Topic: Oh no  (Read 1521 times)

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Offline Clark Kent

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Oh no
« on: November 10, 2004, 09:57:28 am »
On my way to class this morning I was driving along when this little quirrel runs out in front of my car.  I thought noting of this, since it happens all the time, but just as I was about to pass it, he got spooked, and tried to run back where he came from.  I saw him disapear under the front end of my car and though "oh crap."  After I had passed by I looked back in my rearview mirror to see if he had made it by safely.
All I saw was a little squirrels smudge on the road and his fluffy little grey squirrel tail waving in the wind.
This is so not cool.  I don't kill little critters, I'm supposed tro be nice to them, and I most certainly do not squish them with my car.
How depressing.   :'(

But tell me, can you heal what father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?
Tell me, can you heal what father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
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Offline E_Look

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2004, 10:20:17 am »
I totally feel the way you do and feel bad for you, but better to have done that than get into an accident, telling us you're posting from the ER.

Once, I must have either run one over or it tried to crawl in the wheel well when I was starting to roll or something, because the car began to smell awful, like something "crawled in and died".  Following my nose, I found half a squirrel in the wheel well behind the thin plastic piece that keeps the splash from wetting the insides of the car.  It was no fun getting it out.

Offline Clark Kent

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2004, 10:26:37 am »
Dude that's even qorse than squishing the poor little devil.  I can imagine how bad cleaning it all out would be.  No fun.  Nofun at all.

But tell me, can you heal what father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?
Tell me, can you heal what father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine, and I'm pain free, you jab another pin,
Jab another pin in me

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2004, 08:54:15 pm »
You know, I used to think similar things about mice and critters...than whilst visiting a place small little place in Europe (I won't name the nation so no one can be offended or think I'm prejudice) I ran into an infestation.  I learned rather rapidly for that two week period, that I could be quite adept at raising my foot and squashing them underfoot of my heel if I could catch them staying still for even a second.  I try to be peaceful, but they were pretty bad there.  It's amazing how easily they die with the weight of a solid foot implant.
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2004, 01:58:35 am »
i too have run them over, but not on purpose. I have only done two.

the first one ran 10 feet in front of car and i had no chance of braking. he did not make it.

the second one did the samething and again i could not brake because of a wet street.

What i do now is honk my horn as fair warning and to scare them to death. and so far it has worked as a charm... ;D

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2004, 07:53:15 am »
What i do now is honk my horn as fair warning and to scare them to death. and so far it has worked as a charm... ;D

That's a good idea.  IU'll have to get my car horn fixed.

But tell me, can you heal what father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?
Tell me, can you heal what father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine, and I'm pain free, you jab another pin,
Jab another pin in me

Offline RogueJedi_XC

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2004, 09:31:51 pm »
On my way to class this morning I was driving along when this little quirrel runs out in front of my car.  I thought noting of this, since it happens all the time, but just as I was about to pass it, he got spooked, and tried to run back where he came from.  I saw him disapear under the front end of my car and though "oh crap."  After I had passed by I looked back in my rearview mirror to see if he had made it by safely.
All I saw was a little squirrels smudge on the road and his fluffy little grey squirrel tail waving in the wind.
This is so not cool.  I don't kill little critters, I'm supposed tro be nice to them, and I most certainly do not squish them with my car.
How depressing.   :'(

In some parts of the country that would be considered dinner...


Offline E_Look

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2004, 11:15:56 pm »
Would you believe I've even come across a few BIRDS that don't like to move out of the way of a speeding noisy vehicle?

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2004, 01:21:12 am »
i love the squirrels in my fact, I am their social security...I feed them nuts, my wife's cats go crazy..

BTW, I buy the good stuff..walnuts, pecans, etc...nail a few feed corn to the tree..and peanuts for the bluejays..


Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

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it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
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Offline S'Raek

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2004, 12:44:43 pm »
We used to throw out some peanuts for the squirrels and jays around our house.  The squirrels also used to get into the birdfeeder and throw out all the seeds to get at the sunflower seeds.  Made a big mess in the yard.  lol  But it is worth it to have the little critters and birds around. 

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Offline Darth Sidious

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2004, 03:17:06 pm »
My parent's house is out in the woods at the top of a hill.  They;ve got 6 or 7 different bird feeders.  They get everything from sparrows, to hawks, bald eagles, and turkey vultures (circling overhead on thermals), all sorts of woodpeckers, including Pillieated (AKA woody woodpecker)

It's always fun to head out there, sit on the deck and watch the huge variety of birds that flit in and out of the area.

Squirrels get into the feeders and make huge messes - so action is taken.  I swear Squirrels recognize the pellet gun when they see it.  When that doesnt suffice, the dog manages to tree quite a few of em.

Nothing against squirrels, but they do make a mess, and make the birds more shy.

Offline manitoba1073

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2004, 09:50:11 pm »
one yr lots of animals commited suicide with my car. it was hapening so much i thought about putting kill stickers on the side. lol    but hey it happens better the squirell than u getting in a wreck trying to miss it.

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Oh no
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2004, 02:23:33 pm »
I almost hit a herd of deer with my Echo this weekend.  One of them jumped in front of me 50 feet in front of me, I nailed the brakes and the whole time the deer was running in front of my car I was sliding.  After I was stopped, I saw one in my rear view mirror, and two more running beside me.

I swear if I had a bigger car and/or ABS I would've hit it.   :o
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