Yea lets see if I can finish something for a change

I 'm terrible i kno.
Its inspired by the TMP photon torpedo case that you see in ST3. I already knew that this was the basic shape ever since the tug was built, so it went rather quickly, this is about 2 hours work. I didnt do my usual "move one vertex then look at it from all angles for an hour" bit.

The torps will be at the bottom so they will clear just fine, i split the flag bridge recess so it looks aroung the tug's dish support strut. the side hanger doors are 12 meters by 8 meters, so it will house a pretty big attack shuttle.
This falls short of the Battlepod tho, really need to see some SSDs and do some pod discussion. This isnt a 6-torp pod i dont think. Is this about the physical size that the traditional SFB battlepod would be?
What do you guys think?