package and found that specific file fragmented. No matter how many defrags I did, apparently the .exe has to find it and I got major lags in PvP whenever the textures had to be accessed. It cut my frame rate down 50-75%. I didnt use your enhancement package for this server and do not havbe that problem...

Do u mess with the textures file? I tried ur package 3x. Same @ time...

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2004, 07:00:09 am »
Glad ur back Pesty. I bought Halo2 and Halflife2 but cant stop playing the dyna.

Half-Life 2 much better game than Halo 2  :P ;D

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2004, 07:05:09 am »
Halo2 SP sucks donkey ***. Horrid ending OMG. I want my money back. But the LIVE is worth it. Every penny and then some. HL2 is cool. Entirely frustrating at times due to the awkward keys setup. Be nice to figure out a device that would make it more halo like. They have PC controllers for that?

Pesty, get on the GW4 server so I can kill ur ass and tell me about the textures file. :P

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2004, 02:00:06 am »
Glad ur back Pesty. I bought Halo2 and Halflife2 but cant stop playing the dyna.

Got a question for ya. Does ur enhancement package mess with the damage textures? Or any textures for that matter? If so, what happens is when it updates that file, it gets moved to a different location on the hard drive and thats problematic for peeps with slower HD's. I did defrags after doing ur enhancement package and found that specific file fragmented. No matter how many defrags I did, apparently the .exe has to find it and I got major lags in PvP whenever the textures had to be accessed. It cut my frame rate down 50-75%. I didnt use your enhancement package for this server and do not havbe that problem...

Do u mess with the textures file? I tried ur package 3x. Same @ time...

All my enhancement package does is move the original models to a backup directory in the Models folder and then installs the High Resolution Model Pack by P81 and Atrahasis.. no textures are changed at all... Firesoul's models are installed via his mod installer and as such, they are installed into a different directory and does not touch the stock model folder....

now if you are using Firesoul's mini Updater.. that does mess with damage texures on some models and the EGS loop sound... and that may be where you are having your difficulty.. however on my system, I don't have any proplems defragmenting SFC OP, however i use Diskeeper 9 Professional for a defragmentation tool...

Now if you are allowing the High Res model package to install (P81 and Atrahasis' Models), the High Res package was designed for GeForce 4 TI 4600 vidcards with 64 MB memory or better with a system running at least a P IV 1.5 Ghz and at least 512 memory under Win 2K.. under XP you would need 786 MB system ram and a 64 MB Vid card or a 128 MB vid card and 512 system memory to avoid lag.. that is if you have a 5400 RPM HDD.. a 7200 RPM HDD should have no problem if you have your Virtual Memory configured correctly..

Virtual Memory should be set at a minimum of 200 MB with 2 GB max on a 60 Gig HDD on a system running 1 Gig DDR at PC2100 speed (433 MHZ Front Bus)... otherwise, I would suggest not installing the D2 model package until I get the new packs up which will contain the Low Res (256 x 256) Textures... the high Res package has 512 x 512 textures and it may be too much for your system.. however if your system meets the requirements, I would look for a Windows XP Tweak site such as and tweak your system out for optimal performance...

You are the first person to state that the package is causing lag.. however if others are experiencing this as well, I will check each model in 3D Studio and make sure that they are saved correctly and are rendering as designed.... but my first impression is that the system is having a driver conflict or your system is not tweaked for gaming.. possibly too many services running, too many programs starting up with your OS, not enough ram, Virtual Memory not configured properly, or Windows Defrag is no longer capable of doing an adaquate job for your HDD.. I had this problem with NeverWinter Nights.. after getting Diskeeper, I no longer have this problem after reconfiguring my system's MTF file allocation and toing a low level system start defrag.. I also found that if you set XP's paging file to be deleated at shutdown, programs work much better.. you can set Paging file to delete on shutdown using Tweak XP (Microsoft product), however shutdown will be increased to about 3 min...

Anyhow, let me know and I will look into things on my end...

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Re: I have returned !!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2004, 05:49:45 am »
Perhaps this is an isolated case. My system specs match your requirements on the nose... I do have some thoughts.

I reformatted my HD and reloaded all my stuff. The problem went away. It likely was FS's package if he is the one messing around with those files. The only thing I can think of is that I had some sort of HD file problem in between servers that caused the problem when I newly D/Led the FS update and used your enhancement package at the same time. Because FS's D/L had worked before, I automaticaly blamed your instal. Turns out it was likely my HD.

I had to think it through,,, I was having some other very peculiar problems which lead to the reformat. No, I doubt, especially since you do not touch those files, that it cannot possibly be your package... it must've been FS's update coupled with what lead me to reformat.

Still, like I had said before in your sticky thread... your enhancement package was a WOW thing to see when it was finished. I highly recommend it. Thanks again. ;)