"my processor ws incompatable with my video card, and the comp totally freaked out, even when I formatted... it'd be fine for a week or two, then just freak out.
AMD and Geforce MX400 dont mix...."
lol you had bigger problems with your comp than that...there are several million n-force 1-2 motherboards out there with integrated geforce MX cards in them that not only run rock solid reliable and fast, but do so exclusively on an AMD processor, it could be a mobo, but its nothing to do with the processor
unless its overheating or already damaged, or the graphics card itself (which is very possible if switching gfx solved yer problem)
I only waffle on saying all this completely off-topic as it sounds like you had a bad graphics card or possibly ram/motherboard and you could be entitled to a refund or exchange if you havent done so already, so dont hesitate to as you deserve yer moneys worth (ignore this if you did already) but considering AMD and Nvidia have worked together from the nforce 1 up to the new athlon64 nforce 4, it aint likely to be mixing it that causes problems.
Otherwise anyone using a computer for storage of precious items should consider a decent multi-RAID config, its 5x faster than an external USB drive, just as reliable, and actually can work out cheaper these days, even with 4 hard drives needed. Its saved my ass plenty of times and the big speed boost over regular IDE is a bonus.
Otherwise burn burn burn on cd/dvd