Topic: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!  (Read 16855 times)

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2004, 10:28:54 am »
I belive it would be only right to get with Hooch before you take his work from him and do as you wish with it.
This is not right not right at all. It's like what happen over the OP list.
It is time to do the right thing and get with Hooch.
If you need to talk to him you can find him on the Teamspeak server at times.
Or you can find myshelf or Lister as well and we can get with him.

I'd rather not get into it with the sscf, as I happen to respect the fleet quite a bit despite my obvious dissagreements with several members, but I have to be crystal here... and that is to point out that KCW isnt Hooch's baby anymore. He doesnt need to be consulted or asked permission to run it. KCW is all grown up now and has been married and divorced several times and there isnt any 'white wedding' hopes anymore.

You see... In the interests of the community, Hooch is the kind of guy that would push community concerns over personal vanity. I'm surprised I know him better than you. Hooch would always want whats best for the community and frankly I think you should take a page from his book.

I'll stop right there and not get into your comparison of this to the OP list thing. So dont even go there again.

As far as KCW goes, it's either going to run or it isnt. But the longer KCW waits, the less interest everyone has in it. Oh, and btw, get off Bonks back. This guy has nice written all over him. I think you should tell him you're sorry. Bonk is a super helper round here and you have no idea how much personal time he invests for people like you and me so we can have fun. He hasnt ever stepped on anyones toes afaik and he'd be better off running his own servers than trying to help the SSCF with theirs, but hey, thats the nice kind of guy he is.

Be nice MBDay. Thats the kind of guy I know you are. ;)

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #41 on: October 29, 2004, 10:30:14 am »
I belive it would be only right to get with Hooch before you take his work from him and do as you wish with it.
This is not right not right at all. It's like what happen over the OP list.
It is time to do the right thing and get with Hooch.
If you need to talk to him you can find him on the Teamspeak server at times.
Or you can find myshelf or Lister as well and we can get with him.

Is the right thing taking up a leadership role that had been abandoned and put in a lot of harwork like Bonk has done?

There has been NOTHING posted in the KCW forums for weeks.  This server was dead before Bonk brought it back to life.

Inertia not in motion dies.

DH is right,  If Hooch has moved on to Eve then what is the harm in carrying on without him.  I myself would like to get playing again.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch!
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2004, 12:25:34 pm »
Has anyone even heard from Hoochimp lately?  Hope everything is alright with him, and his family.

Everythin's fine. Infact he's gotten into the EVE groove with the rest of the fleet and has been there quite a bit.

Please ask Hoochie to swing by here and give us some input the next time you see him.   I dunno whether to go gung ho to start GW4 soon or to hold off.   Personally, I'd rather see KCW go first as it sounds like fun.


P.S.   My three cents worth.

1) Hooch ain't dead.  We know where he is.  Eveland.   Leroy can get a message to him easy.  Also, don't they use TS voice comms, can't one of us skip over there and ask him what is up.    This doesn't seem to be a big deal to me.

2)  Hooch should be asked if it is cool with him if Bonk runs it.   If he can't be found in a resonable amount of time then I think it's okay for Bonk to run it anyways.

3)  Tracey being missing is a larger problem,  but not really.  Wasn't some low down snake int he grass named Shadow Six <snicker> her second in command?  Can't he fill in until she retruns?  Ain't that what a second in command does?   Of course she'll have to bitch slap him to get her spot back.   Ooooo I wanna have film of that.


If I ever fall off the face of the Earth . . .  Die Hard has my blessing to finish up all of the GW stuff.   Remember to give him the blame also.  <snicker>

« Last Edit: October 29, 2004, 12:35:43 pm by J'inn »

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #43 on: October 29, 2004, 12:32:59 pm »
I'm with DH and the gang. It's been too long waiting for KCW and I'd like to thank Bonk for stepping up to the plate. It's been almost 2 months since the draft and some people have posted wondering why it's so dead around here. Bonk was in my opinion trying to serve the community and didn't need to be dumped on by someone who's out of touch.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch!
« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2004, 12:38:04 pm »

If I ever fall off the face of the Earth . . .  Die Hard has my blessing to finish up all of the GW stuff.   Remember to give him the blame also.  <snicker>

Somewhere in NJ a hit was just put on Jinn's head.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #45 on: October 29, 2004, 01:37:29 pm »
As always I'm a bit late to the party.. couldn't get in here this morning.. I'd just like to add, hmm
If Hooch is over playing EVE tell him to stop by and let us know if he's ok with us running it.
Or even to send a PM to Bonk
Whoever spouted off against Bonk should pipe down, can't remember who it was and I'm to lazy to click back.
Has anyone heard from Tracey? Can't remember but I though her exams were over by now?

And Bear- don't worry bud, soon as we get that "final " trade approved yer with me bug guy.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #46 on: October 29, 2004, 01:46:14 pm »
And Bear- don't worry bud, soon as we get that "final " trade approved yer with me bug guy.

I wouldn't count on that Hexx. No matter how hard Julin has been lobbying the rules clearly state that XOs can't be traded or in your case given away.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #47 on: October 29, 2004, 01:51:24 pm »
Please , the only reason I'm not allowed to be traded is that Hooch was worried everyone would be challenging each other
for the right to fly by my side.
And from what I've heard Julin is already starting on his concession speech, preparing for his inevitable overthrow.
No, I'm afraid my little icky bicky boo that the least welcome one in Klingon space is you.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #48 on: October 29, 2004, 04:50:17 pm »
I belive it would be only right to get with Hooch before you take his work from him and do as you wish with it.
This is not right not right at all. It's like what happen over the OP list.
It is time to do the right thing and get with Hooch.
If you need to talk to him you can find him on the Teamspeak server at times.
Or you can find myshelf or Lister as well and we can get with him.

I don't know about you. But from where I come from, it's common courtesy to inform others when something they have started is not going to be finished.  There was never a post from Hooch anywhere saying the KCW is cancelled. Just put on hold until some RL issue were sorted out. 

This was the last public KCW announcement from Hooch:
Overall, it looks like around October 22nd at the latest, perhaps the 15th if all the other factors can be cleaned up.

Thanks Folks


 Now, we find out Hooch is busy play EVE while the people in OP-land are trying to make-do and basically being really patient.  There was even a test server put up in Hooch absence to accomodate him while he was gone.  People that were in the draft have been waiting weeks for this server to get started. Other dyna people have been holding off on their dynas. just for KCW.

You try to tell me that there's nothing wrong with this picture and do it with a straight face.  >:(

PS.  What's this dyna idea called KCW?  Dunno, never heard of it...

PPS. I play SWG every night practically and still find time to post here. Sometimes I play SWG while on TS with SFCers. So, it is possible to play other games, even ones where you pay to mine rocks *snicker*, and still drop a post in this forum to keep everyone up-to-date on stuff left hanging. For me, it's the EEK mission packs. So, it can be done.

Bonk was in my opinion trying to serve the community and didn't need to be dumped on by someone who's out of touch.
No kidding.  SSCF owes Bonk an apology for the MbDay's post. And, it better be good.  >:( >:(
« Last Edit: October 29, 2004, 05:31:04 pm by el-Karnak »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #49 on: October 29, 2004, 05:56:01 pm »

« Last Edit: Today at 05:31:04pm by el-Karnak » 

LOL!~ Yeah, Karnak... I got away without having to edit mine... I was way ott... but before I hit 'Post', I changed it several times to tone it down, heh. ;) It was REALLY bad to start out with.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #50 on: October 29, 2004, 09:05:12 pm »
Please , the only reason I'm not allowed to be traded is that Hooch was worried everyone would be challenging each other
for the right to fly by my side.
And from what I've heard Julin is already starting on his concession speech, preparing for his inevitable overthrow.
No, I'm afraid my little icky bicky boo that the least welcome one in Klingon space is you.
Tutu's and leather don't mix...


I am not planning on being overthrown by my executive officer.  Something tells me that the safest challenge I can accept is a challenge from my executive... Something about combat skills vs. the T-bomb... :D

And Bear- don't worry bud, soon as we get that "final " trade approved yer with me bug guy.

I wouldn't count on that Hexx. No matter how hard Julin has been lobbying the rules clearly state that XOs can't be traded or in your case given away.

Please do not post anything about the secret plan.  While I can't trade or give away Hexx, I'm still looking for some way to find a more suitable position for a Lyran of such, impressive, standing.  Remember, if he's caught standing in front of me, I still have over 8" of my head exposed... ;)

Has anyone even heard from Hoochimp lately? Hope everything is alright with him, and his family.

Everythin's fine. Infact he's gotten into the EVE groove with the rest of the fleet and has been there quite a bit.

Please ask Hoochie to swing by here and give us some input the next time you see him. I dunno whether to go gung ho to start GW4 soon or to hold off. Personally, I'd rather see KCW go first as it sounds like fun.


P.S. My three cents worth.

1) Hooch ain't dead. We know where he is. Eveland. Leroy can get a message to him easy. Also, don't they use TS voice comms, can't one of us skip over there and ask him what is up. This doesn't seem to be a big deal to me.

2) Hooch should be asked if it is cool with him if Bonk runs it. If he can't be found in a resonable amount of time then I think it's okay for Bonk to run it anyways.

3) Tracey being missing is a larger problem, but not really. Wasn't some low down snake int he grass named Shadow Six her second in command? Can't he fill in until she retruns? Ain't that what a second in command does? Of course she'll have to bitch slap him to get her spot back. Ooooo I wanna have film of that.


If I ever fall off the face of the Earth . . . Die Hard has my blessing to finish up all of the GW stuff. Remember to give him the blame also.

I second all of the motions contained in this post... :D

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #51 on: October 30, 2004, 12:39:29 am »
Please remove me from the KCW draft, i will not be playing.

KBF Trajan

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2004, 11:55:32 am »
First off let me make one thing and one thing only CLear.
I posted for me and me only not for the SSCF not for Hooch.
Now lest see you have posted here and one other forum.
You have not posted on the SSCF forums for Hooch nor have you PMed him there I know becuase not many of you have requested there. Plus I'm the admin and I know what is going on in my forums.  How many amoung you have come on to TS and tried to ask for Hooch or asked the SSCF if they know were Hooch is. Who amoung you have even asked any one other then LeRoy as to what is going on with the SSCF ro Hooch? LeRoy is not the only inforation point for the SSCF or Hooch.

Incase you need it here is the URL once again for the SSCF web sit eand forums.

  Bonk I will say that I'm sorry for saying that it look like you were tring to take over Hoochs work. From what I have seen you have done great work.

   I will say that you all need to try and get ahold of Hooch by the means that I have liad out here. Just posting here and over on is not the only way to get a hold of some one.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2004, 11:56:55 am »

   I will say that you all need to try and get ahold of Hooch by the means that I have liad out here. Just posting here and over on is not the only way to get a hold of some one.

This IS the Dyanavers forum.   This IS the correct way to conduct business involving a D2 server.

Combine that with the fact that KCW forum has pretty much been abandoned makes this an abondoned project.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2004, 12:06:32 pm »
I did something that the rest of you could not.
I talked to Hooch he said that you all can do what you wnat with KCW.
Have fun.

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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2004, 12:12:16 pm »
Where's my "I'm with DH" bumper sticker?
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2004, 12:18:58 pm »
Well... now that we have permission *wink and chuckle* let's get back to the business of having fun. Bonk, you know the old saying... "No good deed goes unpunished." I am sincerely hoping you won't let the rude insinuations (which were apologized for, to give credit where due) dissuade you from continuing to be the driving force behind getting this thing off the ground.

Looking forward to piloting my D5L soon...  <S>
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2004, 12:51:15 pm »
Where's my "I'm with DH" bumper sticker?

They're on order, along with the T-shirts  ;D

Thanks Mike for clearing everything up.
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2004, 01:59:50 pm »
Where's my "I'm with DH" bumper sticker?

They're on order, along with the T-shirts  ;D

Thanks Mike for clearing everything up.

I'll take a large t-shirt!   8)
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Re: KCW "Draft" list for Oct 29 launch (CANCELLED)!
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2004, 02:38:54 pm »
Um, WTF is goin on?    ;D

I spend one day away from a PC and all hell breaks loose.  I should have known better than attempt to pretend to have a life.

u really have one?
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