Topic: Labrador Member of Parliament Passed Away...  (Read 1039 times)

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Offline oldmanken

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Labrador Member of Parliament Passed Away...
« on: December 17, 2004, 03:01:02 pm »
The news story:

While I would normally feel saddened by such news, I'm even more so in this case.  Lawrence's son Mike is one of my best friends, and I can't imagine what he is going through at the moment.  I had a great deal of respect for Lawrence, as he was a staunch Labradorian and represented our interests well in Ottawa.  He will be sorely missed, and it will be impossible to truely replace him.

Mike, or Obie as we call him, will be coming back to Goose Bay tonight and I'm debating whether I should go see him or wait until tomorrow.  Our friend Shawn is going up, and I don't want to impose and inundate them with visitors at a time when the family needs to be together.  I'm not exactly sure what to say to him, nor are any of our other friends sure how to deal with this.  I've told our friends that there isn't much we can say, and we just should be there when he needs us to be.  That's the best advice I could think to give.

Just thought I'de pass this along.  This Christmas has just gotten a little bit more sombre, now that Lawrence has left us.
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Offline S'Raek

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Re: Labrador Member of Parliament Passed Away...
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2004, 10:07:28 am »
Sorry to hear this!  Perhaps it would be best if you just call initially to see what they plan on doing and when.  That way you can show your support without intruding too much.  You can always go up later. 

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Offline KBF-Angel Slayer

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Re: Labrador Member of Parliament Passed Away...
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2004, 10:08:42 am »
I agree.  Just call and tell him you'll have your cell handy if he needs you.

NPR is a lot like NASCAR.  Two hundred miles an hour in a circle, and you end up right back where you started with nothing but lost time for the effort.