Not that GFL will necessarily come back now, but they had thought the original rule was ok, and supposedly would have stayed had I changed the PBR rule back immediately.
That's BS they were just using that as an excuse.
Since when have you become a mind-reader on this issue? If you have questions, in addition to the ones that you already asked in D2 forum, then you are very welcomed to ask them from me, the GFL fleet leader for GZ League, anytime you wish.
First of all, GFL had all matches scheduled right up until the end of the cycle in Jan/2005, we showed up for every match scheduled, and played within the rules (including the ones we had to learn on the fly cuz we are newbies to this GZ League format). Then we hit the just-discovered, for us anyway, PPD rule bump in the match against the 9th fleet. Overall assessment on our side was although it really did not hamper ISC ships' ability to fight, as stated by the ISC fleet and a little less diplomatically by Corbomite, it does smack of racial profiling, so to speak. So, we decided to ask for a PPD rule change and see how it went. If Jakle made the change then we would have continued.
Then, a few days later, we heard GZ league was shut down and that rendered the PPD rule debate moot for us cuz we thought there was no chances of any more matches being played.
Bottom-line, in the actions speaks louder than posts dept., by majority vote of the fleets in this forum, the PPD rule change that I first proposed (ie. max 4 PPD general assignment for 3 ship fleet) was made which is the one we thought was originally in the PBR when we first joined. Obviously the change was warranted.
Regarding future GFL participation in a new startup league. It is out of my hands cuz, during the down-time when the league shut down, I find that I am no longer interested SFCOP game in general, be it Dyna or GZ play, and have been hooked on another game. You'll have to propose it to another GFL OP player and take it from there. You could try talking to Bos'n.
I would like to thank Jakle for taking the initiative in coming up with a new PPD rule and achieving a consensus on it.