Topic: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled  (Read 4569 times)

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Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« on: February 19, 2005, 01:11:34 am »
Star Trek 11 cancelled

Thanks to for heads up.

The people who didn't like Enterprise is telling Paramount they don't like Star Trek.  This might even scare off other networks from ever picking up any new Trek show.  Even new games.

I can't see anything new coming out, ever.


« Last Edit: February 19, 2005, 09:32:16 am by Kane »
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2005, 03:54:12 pm »
Well, what's really stupid is that someone would try to force the idea that we have to support something we don't like in order to get something that we MIGHT like.

Afterall, let's say you HATE the Atlanta Falcons, but you love the Braves.  Someone states that you HAVE to support the Falcons if you want to see the braves play the next season.  Sure they are from the say city, and have many of the same support groups and chains as well as connected to some of the same people.  They are both sports, and both are in the South.  But to say I have to support something even if I hate it simply because it might wipe sports out of Atlanta...

It's stupid to imply that because I was against Enterprise it's my fault that Star Trek won't be shown or a movie got cancelled.  It's the stupid idiots at the studios who's fault it is...

I just  love how people try to put blame on others because others didn't like Enterprise, and hence try to put the blame on them that star trek is being put on a back burner for now.

It's the studios who decided, and the studios who look at it however dang they want.  I'm not going to get blackmailed into liking a show simply because they are saying you must support it or else type threats.

I actually have enjoyed season 4 as opposed to the other seasons of Enterprise...which I didn't really enjoy at all.  But still, comments like that make me simply want to drop the show altogether and NOT even watch season 4 if that's the attitude going around.  I'll be solidly against Enterprise completely someone ships that type of attitude on me.  I'm pretty certain I'm not alone on that either.

Give me good star trek and I'll support it.  Try to stick what I consider BS and stupid shows or movies on me, and though this probably ISN'T the popular thing to say...I'd rather no trek than stupid trek.
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Offline Kane

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2005, 06:46:24 pm »
If you wanted to watch a Falcon's home game on TV, the stadium would have to be sold out.  If not, then the network could broadcast any game they wanted.  Sports is a different animal all together.

But I'm sorry you feel that way Dash. :-\

I'm glad to say, I kept an open mind when I saw every episode of Enterprise.  I'm also enjoying all the new ships that are coming out of the show that people are putting into the StarTrek Mods.  :thumbsup:


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Offline Nemesis

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2005, 09:08:00 pm »
The people who didn't like Enterprise is telling Paramount they don't like Star Trek.  This might even scare off other networks from ever picking up any new Trek show.  Even new games.

If Paramount does their research they will know that it was not Trek people disliked but Enterprise.  That and the team of Berman and Braga. 

Even if I accepted your logic that I had to support Enterprise to get more Trek I would not support it.  Because all that support would buy me is more Trek that I dislike instead of Trek that I do like. 

I can't see anything new coming out, ever.

How many years did they say that before ST:TNG?   Yet we did get more Trek.

In any case I am a bit of a Heretic here because I would rather see a new non Trek series that embodies the philosophy of Trek.  There are in fact many settings that could in theory be licensed that could produce a show that would inspire the fan base every bit as much as has Trek.
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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2005, 10:08:27 pm »
I would say the trek decline has been happening ever since the last couple seasons of TNG.  I think the majority of Voyager viewers weren't fans of the show, but watched cuz it was trek.  DS9 gets a lot of mixed reactions, so I'm not sure what to say about it, even though I tend to like it now that I'm actually catching alot of these episodes for the first time.
In any event, trek is a unique market- the buyers (fans) are very vocal about what they like, and very tolerant when they get things they don't like, hoping that they'll get what they like next week...
Berman and Braga (IMHO) have a mission to remake trek in their own image, rather than truly building off what came before them.  Support has been dropping steadily, and has dwindled down to the point that the cash cow is now all but dead.  The fan base that is already there has been ignored and neglected, and new fans have not been added probably due to the fact that anythign Sci Fi tends to be a niche market anyway.
I personally do not think this is the end of trek.  I may not see new trek for another decade or two, but by then hopefully Berman and Braga and any similar counterpart will have been ejected from the franchise.  What I can't figure out is that trek didn't even show signs of stabilizing after years of decline until B&B were out of the picture temporarily early this season, and paramount, after deciding to cancel the show has decided to put them back on to finish it up.  Seriously, how are they missing the pattern here?

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Offline Villa64

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2005, 10:23:51 pm »
Remember before the show was even on?

"I dont beleeeeeeve it.  It's not a cruiser, it's an Akeeeeeeeraprise.  Berman and Braga suuuuuuck.  I am going to boyyyyycotttttt the new show."

Threads like this, on this forum, before anyone even saw a single episode.

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2005, 10:38:46 pm »
Remember before the show was even on?

"I dont beleeeeeeve it.  It's not a cruiser, it's an Akeeeeeeeraprise.  Berman and Braga suuuuuuck.  I am going to boyyyyycotttttt the new show."

Threads like this, on this forum, before anyone even saw a single episode.

Some of us gave it a chance.  I watched most of the first season some of the 2nd and 3rd.  The key fact is that when I didn't see the show I didn't miss seeing it.

I myself didn't like the mucking with the established history.  When it finally began to get better they put it on Friday nights which means that I have seen maybe 1/3 of the episodes this season. 

The "Akiraprise" aspect never bothered me. 
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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2005, 11:44:37 pm »
I still contend that friday nights are the scrap heap for shows on UPN and once enterprise went there its fate was sealed.

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Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2005, 12:10:53 am »
Actually a lot of us gave Enterprise a good go at it.  And like it too.

The simple truth is that 2 things killed Enterprise

1.  The bunch that hated the ship an continued to gripe to no end about everything in the program until it died.  There have even been some in different areas of this forum that admitted they were glad to see it die so that supposedly the writers could get back to putting the appropriate ship with the appropriate time line ..   (OY  what a mess ).  It would not have mattered who wrote the thing or how good it was.  IMHO they would have "damned it to Hxxx" regardless.  Boy !  That makes want to jump right in and write LOTS of movies etc for fans like that !

2.  The infamous BB brothers ....  ( more like the door bell brothers) .. Those two knot heads and the "temporal warfare".  It should be noted that this last season was done right !

As for the future of Trek ..  I dont believe that it's dead .. Not by a long shot !  But I do believe that if a certain group of extremists don't get off it (so to speak) it will certainly make it a LOT more difficult to convince ANYONE to want to jump in to the lions den just to make a buck !
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2005, 10:25:11 am »
You guys all sound like the Democrats blaming the Southern Democrats for losing the election.

Plain and simple, they lost because their own strategy stunk.

The same is true for enterprise.  It's got bad ratings because those making it had a terrible marketing strategy.   They purposely told some fans to go stick it where the sun don't shine, they then ignored others that called for better writing, they tried to cater to others with their opening credits, sex, and just about any trick they thought might bring in fans...and failed...terribly in that...and basically ignored ANY and ALL public polls, ideas, and even research in favor of B&B's own ideas.  It took the main studio imposing it's will finally to even get them out and instill something of interest (this past season HAS had much better writing) with Coto.  The publilc wanted something more along the lines with either a continuation of trek after The TNG era, but even moreso of one a little before Kirk's era, or even right after Kirk's era.  B&B wanted a temporal trek.  Guess who won that. 

The outcry was about the Enterprise NX-01 looking too much like the Akira...that SHOULD have been an easy fix, make it look more like a TOS ship...instead...B&B did as they desired.

The outcry WAS about them blatantly ignoring earlier things from Trek....such as when Klingons were found by the Federation.  B&B ignored that.

Still, many gave the show a shot, and ratings for the first show were decent.

Then the outcry besides that was even more strongly for ORIGINAL ideas, and BETTER writing.  B&B instead did their own thing.

That was a MAJOR point.  If a show is boring and poorly written, or loses the interest of those watching it (personally, I found the first 3 seasons of Enterprise so boring at times, I simply couldn't watch the shows, I'd give it a start, but then by midshow be flipping just to see if anything else was on).

Finally, they wanted to bring in new viewers, but their ideas of a more modern tune, some scantily clad women during some episodes, and suggestive discussion, isn't what really draws in others.  Instead Sci-Fi fans would watch Stargate SG-1, those who were not would watch other shows or movies, and hence not many new viewers started watching.

So, they ignored many of those who liked the show...nix that audience.

They ignored many of those who stuck around and watched the they lose a lot of that audience.

And they didn't really suceed in drawing in anybody new to watch.

So basically all that was left were the hardcore fanatacists.  It wasn't even those who like trek in general...

And if you only have a very hardcore base who's watching whilst you've lost everyone else...well...that's what I call one of the poorest strategy's period.

In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd have to almost say B&B were purposely trying to kill trek with that strategy.

And you know what, trying to blame the general fans on stupid decisions made by the makers of Enterprise is just stupid.  In fact that's about the stupidist logic I can find.  The real blame lies in whoever came up with the stupid marketing strategy, and alienated all but the most verdant of loyalists. 

As I said, I'd rather have no trek than what I consider to be worthless drivel.  Now if they had GOOD shows, heck, of course I'd rather have that, but don't say I have to support the trash of the star trek heap in order to keep that trash going.  That's plain idiocy in my eyes.
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"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2005, 10:22:50 am »
The real irony of all this is that this last episode is some of the best Trek writing to come down the pike...EVER! But because of the past years of tripe that came out of that show only a few are enjoying it.

What a shame fate has delt Trek and ST:ENT such a hand.

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Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2005, 03:54:13 pm »
The real irony of all this is that this last episode is some of the best Trek writing to come down the pike...EVER! But because of the past years of tripe that came out of that show only a few are enjoying it.

What a shame fate has delt Trek and ST:ENT such a hand.


I agree totally.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this season.  Some of the best Trek ever released.  And I can say that since I've been around Trek since its first season in the 60's.

As for this continued alogation of the "Akiraprise" crap ..   that needs to be put to rest perminately.  It IS STILL a good design and (IMHO) it fits the time line well too !

Besides ..  the Akira is little more than what I call  an inverted model.  Look at it closely.  The saucer is upside down. ..... two 2ndary hulls not one.  The pylons are upside down from the view point of a typical star ship.  It really is sort of out of place with the rest of the ships designed in that era.  But ..  hey ..  that's cool.  Once you see what they were doing ..  ( I still dont like it that well ..  but that's just me.  And I'm smart enough to know that flaming the heck out a ship like that is pointless) 

(grabs asbestos suit ....  snaps helment into place )

okie ...  I'm as ready as I can get !
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Re: Movie Star Trek 11 cancelled
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2005, 08:38:49 pm »
My hope is that once Enterprise runs its course for this season it will be resumed later. I'm hoping that once the show gets out on DVD and a wider audience has the opportunity to experience the superior quality of the recent episodes, there will be demand to continue that storywriting. It'd be a blast if SciFi would pick it up. Can you imagine Enterprise in the SciFi Friday lineup along with the Stargate shows and BSG? I'd have a giddy fit and collapse from exhaustion if that were to happen! ;D The next time I sight a flock o' flyin' swine I'll be tunin' in to SciFi to watch Enterprise on Friday night :P