Topic: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!  (Read 17831 times)

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #60 on: October 30, 2004, 02:46:27 pm »
  Bonk I will say that I'm sorry for saying that it look like you were tring to take over Hoochs work. From what I have seen you have done great work.

Thank you, that means a lot.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #61 on: October 30, 2004, 03:34:58 pm »
Where's my "I'm with DH" bumper sticker?

They're on order, along with the T-shirts  ;D

Thanks Mike for clearing everything up.

Thanks DH. Now go have fun and please rememeber to think Hooch for the year plus of hard work he put in to KCW.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #62 on: October 30, 2004, 03:35:51 pm »
  Bonk I will say that I'm sorry for saying that it look like you were tring to take over Hoochs work. From what I have seen you have done great work.

Thank you, that means a lot.

The comminet was not raly meant at you. But for those that had run Hooch off and they know who they are.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #63 on: October 30, 2004, 03:58:38 pm »
...But for those that had run Hooch off and they know who they are.

Who would do a mean thing like that?  >:( No, don't say. I for one would love to see ol Hoochypoo come back (if he wants to). I'm sure the majority feel the same.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #64 on: October 30, 2004, 04:17:06 pm »
Ok, now we need to pick new house leaders for those that have bailed, go ahead with 1st round draft trading and stoke up some flames to get this server on it's way.

I guess it's up to Bonk and DH as to which server will go 1st, KCW or GW4.

Someone besides me needs to tell Hooch he is being a pussy about all the polotics and according to 'MBDay' those who ran him off. He needs to come out and spill it, as I doubt we will ever see him play this game again, he ought to give us what we deserve as his going away present... I know I had problems with the way the draft came out/was handled, but he asked me not to bitch about it publicly on the forums and I agreed, so I know it cant be me. It must be Kroma or Hexx. ;)

« Last Edit: October 30, 2004, 09:21:11 pm by TalonClaw »

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #65 on: October 30, 2004, 04:50:14 pm »
I vote we just go ahead with GW4 and give Hooch and Tracy a little more time, don't see the big deal.
Jinn has already offered, let's take him up on it, he's been WAY too relaxed lately, he needs some stress to set him right.  ;D
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #66 on: October 30, 2004, 06:25:09 pm »
Bonk is ready to go now, GW4 is not.  Bonk can be ready to kick off next weekend, GW4 cannot.

Decision seems simple to me.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #67 on: October 30, 2004, 09:18:15 pm »
I've livened up the KCW-Dev forum on

Those with access might want to read up on my thoughts, and either concur / argue with me... :D

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #68 on: October 31, 2004, 08:29:59 am »
While I understand this is a serious thing to most, I'd humbly suggest that the way to resolve ANYTHING is NOT by being passive-agressive, nor suggesting something then disappearing back into EVE-Land, how convienent.


Hooch is a very respected member of the SFC Community.

Hooch worked very hard on bringing KCW to life - the concept alone was awesome.

Hooch then found EVE whilst playing with the Fleet.

Hooch and TraceyG have been absent regarding community interaction for quite some time (in regards to their normal levels, mind you!)

Bonk stepped up - and I am saying this of my own opinion - in reverence to the concept and work Hooch DID and the expectation of those in our community who had looked forward to this campaign.

IM's and posts were made HERE (which is the offical D2 forums for the community), but perhaps not enough "research" or effort was made to secure Hooch's blessing on this

The Community (well, Kroma, but he's big enough to be called a community - plus do you know what LIVES on LIZARDS  :o) steps up ONCE AGAIN and says "Wait a minute....what about Hooch and TraceyG ?"

It's determined that - YES, Hooch is alive and he's having a GREAT TIME on EVE. (Notice this also says "He's not had the time to drop anyone an IM or an EMAIL or anything else, so Mike you might want to think about THAT first before telling people anything)

Both sides were basically trying to do the same thing :


Now, it appears the campaign is cancelled ? >:(


I know Hooch, and I would believe he'd rather have the campaign run, then not run at all !!!

Cmon, peeps, let's not come to this!
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #69 on: November 01, 2004, 12:37:54 pm »
I have moved this thread back.

Let's keep this LIGHT.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #70 on: November 01, 2004, 12:47:31 pm »
I vote we just go ahead with GW4 and give Hooch and Tracy a little more time, don't see the big deal.
Jinn has already offered, let's take him up on it, he's been WAY too relaxed lately, he needs some stress to set him right.  ;D

What nobby head said.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #71 on: November 01, 2004, 01:04:05 pm »

« Last Edit: Today at 05:31:04pm by el-Karnak » 

LOL!~ Yeah, Karnak... I got away without having to edit mine... I was way ott... but before I hit 'Post', I changed it several times to tone it down, heh. ;) It was REALLY bad to start out with.

Actually, I was busy adding more "stuff". :D

Quote from: MbDay
You have not posted on the SSCF forums for Hooch nor have you PMed him there I know becuase not many of you have requested there. Plus I'm the admin and I know what is going on in my forums.  How many amoung you have come on to TS and tried to ask for Hooch or asked the SSCF if they know were Hooch is. Who amoung you have even asked any one other then LeRoy as to what is going on with the SSCF ro Hooch? LeRoy is not the only inforation point for the SSCF or Hooch.

It's Hooch's responsiblity to goto the forums and tell us what's going on. It was his idea to have a KCW dyna and the idea was accepted by the community. It is not the community's responsibility to be his keeper and go find him when he up and disappears.

It's quite simple really. It's all about respect and showing it.  You bring up the dyna idea and then abandon it then it's up to you to take OWNERSHIP of the problem and 'fess up to all that you are abandoning the dyna. No one around here is a mind reader and no one certainly should be "forced" to go find you and ask about you dyna.  It this matter SSCF falls very short on the respect front.

All it would take is a 4 to 6 word post in this forum like:

"Me like EVE. Me no do KCW."

Expecting people to go hunt down Hooch after his disappearance smacks of arrogance.  No one should have to go that far just find out on what the state of his dyna idea is.  Same goes for the missing house leaders.

Suffice it to say. I don't ever want to be involved with a SSCF-sponsored or associated idea in both OP and/or SFC3 again. This experience has been simply terrible and deplorable.  It you are using EEK missions that are buggy. Don't bother asking for any fixes. Gee, that aint being very respectfull is is it?  Good. Now, you know how it feels.

'nuff said.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2004, 01:24:26 pm by el-Karnak »

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #72 on: November 01, 2004, 02:28:41 pm »

Suffice it to say. I don't ever want to be involved with a SSCF-sponsored or associated idea in both OP and/or SFC3 again.

Wow, one guy does something Karnak isn't fond of, and suddenly he's on tear to smear an entire fleet.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #73 on: November 01, 2004, 03:53:39 pm »
Which is usual behavior, S'cipio. It's like a terror warning. Who actually pays attention to the 'colors'?? I dont even know what they mean.

Course... in Karnaks rant, his point is still valid. A major server that is days from launch... a House leader dissapears, the server designer dissapears, and the whole community is left wondering, wtf? It's a major letdown due to the complexity and excitement of the project suddenly being tanked. Bummer.

Course, I kinda understand Hooch's wanting to wash his hands of the whole thing. I mean... the server and the experiences he went through really sucked. Albeit the draft even left a bad taste in his mouth the way it was all handled in the end. MB this is his way of telling us/me to screw off? Not that that is what he is doing... But if there is one thing I know about Hooch is that he is so polite and inoffensive, that he may just take his anger and frustrations with him to the grave...

Personally, I'd never keep my mouth shut about it. ;)

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #74 on: November 01, 2004, 03:57:00 pm »
El Karnak's point is valid, whilst that particular is not.

Let's leave that to be Karnak's personal opinion ;)

Dizzy - OMG I am agreeing with you?

What's going on here - but seriously, this suxxors !!!

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #75 on: November 01, 2004, 04:06:40 pm »
Dizzy - OMG I am agreeing with you?

What's going on here

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #76 on: November 01, 2004, 04:13:56 pm »
Course... in Karnaks rant, his point is still valid. A major server that is days from launch... a House leader dissapears, the server designer dissapears, and the whole community is left wondering, wtf? It's a major letdown due to the complexity and excitement of the project suddenly being tanked. Bummer.

Yes, that is EXTREMELY frustrating :banghead: It seems like every person that has ever had the reins of this operation has eventually dropped the project like a hot potato. I wish someone would hang on and not let go for once ::)

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #77 on: November 01, 2004, 05:41:57 pm »
One thing I learned recently is don't paint with a broad brush.

Or was that don't paid broads with a brush?
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #78 on: November 01, 2004, 05:47:37 pm »
One thing I learned recently is don't paint with a broad brush.

Or was that don't paid broads with a brush?

No, no...
It was don't immediately brush after bush... that's rude.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #79 on: November 01, 2004, 06:10:18 pm »

It was don't immediately brush after bush... that's rude.

What if I vote for Kerry?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .