Topic: Max Torps is our newest member!  (Read 1929 times)

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Max Torps is our newest member!
« on: October 26, 2004, 03:52:54 pm »
Hey, everyone, take a gander at the Newest Member field.  Then say hello to Max Torps.   ;D 

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2004, 06:47:40 pm »
I saw that.  ;)

Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2004, 10:52:43 pm »

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2004, 12:20:13 am »
Max !!!  Cool  ...

one of my fondest memories of the entire SFC community was a server he provided ..   I kind hope he pops in here !
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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2004, 01:02:44 am »

Definately missed Max!

Offline Max Torps

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2004, 12:05:56 pm »
Hello peeps!  :D

What a great welcome! Very friendly!

I see you've alll been busy this last 2 years or so..... and the servers have SQL now? Wow

I've just reinstalled the game to give it a blast again, I've missed crashing into asteroids and running from the Katt's. Not to mention the barrage of the 9th Fleet, hehe.

If anyone has a few hours can they tell me what changed?  ;)

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2004, 12:08:35 pm »

If anyone has a few hours can they tell me what changed?  ;)

Well the tutu is now the standard uniform for starters.
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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2004, 04:13:37 pm »
Hello peeps!  :D

What a great welcome! Very friendly!

I see you've alll been busy this last 2 years or so..... and the servers have SQL now? Wow

I've just reinstalled the game to give it a blast again, I've missed crashing into asteroids and running from the Katt's. Not to mention the barrage of the 9th Fleet, hehe.

If anyone has a few hours can they tell me what changed?  ;)

Most notably is the change of directory servers, since Taldren folded they could no longer maintain the old ones.

I just fixed my "good" machine and I'm hoping someone can send me a properly modified ServerSettings file so I can get back into it before Bonk's server goes down :)

Anyway, you'll find instructions on how to do that here:,163345674.0.html
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Offline Max Torps

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2004, 05:12:50 pm »
Cheers for that!
I'm dragging my tutu out of the wardrobe (how the hell did Kroma know, lol)  and waiting patiently for the nightsoft download to become available again.
Meanwhile I guess I'd better try it on for size and practice the solo game. In a politically correct way I mean.  :o
Ack, just died again.  ::)

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2004, 05:49:14 pm »
Hi ya Max ...

BTW ..  dunno if anyone ever bothered to tell ya .. but your servers were great .. and stable.  It's good to see ya back.
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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2004, 05:51:34 pm »
I beat S'cipio to the maxtorps welcome by a few hours! I'll bet I was Max's 1st PM! MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Ok Max, to answer your question... Oh wait! How's the new house, bro? I hope the grass is greener on the other side of those brit hills. ;) Guess you finally got that 'puter room going.

Ok, the neutral co-op bug was fixed. The mission DV reports have been fixed. The patrol bug has been fixed. The DV settings now work... er pretty good at least. Basically, all that Bullsh*t we put up with on our slavegirls servers... all that sh*t is fixed, hehe.

Also... we have missions that are really cool thanks to Evil Dave and Karnak. We have PvP AI mission stripping, meaning that in a player vs player... the AI is deleted from the mission. Cool, huh?

The Map DV's are all homogenized. That means you can start the map off with hexes having different values, where they all flip at 0 DV and then are able to be reinforced to the same number. I.E., you can have starting hex DV's of 30, 20, and 10 and all will flip at 0 and can all be reinforced to 30. Or you can leave them to be raised and lowered only by their original values.

Let's see what else... Servers hold 60+ players now... not that we average more than 40 on at a time tho...

Firesoul has completely changed the dyna experience using his shiplist and model pack. He is up to version 3.4 now and includes seperate model folders so you can individually represent most ships with a particular model. I.E., The F-CA and the F-CB... they have seperate folders so you can use TOS model for one and TMP model for the other. The number of new model folders is staggering and so is FS's new ship additions. Basically, it's pretty hard now to NOT find a ship included in his list if you pick up any ssd book and open to a random page.

Hrmmm, what else... We have PF's for all races. We have new fighters more like SFB and soon we will have individual fighter model folders so you can distinguish ftrs based on type and class. I.E., the Feds have F-14's and A-10's. They'd each get a different folder so you can tell them apart.

Ummm... We have server installers now. Bonk and others have lent their expertise time and again to make getting on a server as easy as installing one all inclusive D/L. No more players having to fiddle with what file or folder goes where.

Lots of other stuff. Basically, all of our SG server innovations have become standard and have even been improved upon.

Some COOL new sql stuff is about to happen. So hang on to yer breeches!

Glad to see my partner in crime once again. ;)


Oh, btw, you should apply for membership to the Slave Girls of Orion Development forum over at

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2004, 07:25:25 am »
Okay.  Dizzy covered a bit, here goes some more...

Pestalence has made a comprehensive enhancement pack.  Check his threads (which are stickied over in General, IIRC), for download sites.  There are numerous versions, because certain components of that pack have options.  I'll detail it below.
Patch to, way too many fixes to list here.  Check it's readme... :D
OP+ 3.4.  This is Firsoul's project where he added numerous SFB ships to the game (including R10-stuff), and added more model folders.  He's made 2 versions, one with Firesoul-selected/built/kitbashed models, and 1 that clones Taldren folders, for the dedicated model-chooser to fill themself.
3 individual mission packs.  NuclearWessles (ED), el-Karnak (EEK), and TraceyG (TG) scripted additional dynaverse missions.
The D2-net fix, since Taldren's folded.
Shipedit and EZ-ini
More stuff than I can think of, but the goal of this pack is a 1-download stop to take a fresh from CD OP install and turn it into the common gaming configuration of today.

Fighters have had numerous fixes applied, while they're still somewhat stupid, they at least fire their weapons in a somewhat predicable manner and they don't stop dead in space anymore, IIRC.

Rommie cloak works now.  Acts a lot closer to it's SFB roots.  Fly Rommie on GW4 and check it out... :D

J'inn's into server adminning.  He's the mastermind behind the GW series of servers, which are little "pocket" servers highlighting a specific front of the General War, in near-appropriate timeframes (start close to when they're supposed to, all go into late prior to the X-ships...)  Sadly, you've missed the Hydran segments of the war, we're up to "Day of the Eagle" which is the Rommie/Klink push into Federation space.

A lot of the old fleets are gone or out to lunch.  The XI was here in a flamewar over fleet names that spilled all over the forums.  That was the last I really saw of them.

I'm sure others will catch you up on more missing history.

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Offline Max Torps

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2004, 06:08:59 pm »

Lot's of information there. Thanks very much!
I've downloaded that OP patch and that is one heck of a fine piece of work. Very user friendly with everything in the one package. Even I managed it.  ;D

I'm having issues connecting to the D2 though but I know it's going to be my router and NAT problems so I will look into that at some point. I'm glad so many are still dedicating time to running servers and that OP has been fixed. I can't believe the neutral coop bug has been fixed, that's just excellent news. I don't have a lot of time these days but I will try to get the router problems sorted and join a server soon. Meanwhile I'll be an ante-tribune in the single player campaign. I have to say the high res models look great!

Offline KBF-WillWeasel

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2004, 10:10:48 pm »

Lot's of information there. Thanks very much!
I've downloaded that OP patch and that is one heck of a fine piece of work. Very user friendly with everything in the one package. Even I managed it.  ;D

I'm having issues connecting to the D2 though but I know it's going to be my router and NAT problems so I will look into that at some point. I'm glad so many are still dedicating time to running servers and that OP has been fixed. I can't believe the neutral coop bug has been fixed, that's just excellent news. I don't have a lot of time these days but I will try to get the router problems sorted and join a server soon. Meanwhile I'll be an ante-tribune in the single player campaign. I have to say the high res models look great!

Make sure you run this

It is the easy way to update yer INI file o point to the list servers rather then the now defunct Taldren/Interplay ones, hence allowing you to play D2.

Somewhere north of the Azores.
KBF always

Offline Max Torps

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Re: Max Torps is our newest member!
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2004, 06:27:28 am »
Yep, did that. That's a good file too. It's just my rubbish router...

Oooh, and Dizzy, Mog, EmeraldEdge, S'cipio and the others, yep I finished the gaming room thank you for asking It's looking pretty good now and I've been using it to the max. EverQuest has been the game of choice for the last two years or so, formed a guild called Dawnwatchers, then went to play SWG with some people from work, got bored of that and now I'm waiting on EQ2.

But Ii will try to get this going on my system as it hasn't dated much at all. Now that the main bugs are gone it's looking good. After the last two days I'm not dying as much either.  :P