That is not true, according to the ISC Matrix (which I just reviewed) you have no ships that count as both the Command and Support variants in a given legal PBR combo. This special rule is only there to persecute the Gorn, Romulans and Lyrans.
The ISC is hardly the only race with crappy DNs. Of course you at least got the best "super" BCH.
Yeah, so.
So you stand corrected.

Whole GW war at-once dyna is a muy, muy better idea.
Being a free market economist I would have to disagree. If it were a better idea that would be what people would build and play.
Eveyone likes J'inn's Whacky server idea.
At least everyone that still plays, has played more on GW servers than any other that have been put forth over the same period of time.
Personally I would love to see a 3 part ISC Invasion series follow it.
yeah, I'm sure it will happen real "KCW-defined" soon. 
Then you better get cracking. You can't blame others for keeping the ISC down if no one in the ISC can be bothered to build their favorite kind of server. Folks need to take charge of their own destiny.
I did once put up a server to test out EEK 2.0 about a year ago. It even had rules, a good map, XC forums support, XC "Odin" server support. Basically, the best dyna package out there at the time. Only problem was that only one person logged on.
Then it took about 6 months for some hard-headed people to understand that many people in this community are low enough to do boycotts.
You just forgot the 3 most important words in Marketing. Location, Location, Location. Oh yeah, and the good will of the community matters quiet a bit too, before people want to invest a lot of time in your server. Back then you had burned a few to many bridges for people to have risked such an investment. That is something you need to take responsibility for your part in. I personnelly think you have earned that trust back. Your main issue along with anyone elses, getting your server idea to be taken as a "serious" server is really one of preception, that can only be solved with Marketing. Technical elegance and play balance alone won't make it popular.