Hooch has not responded to PM. Rules as on the site. Server will run 4 weeks.
Don't tell me this is the first you've heard of this: 
Seen them all, but nowhere there do I see Hooch telling us when he planned to launch his server. Nor did I see anything in the dev forum saying as much.
The test server has been up for over two weeks. (now down, configured to start...)
House leaders have not yet confirmed their availability - other than Julin (Dizzy and you have been aware(?) but silent and Tracey has not responded to e-mail...)
Aware of what? That Hooch is backing out? That this is to be how the KCW is now run? Am I missing something? Is this just supposed to be a shakeout or is it the real run of KCW? The rules still had some fairly significant issues.
I have only been silent because no one has asked me anything. It was my understanding that this was still Hooch's baby, so I had been waiting like everyone else to hear what's up and when he intended to start.
There was a three way trade on the table awaiting Tracey/ShadowSixs approval, but they both dropped off the face of the earth, so it was never finalized. I figured that once Tracey and Hooch's RL issues got cleared up it would work itself out.
I have no problem starting this as is, but would want to know that Hooch is cool with us just running with his baby first.