Topic: Inexorable Hunters  (Read 8942 times)

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Offline Mutilator

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Inexorable Hunters
« on: November 05, 2004, 11:55:44 pm »
"Inexorable Hunters"

Chapter I "The hunt"

As the last of the evening civil twilight fell into darkness I slowly inhaled the polar air of Xianon. The temperature was dipping below minus fifteen centigrade and it is surely to drop well below minus thirty by the time my mission ends. I pad my combat jacket and make sure the waist strap is drawn tight. I feel a little naked without my Red claw hand disruptor however I know I will have no need of it tonight. I watch as my frosted breath bellows out like great puffs of white smoke, from an old earth machine called a locomotion engine. I one day hope to build one of these machines and travel around my home planet, shaking that nonsense out of my head I look star ward and gather my thoughts.

"Inexorable this is Captain Mutilator" I state speaking into my comm claw.

The rough voice of my first office Crocodile answers back "Inexorable here Captain"

"Croc transport down the last prisoner I want to get off this ball of ice and on to more important matters"

"Yes Sir, Shall I will give this one a two kilometer head start?"
Croc inquires

"No these last two humans were not much of a challenge arm him and give him a four kilometer advantage" I demand. Looking at the blood under my claws from my last prey, I kick one of the lifeless federation officers at my feet. "The Lyran empire looks poorly upon the Federation and even less upon fool infidels that believe they can gather intelligence on us." I state speaking to the dead as though they could still hear.

Hitting my comm claw again "Croc let the hunt begin transport the filth four kilometers from my position on the hunting radius."

"Done Sir enjoy the hunt, Inexorable out" the comm link goes quiet. Inhaling the crisp air deeply into my lungs I watch another large puff of white breath condensate in the air, oh how I enjoy a good hunt.

Looking over to an outcropping of rocks I set out to stalk my prey. Moving to a higher advantage point is my first goal; I unsheathe my claws and begin to climb the small rock face to the top. The climb is easy although the cold is starting to wear on my bare paws. Upon reaching the top I crouch and close my eyes. I cant my ears to every noise of my chilly environment.

The wind on this white winter rock of a planet makes hunting rather difficult as the smells of prey dissipate quickly in the breeze and blowing snows covers up any tracks. I have hunted in all types of environments and always like a challenge, Traumatech first mention Xianon to me last year. He discovered it on a raiding run just inside the Kzinti boarder, now Lyran space as we continue to push those half-breeds back towards their Federation masters. The first time I hunted here I lost a good officer Tainted Aura I recall his name fondly was probably the best weapons officer Inexorable ever had. He fell through the ice on a mountain river to the east. We were unable to recover his corpse for his secrete bonfire to send his spirit to the pride of heroes. One day I will return and bestowed that honour for him.

Strongbad my new weapons officer came highly recommended by Warp10 and true to his assessment Strongbad has not disappointed, training he received from Warp10 is commendable to say the least. Strongbad was paramount in the discovery of the three Federation spies we now hunt. While Inexorable pass the Long-shi-so listening post just inside the Gar?field?eon asteroid field, he intercepted a carrier wave on a sub space administration network that the spies were using to piggy back tactical information of our invasion force amassing within that field. I am still not certain as to how he ascertained the data but nonetheless here I sit with one spy left to hunt. I let Strongbad carry out the interrogation of the filth; it now looks like we may have to advance our meeting with the Klingons. I am certain Shadowlord and Jakle will not be pleased to find out the Federation may have learned of our alliance and invasion plans. The Kzinti can wait for now.

My eyes open and widen as I finally gather the scent of a distance human, he is probably two kilometers to the west of my position. I sit for few moments longer to confirm the smell. Stretching as I stand up out of my hunting crouch I move at an accelerated pace along the top of the rock face I stop every 200 meters or so to reacquire the smell of primal fear. The stench is close by now Less than half a kilometer I estimate. The night sky is now brightening as Xianon's third moon reaches her perigee. I would prefer a darker night but the improved visibility will make my climb down the rock face a lot quicker. Just as I am preparing to jump down the last five metres to the snow below I hear a high-pitched sound of a Federation hand phasers capacitor charging to fire, I quickly let go of the rock ledge I was holding and try and do a controlled fall to my left, I detected it a fraction of a second too late as the phaser blasts into the hand hold I just let go off. Falling out of control I hit the ground with force as small parts of the hill fall on me.

Cursing my carelessness I roll into an attacking crouch. Gathering my senses I see the shadow of the man running up towards the rocks on the right. I time my leap perfectly and easily dodge his next phaser blast. Using a large bolder I kick off it and propel myself towards the human with my claws full bare. Slicing at his left hand I manage to dislodge the phaser from his hand. Hoping he will attempt to bend over and pick up his weapon, I am again caught off guard as the human throws a large stone that catches me in the chest. Off balance the human charges me, leaps and knocks us both down to the ground.

Finally prey worthy of killing I think to myself as I try and flip off the filth. He lands a fist to my face that makes me holler out in pain, "Damn you" I curse as I realize he has another rock in his hands. With my left arm out I deflect the downward swing of his next attack and gouge my right paws claws into his belly. The surprised look of sharp pain in his face is always my favorite moment of the hunt. Pulling my paw back I manage to roll out from under the human. The white snow is now covered in red both from the large cut to my face and the spilling guts of the human. Looking at each other with disgust we both struggle to our feet. "Why are you doing this to us?" the Federation spy demands. "What do you do to spies human" Lock them up in cages, humiliate them, and deny them the hunt? You have already been interrogated by my crew." I state as a matter of fact. "I will ease your suffering" making a quick move to the right gets the human to shift his weight to the right to attempt to block my attack, turning over on my own body mass I slash with my left paw which he easily blocks. Now with his right side exposed I, stop short and pull back around to his right, drive my right paws claws across his throat the human falls to his knees. Gargling and spitting blood the human mutters "I will see you in hell." Turning back around I provide my prey with his death nail and drive my claws up under the soft part of his chin up into his brain. I whisper back in his ear "Your right, you will see me in hell but long after you are there" twisting my paw his suffering ends.

Falling to my knees I push the human back and watch as he falls into a heap, his body has already started to freeze as the temperature dips below minus thirty-five. Gathering my composer and letting the adrenalin of the hunt leave my system I finally stand. I walk over and find the phaser that I dislodged from my prey earlier. I pick it up walk back and vaporize the remains.

"Mutilator to Inexorable"

The familiar "Croc here Captain" greets me. "Croc beam me directly to sick bay and have the doctor bring his oldest bottle of Nipnor"

"Everything alright sir?" Croc inquires

"Everything is purrrfect Croc." I say with a chuckle "Bit of a cat scratch is all nothing a little Nipnor can not cure"

The yellow and green transport lights appear and I am quickly transported back to the warmth of Inexorable's sickbay.

Shaking out the snow and cold I call the bridge "Croc take us out of orbit at warp three set a course to Kronos. Signal to Warp10 and Traumatech that we have a date with the Klingons"

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 05:36:12 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2004, 11:56:31 pm »
Chapter II
“Command Call”

After a most gratifying hunt on Xianon, a brief stop into sick bay for a few glasses of Nipnor and a small laser scalpel procedure to mend the cracked cheek bone I received on the surface, I retire to my cabin to complete Inexorable’s log books.

Originally we patrolled along a shared boarder with the Klingons and the filthy Kzinti half-breeds. Our initial mission was of scientific exploration for the Empire. Insurgences into our territory by a Kzinti faction know only to us as SoV, supported by those gas breathing air bag Hydrans dramatically changed the scope of our mission. Far Stars has moved from a mainly scientific Duchy to a war ready battle order.   

Inexorable is one of the Empires BCP+ refitted Command ships, her crew is steady and battle hardened. The Executive Officer of our division known as the Demons is a highly respected and capable warrior, Captain Warp10, he commands the Merciless, one of our NCA class and of course the fearless Captain Trauma Tech’s EGO support ship Sphere. We have been mandated by the Emperor himself to establish an alliance with the Klingons. We sent Warp’s executive officer Hohhoch there two months ago and he made contact with us last week. He has made arrangements for us to talk with the House of Hy’Kull I briefly spoke to Jakle three days ago when we passed the Long-shi-so listening post. It did not appear that the Federation spies were on to our talks with the Klingons; however that is not a risk I am willing to take.

“Beep Beep Beep” wails my cabins intercom

“Captain go ahead” I answer

“Sir we are at the rendezvous, the Merciless and Sphere are holding off our starboard catamaran” answers back Strongbad

“Very well I’ll be to the bridge shortly. Have Warp and TT beam over. Strongbad have my war room prepared for dinner, I want to be served at 1800 Captain out.”[/i] I push the intercom button off. I finish my log entry of the hunt and compromise that our interrogations of the Federation spies found. I push my intercom button again.

“Communications Control Room Sir” the familiar voice of my yeoman answers.

“Crim get me level four encrypted circuit to FSD Headquarters in the Gar’field’eon field” I ask.

Crim “Secure four open Sir”

“Thanks Crim” switching off the intercom I turn to my holographic display table.

“Hail Admiral On7of9” I dutifully respond upon seeing the Fleet Commander.

“Mutt what’s the occasion?” On7 inquires

“I am up linking my latest ship log now Sir it should explain everything” 

On7 takes a few moments to scan over my log entry and asks “Mutt do you think the Federation realizes the composition of our invasion force?”

Sir honestly I do not think the Federation really understands what they were looking at, however, I am not one to put that theory to the test. We know they did mange to get some communications off to Star Fleet Command and a majority of our ships passed that post heading to the assembly point over the last two weeks”

On7 “Understand and thanks for the warning… one minute Mutt”

Looking at the hologram and careful listening in I hear the Admiral order his security officer to take a detachment to the Long-shi-so listening post and terminate the station.

“Mutt” On7 returns

“Yes Sir” I reply

On7 “Long-shi-so listening post will be dealt with for their carelessness, swift justice you understand”

“Yes, Sir I do. Do you need the Demons to return?”

“No it is paramount that you meet with Jakle and Shadowlord of KHH. Hohhoch has established himself with the Klingons, it seems he has developed quite a taste for that blood wine they have over there.” On7 chuckles and continues in a serious tone “Make this work Mutt... understand?”

I respond “Yes sir absolutely”

On7 “Good FSD HQ out.”

The image closes “Crim close the level four secure” I order into the intercom.

“Yes sir, done” Crim replies

Standing up I check my combat jacket and the scar below my right eye. I smile at my reflection and think of how careless I was on that last hunt.  I got away with one I think to myself. Turning right out my cabin I cross the corridor and enter the bridge.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 05:41:27 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2004, 11:57:30 pm »
Inexorable Hunters

Chapter III “The Bridge”

Entering Inexorable’s bridge always brings a smile to my face. It is a large warm room. The main focus of the bridge like most ships of this class is the large double triangular view screens at the front; mine is currently fixed on Merciless and Sphere. All three of our ships have the double star painted on a blue circle on the port catamaran the proud symbol of the Far Star Duchy; while on our starboard catamaran is the Demon emblem of a black panther with one green eye and a horrid skull where the right eye would be. On most Lyran warships with out a center catamaran the main bridge is located in center of the joining hull between the two catamarans. In the larger three cat hulls it is often in the front of the center cat.

Just in front of the view screen are two stations one to starboard is the helm, to port is tactical and weapons station. Strongbad currently is the on watch bridge officer and is not manning his battle station. A young female officer is currently sitting there keeping a vigilant watch on our sensors.

Five feet back from those two stations is my chair, it is a high black chair with many picked holes and scratches from me digging my claws in as the ship was doing evasive maneuvers or bracing for hits from enemy fire. Directly astern of me towards the back of the bridge is Navigation. To port of the navigation station is a door to the communications control room, moving to port again is the door to my war room. Going starboard of the navigation station is main access from the outside corridor where I have just entered. During action stations Croc and our secondary command team close up in the secondary bridge located in the front of the starboard catamaran just astern of the disruptor control room.

Inexorable is a most capable ship, firepower consisting of disruptors, phasers ones and threes and of course our expanding sphere generators. The ship of course is nothing with out her crew and I am proud of all three crews of my formation. TT’s ship is a fairly new design and the only one of its class. He claims to loves it, however I feel without the range fire of a couple of good disruptor banks it leaves a lot to be desired. I must say that in his hands it is formable platform. Just as the Merciless is well commanded by Warp10.

“Report” I demand taking my chair, the yeoman quickly appears at my side and hands me a few reports and messages for signature.

Strongbad reports “Sphere and Merciless arrived at the rendezvous and have taken up waiting stations off our starboard cat Sir. Captains Warp and TT will beam over at 1745 and the stewards have prepared your War room as directed. Your dinner will be set for 1800 as per your order.” He continues, “Short range tactical sensor sweeps are clear. Long range scans picked up an LDR frigate heading towards the Vexnar nebula other than that Sir all systems are green and the watch has been uneventful.”

“Very good.” I respond. “ Strongbad put the ships in formation Tainted 63 and set course to the Klingon boarder at impulse speed. After my guest have left bring the formation to speed twenty” I order

Strongbad replies “Are we in a hurry Captain?”

“Not yet but the hours are getting short, I want to met with KHH and Hohhoch on time. I would hate for us to be adrift on our first face to face meeting.” I explain

Signing the reports and messages the Yeoman gave me I hand them back to him. “Crim how is that shoulder healing up” I ask.

“Sir permission to speak freely” he responds.

“Please do.” I say with a grin knowing exactly what he wants to say.

“Well Sir, I think you and Croc err I mean you Sir and Commander Croc…well I think you cheated me and Strongbad, there is no way that was a legal hit from Croc he hit me from behind and you score the winning point, well Sir you cheated us, and you and Croc know it…”

“I know what Yeoman?” Croc inquires in a very serious tone after he entered the bridge from the War room behind the Yeoman.

“Umm Commander how long have you been here?[/i] Crim embarrassed quickly inquires.

Croc “Long enough, you were just telling the Captain what it is that I know please enlighten us.” Croc keeps his tone very serious.

Crim now flustered “Well Sir err Sirs you know that hit during our last Fong Tara match (very close to the human game of lacrosse) was from behind and into the boards and…”

Croc interrupts him again “The only thing I know Yeoman is we kicked your arses” Croc walks across to the Yeoman with a hearty laugh and punches him in his sore shoulder.

Everyone has a good chuckle at the Yeoman’s expense Crim “Damn it, I can not win here”

Not missing a beat Croc retorts with “You can’t win on the Fong Tara field either.”

Again the bridge erupts into laughter. “Captain Sir” Strongbad gets out finally “your guests have arrived.”

Taking Croc by the shoulder and directing him back to the war room I say, “Come on perhaps you can abuse TT and Warp and leave the poor Yeoman to sulk.”

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 05:45:26 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2004, 11:58:31 pm »
Inexorable Hunters
Chapter IV “Confirmation”

“Captains log star date 201938.5 USS Moncton on relay duty five light years from the Lyran – Kzitnti boarder. We are currently passing information to Star Fleet Command from an infiltration team we placed on the Long-shi-so listening post in the Gar’field’eon asteroid field two weeks ago. The infiltration team boarded the listening post by posing as slaves sold by Orion slave merchants. The risk of failure was high and I am rather impressed at how easy it seemed to be for them to blend in. We have gathered some broken intelligence from our agents for about five days. It’s now been four days since their last scheduled call in. I can only hope for the best… LT Jim Groven was the leader of that mission and a good friend…”

Wraith switches off his log record and rubs his eyes from fatigue. “Damn it Jim what the hell is going on over there.” Wraith balls his hand into a fist and slams his desk. Standing up he walks over to his food replication system “Beer, Canadian Ale” he orders. A tall pint size mug appears. Wraith takes his pint and chugs it down. Wiping the foam from his lips he sets the mug back in, and orders another. Taking his new pint he goes and sits back at his desk.

“Record” he orders and continues his log entry “As per Star Fleet directive 63C-4 I am proclaiming LT Jim Groven, LT Sarah Downs, and Ensign Robert Cross missing in action and most likely killed in action by enemy forces. All three were valued members of this command and Star Fleet. All are highly recommended by this command for the Star Fleet Star of courage, may God have mercy on their souls.”

Switching off his log recorder again Wraith leans back in his chair rubs his eyes again and yawns. Reaching forward he takes his beer and another large sip. “Next deployment I am going to bring some real beer.” He says aloud and chuckles.

“RED ALERT RED ALERT” the ships alarm sounds

“Bridge report” Wraith orders into his communicator as he is already enroute to Moncton’s bridge

“Sir we just detected a cloaked vessel that dropped out of warp 10 000 kilometers off our port beam.” his executive officer answers.

“Bring the weapons on line” Wraith orders as soon as the turbo lift doors open. “That includes the plasma torpedoes” he states looking at his young Vulcan weapons officer.

“Indeed” First lieutenant Cavack answers raising her left eye brow.

Cavack “Captain the cloak vessel appears to be an Orion vessel… it is hailing us Sir.”

Wraith “On screen”

“USS Moncton this the Orion capital ship Vootar I am uncloaking off your port beam at 4000 kilometers, hold your fire.” The green faced alien demands

Wraith “This is Moncton we will comply, what can we help you with Captain?”

As the small ship decloaks the captain holds up a photo of the infiltration team. “Captain Wraith right” the Vootar’s Captain states.

Wraith feeling a little puzzled braces for what he already knows this man is going to tell him. “Captain I was the one that delivery your crew in this picture to the Lyran post. Your Starfleet paid me a lot for that task. I went back by their yesterday, on my usual trading run. I am sorry Captain these people have been killed by the Lyrans and rather violently I might add.”

Wraith stands their a little numb by the confirmation of his own log. “Are you positive it was them Sir?” Wraith asks.

“Quite positive I still have your shuttle craft that I picked them up in… I am sorry for your losses Captain. I must be moving on some how the Lyrans traced your dead crew men to me. Lyran war ships will soon be heading this way and I for one do not intend to be in their way.”

The transmission ends the Vootar releases a Federation Galileo class shuttle, engages her cloak and is moving off deeper into Kzinti space at high warp. The mood is rather somber on the bridge. “Bring the ship to yellow alert and recover our shuttle, you have the bridge number one” Wraith orders and moves towards the turbo lift. Before stepping on to the lift he says to no one in particular “Patch me a priority one security line to Star fleet command in my cabin.” He now has one duty, one duty that he hates above all others, he must inform Star Fleet and three families that their loved ones are not coming home.

Wraith shaking his head in disbelief mutters but a single word “Jim” and enters his cabin.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 05:49:16 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2004, 11:59:24 pm »
Inexorable Hunters
Chapter V “Hall of Warriors”

“You will pay for that insult you mangy cat!” Shadowlord shouts and swings his Bat'telh towards Hohhoch’s head.

Holding up his own Saber-tooth blade Hohhoch easily parries Shadowlords attack and retorts “Even for a Klingon you fight like a little girl.”

Spinning back around Shadowlord swings his right arm backwards and catches Hohhoch in the chest with the back of his arm and blunt side of the Bat'telh knocking Hohhoch to the floor. “How’s that for a little girl? Any more insults you cha'qu'” demands Shadowlord.

Hohhoch rolls forward into Shadowlord, as he does he throws his saber blade up. Shadowlord swings to knock the blade from the air now exposing his mid section to Hohhoch. Hohhoch springs off from a pilar hitting Shadowlord square in the chest knocking the two warriors over a large table on to the floor. Hohhoch being the more agile race is quicker to his feet and finds his sabre. Hohhoch then kicks Shadowlords Bat’telh to him. “Come on you Klingon dog, defend yourself, I am going to gut you like a Lyran wild boar!”

The two warriors move in swinging their blades. Steel clangs and sparks fly. The two combat each other for nearly another forty five minutes.

Shadowlord makes a spinning Bat’telh move going from a full stand to a crouch. Swinging his Bat'telh at Hohhoch's feet; Hohhoch easily leaps over the attack, however Shadowlord stops his swing in mid swing, as Hohhoch lands he is knocked off balance as Shadowlord reaches behind Hohhoch’s leg and trips him to the floor.

Stepping back Shadowlord swings his Bat’telh down hard directly towards Hohhoch’s furry head, Shadowlord’s blade is only deflected at the last possible moment.

“Sujatlh 'e' yImev (Shut up) you drunken fools!” Jakle demands than release Shadowlord’s blade. “You two would be wiser to save your energies for the Federation than beating your fool heads in” he adds going back to his seat by the fire in KHH grand hall of warriors. The hall is on the planet of Kronos. Kronos is nestled inside the Klingon boarder half way between Federation and Lyran space. It is a planet rich in natural resources, and one of the key defensive points with in the Klingon Empire. The high council assigned the protection of this part of the Empire to KHH over two hundred years ago. Captain Kang was probably the most battle decorated warrior until recent times. The great Kang is still song about in the grand hall. He had many encounters with a Star Fleet officer named Kirk. The hall itself is rich in history and lore. It is a tall oval shaped building. Inside there are wonderful tapestries that adorn the hall’s support pillars. Walking the corridors one notices the many statues to the great KHH warriors of the past. Throughout the building there are smaller chambers and training areas. The main hall where Hohhoch, Shadowlord, and Jakle currently are is dark with a large circular hearth in the middle of the chamber. The hearth fire and the torches on the pillars provide the only light.

After Jakle sits down Hohhoch and Shadowlord look at each other and break out in hardy laugher. Shadowlord extends his hand to Hohhoch and pulls him off the floor. Still laughing they head butt each other and go over by Jakle each with a fresh mug of blood wine.

Jakle “Your friends will be here in two days Hohhoch.”

“Our friends” Hohhoch interjects.

Jakle nods in agreement “I am quite certain that this will be mutually beneficial to both our Empires.”

Hohhoch “As long as the blood wine keeps pouring and we rid our boarders of the Kzinti filth I am sure it will be a lasting brotherhood.”

Shadowlord “I look forward to meeting this Trauma Tech you speak so highly of, perhaps I will give him the same taste of my Bat'telh that you so much enjoy.” Leaning over Shadowlord punches Hohhoch in the chest.

Hohhoch returns the favour by smacking Shadowlord in the mouth with the back of his paw. Again the clanging of metal is ringing through the hall as the Saber blade and Bat’telh stike each other. Jakle now out of his chair again picks up his own Bat’telh. 

Jakle “You two fools are now going to be taught a painful lesson.” Shadowlord and Hohhoch look at each other and grin.

Shadowlord “Bring it on Jakle”

The melee goes on into the long hours of the night. The three combatants battle each other drinking three full vats of blood wine in the process. Near morning they are sitting by the center hearth of the grand hall exchanging battle stories and singing Klingon war songs. All have superficial cuts from the melee however they do not seem to neither notice nor care. The bonds of friendship are now well laid between the three; this will certainly make the meeting with Mutt and the other Lyrans much easier.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 05:52:20 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2004, 12:00:29 am »
Inexorable Hunters
Chapter VI “Diner Plans”

Entering my war room Croc and I are greeted by Warp and TT.

TT ever-indignant “Mur Graou! sheith tojn vin Mutt” which translates loosely in to English as Damn! You always keep your guests waiting this long Mutt

Croc looks TT up and down then growls an answer for me “Only when they are as ugly as you dog.”

Warp chuckling “I better sit this is going to get personal”

I motion with my arm towards the table “Let’s all sit and enjoy the meal and talk a little shop before Croc and TT need to take a shower.”

I sit at the head of the table Warp sits to my left, Croc to my right and TT directly across from me. I hold up a glass of Nipnor and toast “The Demons and the Empire may we continue to serve them with honour” the steward in the back of the room strikes a small gong and we all drink down our glasses. Nipnor is red in colour and a strong liquor that tastes somewhat like earth amaretto and gin mixed together. For a Lyran there is no finer drink, perhaps the only exception would be the blood of Kzinti however these are civilized times.

Warp “So Captain how was the hunt on Xianon?”

“Damn cold as usual” I grin ripping into a piece of wild Lyran boar

“What did the filth tell you?” TT inquires

Pausing to shallow down my food I reply “The Federation likely has knowledge of the invasion force the three spies were well trained however the youngest one broke a lot easier than the female. The leader told us nothing but was the most enjoyable to hunt. The tenacity of these humans is sickening. They think they are the policeman of the universe.” I stop as I realize I have broken my Nipnor glass in my paw from squeezing it. Croc nods his head towards the steward and I soon have a flesh glass.

Warp interjects “Mutt, perhaps On7 should move the invasion back or select another target. I know the lithium mines of Rajaa would make a nice prize, or the Fomaharg colony.”

TT “Screw that we want to make a point; if the Klingons are in, the plans should move ahead as scheduled. If High Command thinks the Federation is on to the invasion then we should move it forward if anything, that’s what I would do.”

Croc nods in agreement with TT’s statement. I respond, “While I agree with you both the decision is not ours to make, that will be up to the Emperor and perhaps the Klingons depending on our meeting.”

Croc picks up his glass “To Hohhoch and his fine leg work” the toast gong is again heard in the background as we gulp down are toasts.

Mutt “Yes, Warp make sure you put Hohhoch in for accommodation on his successful mission…” Croc interrupts and adds “TT put yourself in for a kick in the arse.” The table breaks out in laughter. “Croc” TT retorts “Bite me”

Warp holding up a paw “Seriously now guys lets finish this discussion before you get tanked”

Croc and TT responded in seconds of each other their compliance of Warps order.
Warp continues “Mutt how did the spies gain access to the Long-shi-so post anyway?”

“It seems that Orion slave traders helped them” I respond as the steward removes my plate. “The logs of our investigation were sent to On7 his staff traced the spies back to a pirate vessel called the Vootar hired by the Federation to land their filth on our station.”
Taking another drink of Nipnor I continue “Talking with On7 he wants us to continue to our meeting, I do not see the need for all three ships to proceed on this mission so I am ordering you both to hunt down that pirate and find out anything that you can.”

Warp smiling and TT grinning both nod with approval. “Let me make this explicit to you both” I am now looking directly into TT’s eyes “This will be a low risk mission any encounter with Kzinti or Federation ships you are to scan and get your arses back to Lyran space…understand?” my voice now dead sober

Warp “Lyran space? Are we making a house call Sir?”

“Yes” I respond, “I was advised by Strongbad that the LDR frigate we detected on long range scanners heading towards the Vexnar nebula detected that Orion ship crossing into Kzinti space eight light years from here.”

TT smirking with a sarcastic tone “Yeah and you know you can trust the LDR”

“TT the peace accord and cooperation agreement with our cousins is honourable” I respond.

“Just so you know, I will tell you I told you so, when this thing goes to dogs.” states TT as he sits back and gets a refill from the steward.

Mutt “Fine TT I will not rip your head off when you tell me so” I chuckle

“Your orders Sir” Warp interjects getting us back on track

Mutt “Right of course. I want Merciless and Sphere to hunt down that pirate, if you encounter enemy forces I want you to turn back to Lyran space, just make sure you get a probe scan in before you do. Be good to collect some intelligence first. Inexorable will continue as scheduled to meet Hohhoch and the Klingons. Depending on our mission’s lengths we will make rendezvous orders in two weeks back here. Do I make myself plain?”

Warp answers “Affirmative Sir”

“TT is this order clear?” I demand

Looking at Warp with his sly smirk TT finally answers, “Totally clear Mutt.”
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 05:57:36 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2004, 12:01:26 am »
Inexorable Hunters Chapter VII
“Pursuit of a Pirate”

“Merciless and Sphere have just cleared the formation Captain” Strongbad reports as I enter the bridge from my war room. Get them on the viewer.

The double screens in front of the bridge change views TT and Warp each appear on one. “Captains” I state “I will see you in two weeks enjoy the hunt, I will inform On7 that I have dispatched you on this mission.”

Warp in an official tone “Aye, Sir that sounds good I have already laid in an intercept course on the last know trajectory of the pirate, I am linking it to you now Captain Trauma Tech.”

TT looks to his navigation station the officer at the controls nods his confirmation of the received course. “I have the course Captain. I recommend speed twenty-five to start I want to see if I can knock out some engine noise in my starboard cat” pausing  “I do not think it is significant but want to make sure she will hop when I ask her to.”

Warp “twenty five it is…” I interrupt “TT would you prefer to met with the Klingons and Inexorable goes with Merciless?”

TT grinning “Honestly Sir Sphere is fine and besides do you really want me to be the first person the Klingons meet after Hohhoch has done all that work. You may find I started a war with them as oppose to sign a cooperation pact”

“You said it not me” I respond with a chuckle “Alright you two behave out there and kill the filth. See you in two weeks.” Both Warp and TT acknowledge my good will.

Warp “Enjoy the blood wine Sir and please bring back my Executive Officer, Merciless out”

The transmissions end the view is switched back to the two Lyran war ships. Looking at the viewer I watch as Merciless and Sphere’s warp engines glow a green-yellow it is the tell tale sign that a Lyran warship is about to make the jump to warp speed.  Merciless moves off quickly and disappears followed a nanosecond later by Sphere both heading directly towards Kzinti space.

“Strongbad you have control; bring the ship to speed twenty and resume course to Kronos.” I order turning away from the view screens. Heading back to my war room the Yeoman intercepts me just outside the door with some reports and messages for signature. “Crim get me a level four secure to FSD HQ patch it to the war room please.” I say taking the data pad from him “I will give you these reports back after my call, anything that needs my immediate attention?”

Crim “Yes Sir, err No Sir.” Pausing to gather his thoughts he continues, “Yes I’ll patch your level four and no Sir nothing pressing” Crim shakes his head and moves off towards the communications control room; I head off and call On7.


Wraith switches off his view screen in his cabin after making his report to Star Fleet of the loss of his Officers, one of which was a close friend since their academy days back in San Francisco. Wraith remembers when they were both serving as Ensigns onboard USS Alacrity. He chose the command and control career patch and Jim opted for Star Fleet Special services. Hard to believe eighteen years have past since those days, even harder to swallow that those damn fur balls killed him and the others. “Live life without regrets” that’s what Jim always use to say. Holding up his beer Wraith stands and speaks aloud to himself “No regrets Jim never a one.”

“Wee-Woo” wails his intercom “Captain” he answers.

Cavack “Sir report to the bridge I have something you may find intriguing.”

Wraith shaking his head responds in an official tone “First of Lieutenant no one orders me to report anywhere on this ship, secondly…” Wraith takes a breath and thinks twice about his response, being a Vulcan his sarcasms will be lost on her. Probably best to have the executive officer have another chat with her he concludes. “…Secondly” he continues “I think you better arrange to have another talk with Commander Komodo on your professionalism when addressing a superior officer, Captain out.” Wraith sits back down at his desk and finishes his beer. Waiting another five minutes he then heads to the bridge.

“Cavack report.” Wraith demands as he enters the bridge.

“Sir I have been waiting eight minutes and thirty-six seconds since we end our conversation earlier when I first requested your presence.” She answers.

Wraith smirks as Komodo throws his hands up and walks away towards navigation shaking his head. “What do you have Cavack?” Wraith asks again.

“Well Sir when the Vootar dropped out of warp I managed to get a scan of her crew.”

“And…please enlighten me Lieutenant.” Wraith says taking his command chair in the middle of the bridge.

Cavack “Sir, my scans detected twenty-seven life forms, the general complement of an Orion capital ship has been documented at twenty-three. Of the life forums onboard twenty-four are Orions, there was one Tholian life form held in what would appear to be a detainment cell.”

“And the other two life forms Cavack what did your scans detect?" Wraith inquires.

“Well Sir I am only speculating as the genetic differences between these two races are very slight, but I am ninety-nine point eight seven six percent certain Sir that the two life forms are Lyrans.” She continues, “I would ascertain that the Lyrans are rouge elements onboard that ship sir.”

Wraith now turning in his chair looks toward his young Vulcan officer. “Mr. Cavack why do you suppose the Lyrans are on the pirate ship? Do you think the Orions know the Lyrans are there?”

“Sir I have come to two logical conclusions to explain the presence of the Lyrans on that ship. The first and most unlikely is that they are in collusion with the Orions. The more probable answer Sir is based on the fact that the Lyran life readings were detected in a non-transiting environs onboard the Vootar.”

“They were detected where?” Commander Komodo interjects.

Laughing Wraith answers before Cavack can continue “In the vents number one she means the Orions have cats in their vents.”

Cavack “Precisely Captain… the two Lyran life forms were in the main engine room’s maintenance tubes, here and here.” Cavack shows the exact location on the schematic she has brought up on the main screen of an Orion capital class vessel from the ship’s library.

Wraith ponders the situation looking beyond his view screen out into space. Turning to Komodo he asks “Recommendations number one.”

Komodo “Captain I think we have all come to terms that the insurgence team will not be returning with us, however I also do not think the circumstances of how they died have been properly investigated.” Komodo pauses to gage his captains’ expression and decides to continue “Honestly Sir all my instincts tell me we should return to Starbase 413 for some much need R and R, however I know the feeling of this crew and we need a better closure on Jim’s mission.”

“So what do you suggest we do?”
Wraith asks.

Komodo answers directly “Sir you already know what I am going to suggest, and judging by your expression it is the right course of action for this ship and crew.”

Wraith “Your right number one; make it so.”

Komodo, “Aye Sir. Helm, plot an intercept course to the Vootar and engage at warp twenty-five.”

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 06:04:31 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2004, 12:02:22 am »
Inexorable Hunters Chapter VIII
“Change of plans”   

Vootar’s engineering room communications sub-junction tube 3.

Likkerpig looks over to Grim Carnage waiting for the signal. Grim has just finished tapping into the Vootar’s communications grid. Grim nods and Likkerpig switches on the Lyran emergency locator beacon that he has cross wired over the multiple phase shift keying modulator in the Vootar’s communications matrix. To the Orions it will appear as ambient sub space noise, but to any Lyran ship within eight light years it will be like a lighthouse to a mariner in thickest of fogs.

Grim “All we need to do now is make sure no one notices that we are here until On7 sends someone looking for us."

Likkerpig “Well let’s hope it will be sooner than later.”

Grim reply’s with a wink.  “Concur” 
Inexoribles’ War Room

“Mutt I was just about to call you.” On7 replies “Listen now that I got you I need you to divert a ship or two to another mission.”

Mutt “Damn it Sir I was calling to tell you that I already sent Merciless and Sphere on a mission. It seems that the pirate ship was not far from our rendezvous site. I wanted to make sure the Federation collaborators were well punished and of course see if we can extract more information.”

On7 “Mutt tell me that the pirate ship is still alive.”

“Well I sent them off about twelve hours ago Sir and I have not heard anything from either Warp or TT, knowing Warp he most likely has his formation running under an emission silent readiness state especially so going into Kzinti territory.”

“Yes Mutt; undoubtedly Warp is going directly by your formations standing orders and it will take a double encrypted signal to have him break silence behind enemy lines.” On7 staples his fingers and takes a few moments to internalize his thoughts “Listen Mutt I have two high level Doom Star agents on the pirate ship and I want them both back. I know this will jeopardized Warp’s and TT’s ships but I am ordering you to inform them that their mission is an extract and rescue now. They should detect an emergency locator beacon transponding on a frequency on 19363 point 725 Bibicons.”

Mutt “Acknowledge Sir. Sir that frequency is five years old” I state as I enter the frequency on a data pad Crim gave me.

“Yeah Mutt I know. We think that new frequency was compromised on Long-shi-so…” On7 continues “Mutt the invasion has been moved up. We are going in two days… contact Hohhoch and inform him to tell the Klingons we will attack the Kavreii shipyards in the Ateer system, if we reach that objective without much resistance we will proceed and attack Ateer II itself.”

“Sir, Inexorable should join the flotilla, I can lead a battle order for you.”

“No Mutt, I need you to get the Klingons enroute to Ateer. You have your orders I suggest you get on it. On7 out.” The holographic image of On7 disappears. I walk away from the imager and sit down at my desk I press the key on my intercom for the communications control room.  “Crim use a double encrypted circuit and patch me through to Merciless once you raise her. Also give me a priority two coded signal and get Hohhoch for me on Kronos.”

Crim responds. “Aye Sir, coded two sub space signal now open.”

Hohhoch “Captain Mutilator you honour me Sir.”

Mutts “Cut the pleasantries Hohhoch and listen up.” 

Hohhoch “Sorry Sir and by the way Jakle is here.”

“Jakle. Good. Getting news first hand is always best...wait”

“Crim this the Captain raise the security on this channel to double encrypt.” I order.

“Acknowledge Sir…Ok Captain your coded.”

“Jakle” I continue, “The Lyran government is moving our attack on Ateer up. It will happen the day after tomorrow. The Ship yards are still the primary target. I know we both prefer a face to face meeting, but I have another matter I must attend to; I mean you or your house any dishonour.”

Jakle “The High council has already signed off on our peace accord with the Lyran Empire Captain…there is no need for you to come to Kronos, and do not worry Hohhoch has served you well he has brought much honour to your people. I will have my battle group underway within the hour. Hohhoch will be assigned to the Doomdragon contact Captain Mini at these rendez vous coordinates.”

Crim on the intercom reports “I have the coordinates now Captain and am forwarding them to navigation”

Mutt “Very good Jakle I have them. I am going to move closer to the Kzinti boarder I need to pass on some orders two a couple of units inside the boarder.”
Jakle “Ok Mutilator we will see you in twelve hours or less.”

“Crim close this circuit. Any luck on the Merciless yet?” I inquire

“Not yet Sir No.” he responds.

“I’ll be on the bridge when you get them patch them there.” Getting up I walk to the door and enter the bridge.

“Croc, Bring the ship about set warp twenty-eight to the Kzinit boarder.”
Croc waits until I take my chair on the bridge before giving that helm order. The ship pitches hard to starboard and we accelerate into the turn. Have to stop Warp and TT before it is too late. 
Hydran – Lyran boarder. Lyran listening out post Haynar.

“Sir I am detecting massive signals dropping out of high warp.” The duty officer reports to his watch supervisor.

“Magnify sector 3241 five times factor” The watch supervisor order.

“Holy sh*tsas Commander it’s an invasion force” the duty officer replies.

“There must be twenty to thirty ships out there, Yeoman get me a secure line to Starbase 63 pronto.”

“Alert Alert the base is under attack” wails the outpost’s internal communications.

Duty Commander “What the hell is going on here?”

Before anyone can answer the listening out post is over run by hornet and wasp class fighters. The outpost explodes as the fusions and hellbores rip apart the small base.
The fighters turn back and head towards the Hydran force that is on the edge of Lyran space.

“Do you think they got off a warning?” Inquires 2Hot

Ronin “Not bloody likely…Signal the fleet we are moving in.”

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 06:12:16 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2004, 12:03:29 am »
Inexorable Hunters Chapter IX
“First Contact”

Merciless’ bridge   

“Captain the Inexorable is hailing us on a double encrypted circuit.” Warp’s Yeoman reports from the communications control room.

Warp getting up and moves towards his war room orders the call to be patch there. Sitting down at his desk he opens the holographic imager.

“Sir?” Warp inquires.

“Give me a situation report Warp.” I demand

Warp “We reached the last reported position of the pirate and we are currently following what appears to be a residual plasma trail. Not sure of the exact source but it is the best we got for now.”

Mutt “Warp get your Yeoman tune in 19363 point 725 Bibicons and listen for a distress beacon.”

Warp “That frequency is four years old.”

“Five years old” I correct him “Warp this is a rescue mission now. On7 has a couple of Doom Star agents on the pirate ship.”

“Doom Star agents I though they were disbanded for shall we say less then honourable methods.” Warp adds.

Mutt “Yes, I thought the same but was not about to inquire into things that have no bearing on the Demons at this time. On7 gave us a mission and we will execute it come hell or high water.”

“Hold on Mutt my Yeoman has patched in the frequency… it’s about six light years from our position. Chances are it knows we are here and is cloaked not that that will matter now.” Warp states “Bridge set course on bearing of 167 point 3 pass course to Sphere and engage at warp twenty. Battle stations.”

The red alert warning sign flashes in the background on Merciless’ war room. “Anything else Mutt?" Warp inquires.

“Yeah Warp do this quickly On7’s invasion flotilla is attacking in two days. I want to be there when we do and I want you and TT back here.”

“Will do Sir. Warp out.” Warp gets up and heads back to his bridge.


Moncton’s bridge.

Captain I have Vootar on an open channel. It is my determination that the ship can hear us Sir but that they are unwilling to transmit as it will give away their position.” Cavack states.

Wraith “Long range scans? Anything Komodo?”

Komodo “Nothing yet…wait…Yes Sir! Bearing 347 mark 6 hard to make out the class but two Lyran war ships moving in at high speed Captian.” Komodo continues “Both double hull catamarans Sir.”

“Vootar, this is Captain Wraith of the USS Moncton hailing you this circuit. Be advised you have two Lyran warships…” Wraith pauses and looks at Komodo

Komodo answers for his Captain “225 mark 8 moving at approximately warp eighteen.”

Wraith “Vootar this is USS Moncton we are moving to intercept, also be advised you may have Lyran infiltrators on board your ship. Moncton out.” Wraith looks to the helmsman, “Set course to intercept maximum warp engage.”

The blue glow of Moncton’s warp nacelles flash and she is quickly moving towards the Vootnar and the Lyrans. 
Sphere’s bridge

“Any sign of the filth?”
TT inquires

Negative Sir, however the signal Merciless had us tune in is very strong now.” Answers Groo the Sphere’s tactical Officer. “Sir long range scans has just picked up another vessel moving fast on an intercept course towards us.”

TT “What type Kzinti’s? Another pirate?”

Groo “No Sir. Federation. Heavy cruiser.”

“What the hell is the class Groo? The Federation have many heavy class ships” TT demands.

Groo reads the intelligence from the Lyran database and cross-references with his sensor readings. “Sir it appears to be a command and control platform, photons phasers and perhaps a few drones racks nothing spectacular. I believe that it is a Bismark class Captain; however, our intelligence reports they were all deployed along the Romulan neutral zone”.

“Yeoman, open a channel to Merciless.” TT orders

TT “Warp did you pick up our party crasher?”

Warp “Yes we did. We figure it’s a Bismark class.”

“Concur.” TT replies

Warp “ TT take attack pattern Tainted Talon 23.”

TT smirking “Complying.” Sphere moves to Merciless’ port quarter and on a fifteen-degree upper plain.
Vootar’s Bridge

USS Moncton signal: “…. we are moving to intercept, also be advised you may have Lyran infiltrators on board your ship. Moncton out.”

“Battle alert, sound the intruder alarm, and scan this ship now damn it.” Screams the distraught Orion Captain.

“Sir the Lyrans will reach us approximately fifteen minutes before the Moncton.” reports Vootar’s tactical officer.

Captain “I am well aware of this fact, Mister Jinvo. Bring all weapons on line set course to the Moncton she is our only hope. Mister Jinvo decloak us, double our starboard engine and set maximum speed.”

Mister Jinvo “Sir is that wise to decloak?”

“The Lyrans are on an intercept course and are damn near on top of us now, they know our position, the power from the cloak can be used for speed. We have to find these Lyran spies and eliminate them.”

“USS Moncton this is Captain Yijin of the Vootnar we are under attack and required immediate assistance.”
Vootnar’s communications junction

Grim. “Show time. Contact Merciless or Sphere directly no use in hiding now that they know we are here.”

Likker “Done. Setting disruptor to kill. Bring on the hunt.”

Grim moves to the junction port winks at Likker. “I’ll go right you take the left. 3…2…1 Go! Go! Go!” The door slides open and Grim quickly fires a shot into the Orion Engineer directly across from the communications junction. Grim’s hand disrupter flashes a yellow-green energy ball hits the Orion square in the chest and is simply although quite painfully vaporized.

Likker roles to the left and catches another engineer by surprise. He fires his disruptor and equally vaporizes his prey.

Vootar’s alarm sounds again “Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Intruders in main engineering security force three respond.”

“Grim we need to slow this ship down.” Likker yells from across the engine room.

“Yeah look around for an auxiliary control room or something. Barring that start blasting.” Grim yells back.
Merciless’ Bridge

Looking towards the source of the emergency signal the Vootar begins to decloak Warp sits up a little straighter in his command chair. “Range to the pirate” He asks.

“250 000 killakans”
is reported back.

“Fire control standby to fire disruptors.” Warp then looks at his tactical officer “Tactical look for and lock on to an Lyran life form readings.”

Tactical reports again “Captain range now 145 000 killakans.”

“Disruptor banks one and three let loose.” Warp orders

The front of Merciless’ port and starboard catamarans glow a bright green and the first flashes of the disruptors rip across the murky blackness of space, a second later two more flashes are seen from the middle of the centre hull as disruptor bank two fires and starts charging for another volley. The green energy flashes pounds into the side of the Vootar’s shields.

As soon as the Vootar has completely decloaked a red energy ball is returned quickly followed by four more. The first one came from the Vootar’s rear photon tube it harmlessly pass underneath Merciless. The other four are long range proximities from USS Moncton the third torpedo hits Merciless’ number six shield. Moncton is coming in quickly and is closing the distance now only 340 000 killalans away.

Sphere roars over head of the Merciless and the roar of ESG fields cracking into the side of the Orion is like a thousand pound hammer coming down on a walnut.

“Lyran vessels this is the USS Moncton you are in violation of the Titan non aggression pact cease your attack or I will be forced into a course of action that will jeopardize the safety of your ships. Acknowledge.”

Sphere “Human do not interfere in affairs that are not your concern.”

Moncton “Lyran vessels, I am responding to a distress call from the Vootar. Stand down
Or face decisive action. Acknowledge.”

“Sphere this is Merciless, get the package I will run interference on these arrogant humans.” Warp signals.

Merciless pick her speed back up and in moving intercept the Moncton.
Vootar’s Engine room

Likker “Grim over here.”

“What do have?” Grim inquires.

“Looks like a transporter bay. Let’s get the hell out of here.” Likker responds

Grim “Merciless or Sphere this is Lyran field operative Grim Carnage lock on to our position we require immediate emergency beam out!”

As soon as Grim ends his transmission the whistling sound of a hand phaser discharging is heard and the red beam flashes just to the right of Likkerpig.

Likkerpig chuckling “Look’s like security detail three has finally arrived.”


USS Moncton’s bridge

“Range to the lead Lyran ship number one?” Wraith demands standing in front of his command chair.

“200 000 kilometers Captain.” Komodo quickly answers.

“Cavack rearm photons stand by plasma control.” Wraith orders and continue “All stations prepare for evasive maneuvers we are engaging the enemy.”

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 06:24:50 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2004, 12:04:46 am »
Inexorable Hunters Chapter X
“Battle Stations”

Merciless roars out in front of Sphere firing phaser threes back into the exposed side of the Vootar.

Warp “Reinforce six and one, speed twenty, set attack pattern Demons Echelon twelve, fire all disruptors and forward phasers go.”

Merciless closes Moncton on a steady bearing upon reaching 149 999 killacans green disruptors flashes are quickly followed by a barrage of phaser hits Moncton’s front shield.

Cavack reports as Moncton shakes from the hit “Sheilds holding Sir; number one at ninety-two percent, the lead Lyran is turning off for another run.”

As Merciless turns off Wraith orders “Weapons control fire drones and two photons at the leader. Helm continue closing on the other Lyran and Vootar” 

Cavack reports “Plasma torpedoes now ready Captain.”

“Good let’s hope that the Lyran intelligence is as outdate as Jim reported it to be.” Wraith states back

Komodo reports “Vootar is hailing Captain.”

“Put it on half screen I do not want to lose our tactical picture.” States Wraith now sitting on the edge of his chair.

“Moncton this is Vootar please Captain Wraith you must hurry my ship has lost all starboard shields and that Lyran is tearing us apart with those damn ESG’s. I am going to H…” the transmission in suddenly hauled. Wraith looks at his view screen and sees the Sphere ripping into the side of the Vootar again. “Komodo have ECCM set to priority one.”

Komodo replies “Done Captain the Other Lyran is moving in again, extra power to shield one and six now!”

Merciless again fires striking the number one shield of Moncton without the counter measure shift all of the Merciless’ weapons hit Moncton shakes from the volley – shield one down to forty-three percent.

“Vootar this is Moncton we are expediting our advance hold on.”

Wraith looks to his view screen again and sees Sphere lambaste the Vootar with an ESG this time followed by some quick phaser fire. Wraith with calm confidence sits back in his chair and orders Moncton to keep moving in. Moncton shakes again as thee number six shield takes a pelting from Merciless.

“Number six eighty-one percent and holding number one up to forty-seven” the Vulcan reports.

TT demands the range from the Moncton as she appears to be paying little attention to Merciless. “Merciless this is Sphere that Fed is still closing on me here Warp.”

Warp 10 replies “Aye I am going to move in closer if you would stop playing with your prey and finish the filth off we could get the hell out of here.”

As Warp is about to start his next thought he sees the Vootar swing quickly about in its own diameter. “HET!” cries out Warp with a warning as he sees what is about to transpire. Vootar releases two overloaded photon torpedoes into Spheres number one at point blank range. The display screen flickers for a moment then comes back.

Merciless orders to Sphere “TT end this now I will cross back into the Fed and try and draw more fire. Pull back to me on a reverse transom.”

TT answers “Concur, Warp give me a couple more seconds here my number one is down to forty percent.”

TT nods to his weapons officer “ESGS range zero reinforce number one we are going in!”

Sphere moves forward and on top of the Vootar TT orders all ESGS to releases there charge the crunching sound is horrifying as the Spheres ESGS rip into Vootar’s front shield and start collapsing the pirates already crippled hull. Sphere takes another photon hit this time from Moncton that is still closing in. Vootar’s Captain stands on his bridge. He knows this is now the end of his once proud ship and his crew. Regret and guilt of getting involved with the Federation fill his broken dreams. He curses himself for being so greedy. The last thing he sees is a yellow-brown energy sphere tear into his bridge for a split second the air from the bridge is sucked out to the blackness of space, fortunately for Captain Yijin the Lyran ESGS kills him before total decompression can.

Wraith again stands in front of his chair and watches with a sullen expression as the Vootar is pulverized by the never ending ESG barrage. Moncton's view screen flashes bright white as the Vootar final falls to the Lyran onslaught. Wraith looks to his tactical display and knows there was not much else he could have done.

“Range to the ESG boat?” demands Wraith

Komodo “130 000 kilometers Captain”

“Cavack break range ten and fire plasma photon control stand by… FIRE!!”

The forward photon banks let loose with fearful vengeance - It is like the ship itself knows these Lyrans in particular have to pay for the deaths of her crewmen especially Jim Groven, for the killing of a new alliance that will now surely be lost with the Orions. The proud red flares dance across the blackness. TT sits back in his chair and orders evasive maneuvers as he sees the parade of photons heading his way. The first one hits and knocks down Spheres front shield, the second one harmlessly skims over the top, the third photon rips viciously into Sphere’s starboard catamaran it enters from underneath and tears right through auxiliary control before it exits thought the top.

TT calmly orders the Sphere to turn off and set tractor repel. Moncton follows the photon fire with phasers and keeps closing in.

“Cavack lets give those cats something else to think about fire plasmas one and two!” orders Wraith.

Two green energy balls explode out from Moncton’s center hull just above the main reflector dish.

“Merciless this is Sphere looks like the intelligence from our allies in the Pan Galactic Corps was good these damn Bismarck class got low grade plasma as reported. Warp I am launching a decoy as I speak could use some help here man.”

TT looks to his view screen and sees Merciless roaring in from behind her ESGS crack to life as Merciless over runs Moncton hitting her number six. Wraith orders all stations to brace for shock as Merciless pounds Moncton. Cavack reports damage on decks twelve to sixteen sections four and five. Two dead, four missing and seven injured she tallies off the report with cold Vulcan compassion. Containment fields holding. Merciless pulls away and is turning to get set up for another run. Monton’s plasma torpedoes are still chasing down Spheres decoy shuttle.

“Damage report” TT demands after he is more comfortable with his current situation. The news is not pleasing Auxiliary control has been completely destroyed ESG compartment one is still on fire. Five dead, ten injured.

“Captain the Executive officer is dead Sir…”

TT “Understood thank you OPS” TT sits back in his chair. “Once the plasma hit the decoy set ESGS to range three set speed to three now go”

Merciless turns around and fires at Moncton again. Moncton returns fire and for the first time in his command of Moncton Wraith is not sure what the outcome will be. Wraith catches Komodo looking at him Wraith winks and gives a quick smile and orders. “Helm back us off turn our number six away form the disruptor ship, Cavack prepare a scatter pack and stand by to fire on the ESG ship.”

As the battle rages on the sensors of the Moncton, Merciless and Sphere all pick up five new ships 500 000 kilometers astern of Moncton that have just dropped out from high warp. Simultaneously the three Captains look to their tactical officers as they make their respective reports to their Captains; and as though harmonizing the three Captains simultaneously demand to know the identity of these five new vessels.   

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 06:54:15 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2005, 11:01:53 am »
"Inexorable Hunters"

Chapter XI "Force of action"
"Message from Sphere, Sir." Crim reports.

"On screen"
I answer.

As the view screen opens TT appears. The red glow from his bridge battle lanterns immediately inform me that his ship is at battle alert.

TT "Mutt this is a joint report, Warp10 has got his hands full with a Federation Bismark class; they do have low level plasma for the record. Ok, Mutt the Doom Star agents are embarked on Sphere the rescue was successful and they are both in sick bay for medical scans and anti-espionage debriefings. Merciless is at one hundred per cent capacity. Sphere is operating at eighty - seven percent. I have sustained light casualties and lost aux con and ESG fire control room one. I am sending the casualties list with this report Mutt."

"What is the status of the pirate?"
I enquire

"It has been destroyed Mutt." TT continues "Mutt we have just detected five new warp signatures moving in fast we are still waiting for analysis however initial scans are not favorable."

TT's tactical officer interrupts his Captain with the break down of the ships he has now identified.

"Report Groo" TT orders.

"Sirs the ships are comprised of the following two Federation destroyers, a Kzinti Dreadnaught, heavy cruiser and frigate they are 450 000 kilakans away and closing our position on a steady bearing." Groo concludes.

The view screen shakes a little as Sphere is pelted by a photon hit. TT looks at his tactical display. "Mutt sorry to cut this short but I think we need to be high tailing it the hell out of here."

Mutt "Concur. I am just on the edge of the boarder and am plotting an intercept course to you I will see you more then half way. You two start making tracks now."

TT "On it Mutt see you in a few hours. Sphere out."

Mutt " Strongbad drop a location direction buoy for the Klingons direct them towards our intercept point I am sure they will pick up our tracks from there."

"Done Sir" Strongbad reports.

"Good. Helm speed thirty engage. All stations battle alert condition to yellow."

On board the Lyran Star Empire Dreadnaught Concise

On7 "All units, all formations var va lutter! (Prepare for battle)" On7 looks to his helmsman and orders, "Set course to Kavraa engage warp eighteen."

The Lyran flotilla clears the far edge of the Gar?field?eon asteroid field and the fifteen ships lead by the Concise are on a direct course for the Kzinti shipyards of Kavraa.

On board the Royal Hydran Command ship Nobility

The faint purple-yellow glow on Nobility's bridge provides an eerie glow as Ronin, Green and 2Hot reevaluate the battles plans for the invasion of the Hist Siamois system. The Hydrans plan is to remove the Lyran colony on the Siamois IV. It is a small developing moon that the Lyran government has given back to the Lyran democratic republic as part of the Unir peace settlement. While the system itself is of no key strategic importance there are two class J planets in the same system that would serve the Hydrans well as a jumping in point for further aggressions if they were to establish a base on one of them.
Ronin looks at the star chart display and states, "Here, I think this will do nicely. 2Hot if you take your battle wing around this moon here, Green can flank from the dark side of the third planet with the carriers. I will lead the main attack out from the star to hide our visual aspects as long as possible. We should all hit zero time long before the Lyrans know what hit them."

"Yeah that look's good Ronin." 2Hot nodding in agreement, "Once we do this there will be no turning back, we will be waking a sleeping tiger."

Ronin counters, "The Lyrans have a lot of their resources directed towards the Kzintis. Ambassador Gendo stated the Federation is in full support this. If this invasion assists to redirect the Lyran battle deployment as I hope it will, we will surely be traveling down the road towards a long war. Our biggest challenge is to prevent any working agreement between Lyra and Kronos."

Green shaking his head, "You both know this is already in place. When we attack this planet not only are we attacking the Lyrans we are attacking the Klingon Empire as well. Those dogs will use this attack as a rallying call to renew hostilities along our frontiers." Green continues after pausing to gage Ronin's expressionless face. "Once you order this attack Ronin there will be a quick and deceive response from the Lyrans you can be sure of that."

Ronin in a whisper, "All reason tells me you are right Green and yes, I know a lot of good souls will die in the days and weeks to come" Ronin now stands up straight and turns to look out towards his bridge crew and in a loud confident voice continues, "If there are to be hardships in our time we can only hope that our actions today will build a lasting peace that yield years of tranquility and prosperity for our sons and daughters. For what we do here today we shall receive no redemption. However, for what we are about to do we shall have no regrets, not today or for our tomorrows to come! Today we will make history! Today we will start a war with the Lyran and Klingon Empires. May our allies keep true to their pledges and make this a smooth road to a quick victory. May honour guide our actions."

Ronin looks to Green and 2Hot "Gentlemen you have your orders to your commands."

Green and 2Hot nod towards Ronin and head towards Nobility's transport room and their respective commands.
Doomdragon's bridge

The singing on the bridge of a D7C is deafening especially once all of the bridge crew get their timings down and singing tune together. The well-seasoned crew of Doomdragon under the command of Captain Mini Me have been together many years and have sung many a song to the glorious dead and victories they have shared together. Joining their voices today is the deep raspy voice of Lieutenant HohHoch. He boarded Doomdragon two days ago and is being taxied to rejoin his kin.

Captain Mini speaks with laughter in his voice. " I can see your time with Shadowlord and Jakle did not go to waste you sing like a Qaaghu (song bird)."

HohHoch, "Thank you Sir I can also drink your blood wine like a DenIb Qatlh (Denebian slime devil) too. How long before we meet up with Inexorable?"

Mini "Should be there in three hours, Jakle and the formation is another two hours behind us, they were delayed so he could make a report to the council on the renewed alliance between Lyra and Kronos."

HohHoch "Excellent time for some more wine and song in the mess decks, care to join me Sir?"

Mini "Certainly. Mog you have the bridge."
Kavraa system

Concise (DNL) drops out of high warp 150 000 kilometers from the Kzinti shipyard followed by her battle wing consisting of Vanguard (CA) Puma (DD) Lynx (DD) and Hallow (FF). Four seconds later and 120 degrees to port from Concise?s position the second battle wing drops out of high warp also at 150 000 kilometers from the Kzinti ship yards lead by Commander Sorotia in the Retaliator (BC) with his consorts Trepidation (CA) Manx (DD) Bonx (DD) and Ninlaret (FF) the third and final wing drops out three seconds after the second 120 degrees to starboard from Concise. An old Doom Star agent Captain SiManx in Relentless (BCP+) his consorts consist of Vantage (CA) Vanquisher (CA) Mynx (DD) Zibeline (FF) commands the third battle wing.

The execution of the Lyran triangle attack pattern is perfect all units report to their respective wing commanders which in turn report to On7. On7 looking towards the Kzinti shipyards orders the attack to commence. The swiftness and precision at which the formation operates is text book the shipyards surrender less then ten minutes into the blitzkrieg, unfortunately for the works the Lyrans have little use for prisoners and on order of On7, Captain SiManx does what he enjoys most, the ruthless slaughter of forty seven innocent shipyard workers. They would have been better of to fight to the death as being ripped apart by an ESG or disruptor would at least have been quick and relatively painless.  SiManx releases one worker in shuttle to bear witness to all those that stand in the way of the Lyran Empire.

The ease and total domination of the shipyards has On7 looking towards the secondary target. He knows this was too easy; there should have at least been some sort of protection forces a destroyer or at least a police ship. There were not even any defense stations; the colony on the moon for the workers has been recently abandoned. Perhaps this system is not as important as it once was perhaps our intelligence was wrong.  Another pause of concern for On7 is that there were only forty-eight workers there should have been three times that number one of the space docks has a light cruiser hull that looks like it is in the middle of construction. Why would they abandon these shipyards, and colony and offer no resistance? unless... unless they knew we were coming. A feeling of appending doom quickly spreads through On7. "Damn it they knew we were coming red alert!" On7 orders all stations in to a defensive grid. As On7's formation is getting into final stations his tactical officer reports. "Sir multiple contacts are starting to emerge from the dark side of the moon Kzinti and Federation vessels eighteen so far, also now picking up another ten vessels dropping out of high warp range 300 000 km. We are surrounded Sir."
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 07:00:05 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2005, 12:00:01 pm »
 Great chapter, Mut. Can't wait for the next installment. <S>


Offline Mutilator

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2005, 04:28:34 pm »
Inexorable Hunters"

Chapter XII "The Dividing Line"
Kavraa system

”All ships all weapons FIRE! Draw out the leading ships and attack through to the second line, drop a line of mines to give us more time from the rear flank.  Simanx push your wing in from starboard and concentrate your attack on the Federation dreadnaught bearing 146.11” On7 orders as he sits back in his chair.

Concise moves in quickly followed by her battle order Sorotia in Retaliator has move his wing on top of On7’s wing as the units over run two Federation frigates and a Kzinti command cruise parish in the swarm of ESG and phaser fire. Unfortunately Retaliator and Ninlaret were the reverse targets. Sorotia’s BC is hit by unrelenting photon fires, Retaliator port catamaran is totally torn off as she is spinning out of control she collides with Ninlaret who herself was devastated by three scatter packs.

On7 watches the exchange and curses himself for being so careless allowing his fleet to be lured into this trap. Simanx and his wing are still fighting hard they have brought down the Federation Dreadnaught USS Fort York along with a CA and two more frigates. Concise’s wing and the other wing are not doing as well.

On7 stands on his smoldering bridge “Commander Simanx evacuate the battle field we will draw the fire while you get back to our space, inform high command of this mission and my failure. We must regroup the fleet, there is more going on then we have been lead to believe.”

Concise draws across between Simanx’s wing and the enemy, pulling more of them away from Simanx’s wing. As Concise fires her ESGs and disruptors on a Kzinti MCC Simanx wing with Puma and Mynx all jump to high warp towards Lyran space. The remnants of On7’s once mighty battle order fall one by one to the over whelming numbers, both sides suffer major loses. In all the Lyrans lose all but three ships. The Federation and Kzinti chased SiManx all the way back to the boarder only the Relentless, Vanquisher and the severely damage Vantage lived to tell the tale of the carnage of Kavraa. Of all loses, the loss of Concise and On7 will be the hardest to bear. The other side suffered and will hopefully need to regroup prior to any invasion plans, if that is their ultimate intention. The Federation lost eight ships in all including a DN plus, the Kzinti lost another five. Both sides will long remember this battle, both side will long look for vengeance especially the Lyrans.

Siamois IV system

“All units standby to commence planetary assault, Green bring in the carrier group and attack LDR units coming off of the planet surface have the fighters engage them in the atmosphere if possible.”
Ronin orders over the battle net.

Green replies in an affirmative nature and launches fighters, the assault has begun. The LDR only had two police ships defending the planet with a half dozen interceptors. The one planetary defense platform was still under construction, besides destroying the defending ships and platform the Hydrans released a total bombardment on the small settlement on the surface. Soon there is nothing left but a smoldering crater twenty feet deep at the center.

2Hot “All enemy forces have been eradicated Sir, permission to start landing construction forces on Hyaas II?” The Hydran name of the now conquered Siamois IV

Ronin “Affirmative 2Hot proceed, Green deploy the fleet in to defensive posture NiHm Whoo seven I want scouting patrols in all directions I want to be notified of the first sign of any vessel entering this system.”

Green “Yes, of course Sir and congratulations on our victory.”

Ronin returns “Not a victory yet Green, but I do akin to the rapid trouble-free start to this war, however we will not drift into fooling ourselves that death will not find us soon enough. Nobility out.”

Mocton’s Bridge

Wraith sitting relaxed in his command chair “Fire all photons and keep on that ESG cruiser ignore the other ship for now.”

Moncton shake slightly as Merciless fires another round of disruptors towards the slow building shield.

Komodo informs Wraith “The Lyrans are starting to make the jump to warp speed Sir.”

“Helm plot pursuit course and inform the Kzinti” Wraith orders quickly.

Cavack “Sir we are getting a priority one from the Star Fleet Command, the Fort York Battle group along with Kzinti forces have engaged a Lyran flotilla in the Kavraa system.”

“Very good Cavack give me a full briefing once this current situation has been resolved.” Wraith tells her once again sitting back into his command chair.

Cavack continues her report “Captain Repairs are well underway and all major systems are now back on line. We are just now picking up another vessel moving in quickly it is a Lyran heavy cruiser.”

Wraith looks towards Komodo with a smirk “This just keeps getting better by the minute number one.”

Komodo “Yes, Sir.”

Inexorable’s Bridge

“Better late then never, I will move in front of the filth and try and draw some fire from Sphere, Warp keep shooting over the shoulder at the Bismark ship perhaps we can slow one of them down. Follow these coordinates they should lead us back to some reinforcements. Hohhoch and the Klingons are enroute.”

Warp10 states with a chuckle.  “Excellent… will be nice not to be our numbered for once.”

Merciless and Inexorable both discharge rear firing weapons towards Moncton. The pursuers maintain their fire on Sphere. The chase last for the better part of an hour, Sphere rear shield was dropped a few times and she sustained damage that TT has to order ESG’s off to keep his speed up. Monctons has to keep angling her number one and six away and opens the distance from her and the other pursuers. Wraith feeling he can no longer keep up with out taking unreasonable risks informs the Kzinti he must break off.  Moncton goes to yellow alert and starts heading toward starbase 417 for repairs.

The Kzinti and two federation ships keep chasing the Lyrans, unfortunately for them Inexorable, Merciless and Sphere led them right into the hands of some battle starved Klingons. The quickness at the Klingons strike was quite impressive even to the Lyrans. The pursuers never stood a chance.

The execution of the Klingons plan was flawless it will be the talk of the night and for many nights to follow, songs will be sung over it, it will be toasted over blood wine and nipnor. As the Klingons and Inexorable battle wings celebrate a victory over five enemy ships, the horror and slaughter of Concise and On7’s flotilla is well underway. As Warp10, TT, Croc and Mutilator gather with Jakle, Minime and Shadowlord, On7 will sacrifice his ship and crew to give fair warning to the empires. As the singing and friendly brawling celebrate the victory throughout the night, Siamois IV is smashed into rubble by Ronin and the Hydrans. As our shallow victory is celebrated the war has begun badly to our complete and absolute ignorance. 

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 07:04:45 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2005, 06:33:52 am »
heya Mutt....just got home from work(about 0720 hrs) and have spent45 minutes catching up on the story    very good bud  :) kudos for you

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2005, 09:29:15 pm »
Hey Mutilator,

Cool story, I quite liked it. The battle scene between Wraith's Moncton and the Orion ship versus the 2 Lyran ships was pretty exciting, and I liked the fact that the ships could break off before serious damage. You so rarely see that in fan fic, where more often than not opposing sides battle to the death.

As a reader of Heath's TGP Forager, I'm not sure all Lyrans would refer to the Freds as 'filth'. Maybe the Kzinti, but not the Feds. Anyhoo, a good story despite the slightly off grammar.

I'd like to see more.
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Offline Mutilator

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2005, 05:38:15 am »
Thanks for the kind words. My grammar will always be slightly off now, I write in French too much at work so I invert a lot of word combinations and quickly lose track of my tense... I figure better to write while it is in my head and perhaps hire an editor someday  ;D cheers
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Offline Mutilator

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2005, 09:16:50 pm »
"Inexorable Hunters"

Chapter XIII "Awake the dawn"
 “Come.” I groggily state towards my cabin door. As the door slides up the ambient light from the main flats forces my second eye lid to squint. I finally make out the shadowy image of my executive officer after a couple of minutes.

“Come in Croc, what brings you at this hour, need to get into my private reserve of nipnor.” I jest

“Sir” the cold dead sober tone in his voice immediately shakes off all the lingering effects of the celebrations that are probably still on going with the Klingons. Croc moves across my cabin and sit in one of the chairs in my privy chamber. I immediately get fully off of my bunk and head towards my desk. Croc shuffles in his seat, starts to stand then finally decides to sit. I take a large draw from my glass of water and wipe my mouth with the back off my paw.

Mutt, “Ok Croc cut the damn kids gloves approach you know better, tell me what the hell is going on, and why you are in my cabin at this hour instead of drinking it up with the boys.”

Croc hits his comm claw and orders Crim to patch data stream 700708 to the Commanding Officer privy chamber, as the green triad of the Lyran Empire crest appears on the screen I pop a couple of headache tablets and down them with another draw of water. The screen goes to static and jumps at first; it then breaks in with the logo of the Dark Storm Fleet quickly followed by the gothic crest of the Concise and then On7of9.

“This is the last command entry of the Concise Battle Flotilla commanded by Admiral On7of9, the initial take down of the Kzinti ship yards in Kavraa system was perfectly executed, and all units are commended for honor in that mission and the battle on going. I have officially transferred Command to Commander SiManx of Relentless with orders to retreat to Lyran space. Any units receiving this are to make every effort to assist in SiManx’s retreat it is vital to the Empire…. The”

The tape goes static and resumes advanced three minutes and twenty-four seconds On7 again appears this time with a large cut in his forehead and his right eye socket is badly injured he continues.

“We were totally misinformed on the defense strength of Kavraa system; this miscalculation has cost our Empire a great price that I solely assume responsibility for. This mission was doomed before we even left the Gar’field’eon asteroid field. The alliance knew we were coming the only thing that makes sense is that we missed a spy on the Long-shi-so listening post. I blindly lead our forces into the trap they baited. We were outnumbered at least two to one, the Federation and Kzinti filth are a…”

The tape jumps another ten minutes and twelve seconds On7 appears again behind him his bridge is a tangle mess of wires with emergency force fields keeping the bridge pressurized, he is looking very dazed at this point he continues despite the obvious pain he is suffering.

“Emergency power restored, life support failing, SiManx has jumped to warp speed and is leaving the system, again any and all available ships must help them escape. Those bastards are in pursuit of…”

The audio cuts out and back in long enough to hear On7 say the word “Hydrans.” On the screen behind On7 a barrage of photons heads straight towards the Concise, the screen goes static… then black.

I sit back in my chair and look at Croc. “How many escaped?”

Croc swallows hard and reads off the list if you can call it that from memory. “Relentless, Vanquisher and a severely damage Vantage.”

Mutt, “How the hell could we be so blind? You can count the number of ships on one damn paw.”
Croc “Sir” again Croc’s voice is easy for me to read, after all we have been friends for twenty some years and this sir was you have not heard the worst of it.

“Ok Croc cut to the chase, what the hell did the Hydrans do?”

Croc replies “Your insight still serves you well Mutt; approximately three hours after the Concise group was destroyed the LDR was attacked in a full scale invasion.”

Unintentionally I interrupt “A Hydran invasion, where?  What the hell is going on this here Croc?”

Use to my interruptions Croc waits until he knows I have cease “Mutt” he quickly continues “The Hydrans, launched a major assault on Siamois IV it quickly fell with very little resistance. With these insults the reunification with the LDR should go a lot quicker.”

Mutt “Go old Croc you can always see some good in a bad situation. Have the command team assemble in my battle room make sure Warp and TT are there along with the Klingon command structure. I am sure they already have heard of these events through their own agencies but no harm in making sure. Get together with Strongbad and have a full brief ready to go in twenty minutes”

Croc gets up and looks  me in straight in the eyes. His expression says it all.

“I know Croc; have Warp bring HohHoch to me here directly I will tell him of his brother’s actions and fate myself they deserve that courtesy.”

Croc, “Thanks Mutt.”

Moncton’s Bridge

“Status report Mr. Cavack” Wraith demands taking up his command chair after a much needed power nap following the encounter with the Lyrans. He wonders if he stayed would his ship have met the same fate as the Kzinti’s no use in lingering in the what ifs but he knows he made the right call on this one.

The young Vulcan female turns towards her Captain and comes to a ridged posture.

“Relax Cavack” Wraith states winking at Komodo

Cavack, “Sir all repairs are completed as much as possible by ships staff with current supplies and equipment now depleted.  We will have to put into space dock for a period of three days eleven hours to rectify outstanding repairs like the missing deck plates on the saucer.”

Wraith, “Very good” he turns towards the helmsman and inquires, “How long to star base 413?”

“At current speed Sir Seventy- one point four hours”

Wraith sinks back in his chair “Increase speed to optimum running speed lets see if we can’t get that time line down some.”

“Aye Captain” replies the helmsman.

Once again in the quiet Wraith finds himself reflecting on that last battle and all the events leading up to the encounter. Something here just does not add up, his captain’s intuition is making a burning sensation in his mind that just will not let him go.

“What the hell were Lyran’s doing on the Vootar and why where Capital ships going to get them?” Wraith states aloud still deep in thought.

“Sir?”, Cavack inquires.

“Mr. Cavack I want the entire battle film in my ready room ready to go, something just does not feel right.” Wraith orders.

Cavack, “Feel Captain?”

“Intuition, experience Mr. Cavack, Number one join us in my ready room.” Wraith hops out of his chair and heads towards his ready room with Komodo and the young Vulcan in tow.

“Computer replay time frame 2332 to 2348 and magnify sector C5” Cavack demands.

Wraith looking at the screen with piercing eyes “Stop. Freeze frame 2338 and magnify sector C5 to C11, look immediately after the ESG burns off, on that section of the Vootar. Computer play one eighth speed and  resume.”

Komodo, “That looks like an escape pod Captain.”

Wraith, “Just what I was thinking Number one, but who in the hell would have been in it? Cavack did our sensors pick up any other life forms on that ship besides the twenty-four Orions, the Tholian?”

“Well Captain excluding the two Lyrans that is all the sweep picked up.”
She answers. 

Wraith,” Lieutenant Cavack what are the possibilities that your sweep could have missed read or did not read all life forms?”

“Misread any that I found Sir 99.786 percent unlikely, not detecting I would speculate 50 50 chance as the scan was very quick and I was not able to penetrate every compartment on the ship, as a pirate vessel Sir I think the likelihood of them having cargo holds that would be resistant to initial level one scans would be high.” Cavack answers

Wraith “Ok so it is possible that we may have missed a life form. I want both of your best gut feeling or in your case Lieutenant you most logical speculation on what would have launched in that escape pod, someone that would have wanted it to look like debris after that ESG strike on the pirate. As we can tell in the replay it definitely launched.”

Komodo, “Sir I would bet if we found that pod there would be a good chance it would contain a life of some sort depending on the condition of the pod and whether it sustained damage in the fight. I am sure the Lyrans would not have noticed it either.”

Cavack, “I concur with Commander Komodo’s assessment of the events and according to schematics that class of escape pod has enough supplies to sustain life for three Earth weeks when in ideal working conditions.”

Wraith hits the intercom, “Helm reverse our course, take us back to the site of the where the Vootar was destroyed, Officer of the watch bring the ship to yellow alert.”

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 07:13:05 pm by Mutilator »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2005, 06:40:37 pm »
awwww   dammit mutt,i think u let the kzinti scum escape detection???

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2005, 05:21:04 am »
C'mon, uh, "Mutt". ;)

Are you going to continue with this at all?
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

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Re: Inexorable Hunters
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2005, 07:06:09 am »
 I was at sea for a bit and was unable to find time to put pen to paper or more like fingers to keyboard... more to follow soonest.  ;)
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte