I'm loved and hated about equally. But that's to be expected from a jerk like me. I'm better friends than most the people you'd call a friend cuz I'll tell it to you straight with no sauce or side dishes. I'm never one to talk behind someones back that I wont first tell them to their face. Thats why jerks are better friends. They arnt two faced back stabbers, but they are blunt as hell, if you can put up with that sort of thing, hehe.
I'm sure I've caught the ire from a modeler or two here a few times for my rather wrenching critizism, but all in good taste, I assure. The rest of it comes from D2 stuff... Old hatred rivalries. I'd say 50% of my bad karma comes from this guy Lepton. He really likes me. He's almost like clockwork. Whenever he wakes up and posts on the forum, bout that same time I get another negative karma, haha.
Dont worry about it. I say the more karma either way the better. Means you're involved.

And that's good. Remember, no matter what forum you're on, all it takes is one asshole out to get you. I went to this Halo 2 forum, and was polite and kind as was possible and by my 14th post I had 5 stars, top rating. Then some prick for no reason blasts me with no stars... heh. So f*ck em. Karma and stars are dust and echoes...
+1 Karma to you for being ballsy enough to bring up your own karma problems...