I belive it would be only right to get with Hooch before you take his work from him and do as you wish with it.
This is not right not right at all. It's like what happen over the OP list.
It is time to do the right thing and get with Hooch.
If you need to talk to him you can find him on the Teamspeak server at times.
Or you can find myshelf or Lister as well and we can get with him.
I don't know about you. But from where I come from, it's common courtesy to inform others when something they have started is not going to be finished. There was never a post from Hooch anywhere saying the KCW is cancelled. Just put on hold until some RL issue were sorted out.
This was the last public KCW announcement from Hooch:
Overall, it looks like around October 22nd at the latest, perhaps the 15th if all the other factors can be cleaned up.
Thanks Folks
Now, we find out Hooch is busy play EVE while the people in OP-land are trying to make-do and basically being really patient. There was even a test server put up in Hooch absence to accomodate him while he was gone. People that were in the draft have been waiting weeks for this server to get started. Other dyna people have been holding off on their dynas. just for KCW.
You try to tell me that there's nothing wrong with this picture and do it with a straight face.

PS. What's this dyna idea called KCW? Dunno, never heard of it...
PPS. I play SWG every night practically and still find time to post here. Sometimes I play SWG while on TS with SFCers. So, it is possible to play other games, even ones where you pay to mine rocks *snicker*, and still drop a post in this forum to keep everyone up-to-date on stuff left hanging. For me, it's the EEK mission packs. So, it can be done.
Bonk was in my opinion trying to serve the community and didn't need to be dumped on by someone who's out of touch.
No kidding. SSCF owes Bonk an apology for the MbDay's post. And, it better be good.