Hi, I don't know how to start explaining this beast of a ship. First I would like to thank Rage and Kreeargh for there help in texturing this ship.
The PAS is an invasion force by its self. Its main task is to overwhelm Planetary or Starbase defenses with its arsenal of photon torpedoes and phasers. Then the invasion begins by beamming troops and launching troop shuttles. As you can see there are 8 shuttle launch doors on top of the ships. Finally there are two launch and landing pads which means fighters to join the attack or defend the ship. I pity the lone enemy ship that gets too close, it will either get blown in space or get overpopulated with marines. This ship will be a great addition to the center of any Federation task force.
The Line has been drawn and there will be no retreat beyond this line, the order of the day is "Forward".