Hiya folks,got two new ships for everyone...........
First up is a Q ship a new era of pirating begins with this one.
The ship belongs to a colony located between the Badlands and the Feregnar. Called the Morgan Corporate State, this colony was settled by a mixture of races all looking to find something more than what could be found in the ordered worlds of the Federation. Klingons, many without families, came to find lost honor. Near the Ferengi sphere of influence, products from the Morgan Corporate Authority or MCA found a rich market. Unknown to everyone outside of the MCA, the colony was established and run by agents of Section 31, the invisible agency of the Federation. Their purpose was originally intended to keep tabs on Cardasia and Feregnar. They were also actively involved in destroying the criminal organization known as the Orion Syndicate.
With the outbreak of the Dominion War the MCA mission was altered to include covert surveillance and interdiction of Dominion activities along with protection of the Badlands regions. The MCA operated its own fleet of vessels called the "X" Fleet. Mostly consisting of salvaged, confiscated or original design ships all suited to pursue this task which they did with deadly efficiency. The MCA was such a nuisance that eventually a small Dominion task force was sent to destroy the colony. While the mission succeeded in destroying the colony, the X-fleet escaped relatively unharmed and continued to harass the Dominion throughout the rest of the war.
The Judas Goats were leftovers of the Maquis resistance that operated in the Badlands. When the Dominion War started the Maquis was swept from the area. The few surviving ships that made it to safe havens within the MCA sphere of influence were confiscated, along with other freighter and utility ships. These ships were stripped of all offensive armaments, armor, and excess weight. They were then retrofitted with various electronic countermeasure, and holographic imaging equipment.
Their mission was to fly along known traffic routes and using their emitters project themselves as tempting targets such as bulk freighters, crippled ships, or lone starships. Using holo-emitters the ships were even able to project the visual image of the desired object. An enemy ship would attack, not realizing its mistake until its sensors would get close enough to burn through the image. By then it would be too late as the Judas Goat's cloaked escort of Gnat fighters and X class starships would appear and destroy the would-be attacker. The tactic was highly effective for most of the war but eventually the Dominion caught on to the trick (the Orion Syndicate, however, never did).
The Judas Goat
http://outlance.battleclinic.com/Models%20Please/JudasGoat.zipAnd second,take your standard Connie refit,cut the rear off,stretch it a little,add a large hanger bay and ya get..................
U.S.S. Citadel Heavy Command Cruiser
http://outlance.battleclinic.com/Models%20Please/FCC_Citadel.zipSpecial thanks to Manitoba for bashing the Connie refit.And check out all my other stuff here
http://www.freewebs.com/manitobashipyards/modelspleasesshipyard.htmAnd Mani's ,F_W,KF,Azel,Brezgonne stuff as well and a new member yet to be revealed.
http://www.freewebs.com/manitobashipyards/index.htmEnjoy all