Topic: Patrol Battle Rule Links  (Read 37433 times)

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Offline Mutilator

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2004, 09:30:44 am »
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Offline GDA-Kel

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2004, 11:42:14 am »
Just to consolidate our recent 'rulings' under one thread.  Here is the current Addendum to the rules...

A1.  All battles must be fought 3 ships vs 3 ships.  If one side (or both) only has two pilots, one of the pilots must control two ships. 

A2.  For ISC, 4 PPD limit on a 3 ship fleet no restriction on what ship(s) have the PPDs.

A3.  No x-ships in LATE era matches.  1st gen x-ships in ADV era ONLY.  No 2nd gen x-ships allowed in any era.  (Jakle may have already covered this in his rules, but it came up in a previous thread, so it is repeated here).     
Gorn Dragon Alliance

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2004, 07:11:02 pm »
PBR links are updated

Offline Dfly

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2004, 06:02:28 pm »
Hey I have a Question.   I remember us talking about putting the fast patrol cruisers into their own section.  This would allow us to use a fast patrol ship as well as a combat support with our command ship.   Is this the ruling we are using for this cycle?  just checking.

Also, Jakle, since I noticed you did put all fast ships into their proper categories on the above links, I would like to ask for the GORN list, if the CMF and CMFF that are added to the Fast ships will be taken off the combat support shiplist?  As it stands those 2 ships are on both lists.   It may be the same for other race lists, I have not looked.


Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2004, 09:37:07 am »
Also, Jakle, since I noticed you did put all fast ships into their proper categories on the above links, I would like to ask for the GORN list, if the CMF and CMFF that are added to the Fast ships will be taken off the combat support shiplist?  As it stands those 2 ships are on both lists.   It may be the same for other race lists, I have not looked.

Some races look correct like the Klingon's, but I noticed that the Feds still have CF refits listed as "combat support" vs "fast cruiser" in addition to the Gorn. Please clarify, otherwise I will assume that all fast cruisers should NOT be listed as "combat support" anymore and only as "fast cruisers" as I believe is the intent and that the matrixs are simply in error, as it seems consistent with all other races.
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Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2004, 02:26:29 pm »

All the Fast Ships were originally under combat support, but should have been moved out of there to the new Fast Cruiser section.  If they are in both places then that's my error.  Ignore the combat support entry if they are in both places till i get it fixed

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2004, 03:35:20 pm »

All the Fast Ships were originally under combat support, but should have been moved out of there to the new Fast Cruiser section.  If they are in both places then that's my error.  Ignore the combat support entry if they are in both places till i get it fixed

Cool, no problem, that was pretty much what I thought.
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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2004, 04:09:40 pm »
Just to consolidate our recent 'rulings' under one thread.  Here is the current Addendum to the rules...

A1.  All battles must be fought 3 ships vs 3 ships.  If one side (or both) only has two pilots, one of the pilots must control two ships. 

A2.  For ISC, 4 PPD limit on a 3 ship fleet no restriction on what ship(s) have the PPDs.

A3.  No x-ships in LATE era matches.  1st gen x-ships in ADV era ONLY.  No 2nd gen x-ships allowed in any era.  (Jakle may have already covered this in his rules, but it came up in a previous thread, so it is repeated here).     

Copy, and a bump.

Kel, can ALL of the rules be restated in this thread?  Would help bro.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2005, 10:41:32 am »
Fed Light Battle tug needs to be added as a specialty ship.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2005, 04:22:05 pm »
Fed Light Battle tug needs to be added as a specialty ship.

Yup, the LBT seems to have been overlooked.

Offline KBF-Butcher

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2005, 06:45:10 pm »
GZ Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates Rules

I. Divisional Ladder

1. Joining

1.1 Each Fleet participating in the Divisional League can have a single “Squadron” in competition. All members of a Fleet are eligible to fly in the Squadron during the Fleets weekly scheduled matches. Once your Fleet is established and your roster meets the minimum membership requirements, you may request the Lead Admin place enter your Fleet’s squadron into the team pool prior to the start of the next season/cycle. Teams are placed into divisions/conferences at random.

2. Roster Requirements

2.1 For a fleet to be created, an application must be submitted by the Fleet Admiral. Once created, the Roster will have only that Admiral on the Roster. It is then that Admiral’s responsibility to add new members to that fleets roster.

2.2 Each race needs a Race selected as it’s primary race. This is the race that must be flown in all League Matches (exception: see 6.5) as well as the race used in any GamerZ Campaign

2.2.1 Fleet Races – The following are the approved Fleet Races for Gamer-Z: SFC2 Orion Pirates League. Federation Klingon Romulan ISC Gorn Hydran Lyran Mirak Orion Pirates (any Fleet selecting Orion Pirates as their 'race' will be eligible to use any of the 8 Pirate Fleets for ship selection) *edit as of 12/19

2.3 Once a Fleet has a total of 3 members, it is eligible to participate in the League Competition.

2.4 As new members are added (after the start of the Season/Cycle) they must sit out of all matches for a full 7 day cycle before they are allowed to participate in a match.

3. League Admins and Watchers

3.1 If 72 hours or greater before any given match a clan wishes to have a neutral watcher oversee their scheduled match, one may be requested. This will force the match to be a 2v2 team game.

3.1.1 If the assigned watcher is not desired by one of the participating clans then another may be assigned by 48 hours in advance.

3.2 If you wish to apply to become a watcher or league admin go to the following link and fill out the application to become an admin

4. Ranking

4.1 Ranking is based solely upon your win/loss ratio. The system will work very similar to the NFL or MLB where you will compete mostly against clans in your particular division, but also some cross division games.

4.2 The clan with the best overall win/loss ratio will be ranked first place and on down in descending percentage order.

4.2.1 In the case of a tie at the end of the season, the playoff tiebreakers will be as follows: Divisional Record Head to Head Record If still tied the teams will engage in a tie breaker match using normal GZ match rules.

5. Match Setup

5.1 Matches will NOT be arranged as a typical ladder (ie by negotiation). As said previously this League will run like most professional sports.

5.2 All matches and terms are predetermined at the beginning of each week. You are given the schedule of fleets you will face at the start of every new season or cycle.

5.3 It is assumed that all matches will be played on GSA, however teams can make arrangements to play IP direct games if they so desire

5.4 The Forums and Clan Outpost on the site are to be used as the main means of communication between clans. This can only be seen by admins who will oversee the match, so it's secure and safe to give out passwords.

5.4.1 Do not use email, icq, msn, aim, or any other means of communication for scheduling a match, unless it is the only means available to give the designated admin or watcher the match schedule information. All other information should be given through either the clan outpost or private forums.

5.4.2 All matches schedules must be agreed upon completely at least 48 hours before the set day and time of the match and 72 hours if a watcher or admin is needed to oversee the match.

5.4.3 There will be one match per week (consisting of a best of 3 series) and must be scheduled on a fairly quick basis. If a match is not scheduled then both clans involved will forfeit the match unless one clan attempts to start negotiations with no reply from the opposing clan. Then the attempting clan will receive the victory by forfeit.

5.4.4 If a team cannot show up on a scheduled date and notifies the admins and opposing clan at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled day of the match; a reschedule will be allowed within the following week. The team will have to show up for the scheduled rematch or receive a forfeit. If the team who could make the match is unable to find a date to reschedule the match to help out the team who could not make it, then a forfeit will be awarded to the team who could show. Rescheduling is a favor from one team to another and is not to be abused.

5.4.5 A match will start no later then 15 minutes after the agreed upon time.

5.5 The standard match is 3v3.

5.5.1 If a team only has 2 players available,then the match should be 3v3 and 1 player should fly 2 ships Incidents of being able to fly with only 2 players will be tracked. The 3rd instance of it in a season will result in a forfeit.

5.5.2 If only a single player for a team shows, than the match will be a forfeit.

5.6 After each game in a series is completed, a team may change out all or a portion of their players with other members of their Fleet

6.1.2 The TBPV’s will be identified to be used for game 1, game 2 and game 3 and will be used in that order.

6.3 Maps – When the RBG is used to generate the TBPV, I will used the Map type listed, if it is Open or an Asteroid map. If it is any other map type, Open will be used.

6.3.1 What map type to use will be identified by Game 1, game 2, game 3 and must be used in that order

6.3.2 Map size will always be Medium

6.4 Game Speed Setting – to accommodate the possible Dial Up user, the default game speed will be 7. This may be altered by player agreement, however if no agreement can be reached, the default will be used.

6.5 Race – the race a team is affiliated with must be used for all League matches. The only exception is that a Fleet may identify a second race that they would like to be able to use.

6.5.1 The race that fleet is affiliated with will be consider the even odd race, and the second race the even race. On all Odd weeks, the odd race will be used. On all even weeks, the even race will be used. This will be continuously communicated on a weekly basis to make sure the Team and it’s opponents are current on what race will be flown.

7. Anti Cheats

7.1 EZ.ini:This is a REQUIRED feature. It should be active for ALL GZ matches. The ONLY exceptions will be SPECIFICALLY noted instances, and those will be by direction of an Admin.

7.1.1 Using EZ.ini, both Race and BPV should be hidden

7.2 Game Features: Gamer-Z will NOT seek to ban or prohibit any normal function of the game unless it creates an obvious overwhelming advantage for only a few players. To that end, all previously “Taboo” tactics are completely legal, as they are able to be equally used by all. A brief list follows. Note: the below practices ARE NOT prohibited. They are provided as examples of 'Taboo' tactics that are indeed legal. *edit as of 12/19

7.2.1 Use of Admin shuttles

7.2.2 Hit and Run on Sensors

7.2.3 Similar “In Game” callsigns Targeting Designator: If this tactic is employed to mask specific identity, each player must include an individual alpha-numeric designator at the END of their in-game name (i.e. MOK1, MOK2, CBA, CBB, etc). Non-alphanumeric characters are NOT acceptable (Punctuation marks or non-standard characters).

7.2.4 Other Features not previously listed: If the feature is commonly known, available to all, and NOT overwhelmingly advantageous to a minority, it is acceptable by GZ standards. If in doubt, contact a GZ Admin.

7.3 Volley info blocker is not permitted

7.4 Beaming Spare parts off planets is not permitted

7.5 It is recommended that all players use game films for all mathces

8. Connectivity and Ping

8.1 As this is a team based league, a computer and connection that can handle a 3v3 team is essential. Individual teams and players are responsible for their own equipment in terms of being able to effectively participate in a match.

9. After Launch

9.1 If a player disconnects during a match, and no opposing team member has closed within range 20, the game can be restarted. This can be done two times. On the third occurrence, the match will be played out or the team of the dropping player may forfeit. In order to curb disputes, a screen shot should be taken to verify the range of opponents at the point of drop.

9.1.1 When restarting, a new player from the fleet can be subbed in for the player with the problem connection

9.2 If the game crashes all users to desktop, that game will have to be considered void and restarted

9.2.1 When restarting, a new player from the fleet can be subbed in for the player with the problem connection

9.3 Screenshots and Player recordings are the only way to prove anything without an admin present.

9.4 Report/Confirm the game immediately after completion of the match. Failure to do so can result in suspension of the offending clan.

10. Cheating and Disputes

10.1 Cheating: This league has ZERO TOLERANCE for cheating. If a team is found to be cheating, the offending team will immediately be dismissed from the league. Cheating may include intentionally dropping, crashing games, or anything else that may interrupt fair play. Cheating accusations are taken very seriously. Do not accuse anyone of cheating unless there is proof. He said - she said accusations are not reason enough to investigate cheating. Penalty’s could possibly occur with false accusations.

10.2 Disputes: Teams must dispute a match within 24 hours of the SCHEDULED START TIME of the match. Failure to do so means the match can not be disputed. Be sure to zip all screenshots and player recordings into 1 file. E-mail all disputes to a league admin. Admins may ask a team or player to provide certain information to help decide the dispute. Admins have the final say in all disputes. Disputes are taken very seriously. Be sure to have good reason and proof before a dispute is sent.

II. Orion Pirates 'Patrol Battle' OP+ Mod Ladder League

The Divisional League is the primary competitive focus of the Orion Pirates League. Outside the frame work of the Divisional League there exists the Patrol Battle Ladder league. The Ladder has no impact on the performance of a Fleet in the Divisional League. The Patrol Battle Ladder League exists to promote competitive fleet training, personal stat tracking and relationship building amongst the members and their fleets.  

14. Drop Rule

14.1 In the event of a drop, the following occurs.

14.1.1 If the game is still in doubt – a replay occurs. Two replays may be attempted. If drops still occur when the game is still in doubt, the game is declared “No Game” and the players walk away. Unless there is reason to believe the other player dropped on purpose to avoid the game: Obviously unfavorable Terms (Negotiated or RBG). Poor initial ship selection. Some other factor which would lead one opponent or the other to believe that the outcome of the game was obvious.

14.1.2 If the drop occurs after – or immediately prior to – overwhelming damage is sustained, the leading player should take a screen shot of the results page. This screen shot – showing the Internals taken – will be used to determine the outcome of the game. The damage must be significantly greater to the one that dropped, or a replay will be mandated (provided #1 does not apply).

14.1.3 If the LEADING player drops after overwhelming damage occurs, a replay is required (Provided #1 does not apply).

14.2 In a TEAM conflict, if a member of a Team drops without having sustained overwhelming damage, the side which lost that member may request a replay. When such a request is made – ALL players are to cease firing. If the side which lost the player does NOT make such a request, and subsequently fires upon the other side, the game continues uninterrupted.

14.3 REPLAY: In the event of a replay, all terms are IDENTICAL. All ships must be the same, with the same upgrades taken in Space dock. Unless agreed upon by BOTH players, the terrain, Map Size, and Game Speed should be the same as well.

14.4 IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE: Players are to contact their Chain-of-Command. The respective Fleet Staff Officers should then attempt Conflict Resolution (Replay, walk away, etc).

14.4.1 If the Fleet Staff’s cannot agree, THEN (And ONLY then) an Admin should be made aware of the situation. Note: The default ruling in these cases is “Replay with host (If possible) or walk away”. The ONLY thing that will change this is game film, Room Chat, or screen shots that support a point of contention.

15.1 This should be done IMMEDIATELY after said battle is reported.

16.1 Any conflicts that arise should be handled in a similar manner to that described in section 4.0 (Battle Completion) above. Players are strongly urged to allow their respective Chain-of-Command to assist in all disagreements or disputes. This process may be begun in any way chosen EXCEPT in the public lobbies or Forums.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2005, 07:11:17 pm by [ISC]Butcher »

Offline Nomad

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2005, 08:58:00 am »
Fed Light Battle tug needs to be added as a specialty ship.

Yup, the LBT seems to have been overlooked.

LBT - Is Light Battle Transport not Light Battle Tug.

BTL, and BTL+ i s the Battle Tug Light.  (Similiar but different ships.)

This discussion should be in a different thread.


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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2005, 01:58:50 pm »
It's not a discussion. It's a correction.

Every other race's LTT + light battle pod combo is in Combat Support - eg G-LBT, H-LBT, I-LBT, K-LBT, etc. The Fed one was simply missed.

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2005, 03:30:10 pm »
It's not a discussion. It's a correction.

Every other race's LTT + light battle pod combo is in Combat Support - eg G-LBT, H-LBT, I-LBT, K-LBT, etc. The Fed one was simply missed.

I did not realize it and will add it to my Combat support for the rest of this cycle.


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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2005, 12:23:46 am »
Excellent sportsmanship Nomad. + karma for the 9th!  :thumbsup:

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2005, 07:38:37 pm »

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2005, 07:52:55 am »
PBR v 4.0 and updated Matrices should be up in a couple weeks.  Since LEague operations will shut down for the summer, this delay shouldn't be a big deal, but for those of you who are trying to set up some informal activity, keep an eye on this thread for when 4.0 is up.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2005, 09:52:18 am »
PBR v 4.0 and updated Matrices should be up in a couple weeks.  Since LEague operations will shut down for the summer, this delay shouldn't be a big deal, but for those of you who are trying to set up some informal activity, keep an eye on this thread for when 4.0 is up.

Let me know when you are finished or want help updating matrices. I am ready to start hosting it whenerver you give the word.
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Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Patrol Battle Rule Links
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2005, 03:05:59 pm »
oh, right - forgot :P

Feel free to start on a Matrix whenever you have the time!  Just let me know which ones you are working on so we don't overlap - although to be honest I probably won't start for another 2 weeks. 

I can send you the page for the 4.0 rules if you think that will help to get started.  Just let me know