Oh, they weren't that bad!!!!
Hell, this Hydran survived the encounter.... no reason a poody cat shouldn't. <snicker>
BTW, how 'bout them STEELERS!!!!
Somehow I knew you would reply to what I said. You got lucky, DocPsycho was already WAY GONE by the time Chuut (aka Natas) got around. They are most dangerous when allowed to push each other along during their drinking spree. Although, I really don't doubt your ability to keep up with them Bearslayer. Your kilt raising antics certainly seemed to be a fan favorite in downtown Charlotte.
So, seen any bears lately?
I'll have to tell you about my hiking experience in Yellowstone National Park sometime.
STEELERS RULE!!!!! Members of the '72 Dolphins owe the Steelers alot this year. Then again, I was hoping Miami would have another perfect season, the winless type that is.
Any Cleveland fans in the house, their next in line for a Steeler butt-whooping!! (Again)