While I understand this is a serious thing to most, I'd humbly suggest that the way to resolve ANYTHING is NOT by being passive-agressive, nor suggesting something then disappearing back into EVE-Land, how convienent.
Hooch is a very respected member of the SFC Community.
Hooch worked very hard on bringing KCW to life - the concept alone was awesome.
Hooch then found EVE whilst playing with the Fleet.
Hooch and TraceyG have been absent regarding community interaction for quite some time (in regards to their normal levels, mind you!)
Bonk stepped up - and I am saying this of my own opinion - in reverence to the concept and work Hooch DID and the expectation of those in our community who had looked forward to this campaign.
IM's and posts were made HERE (which is the offical D2 forums for the community), but perhaps not enough "research" or effort was made to secure Hooch's blessing on this
The Community (well, Kroma, but he's big enough to be called a community - plus do you know what LIVES on LIZARDS

) steps up ONCE AGAIN and says "Wait a minute....what about Hooch and TraceyG ?"
It's determined that - YES, Hooch is alive and he's having a GREAT TIME on EVE. (Notice this also says "He's not had the time to drop anyone an IM or an EMAIL or anything else, so Mike you might want to think about THAT first before telling people anything)
Both sides were basically trying to do the same thing :
Now, it appears the campaign is cancelled ?
I know Hooch, and I would believe he'd rather have the campaign run, then not run at all !!!
Cmon, peeps, let's not come to this!