Topic: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP  (Read 2100 times)

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Centauri Vaughn

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A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« on: October 27, 2004, 02:26:26 pm »

What is Fleet Pick?

Fleet Pick is a customized multiplayer mission program that allows a Host Player to set up various types of skirmish battles for Starfleet Command II Orion Pirates.

Players can choose between two teams, Team A or Team B and can have up to eight allied AI Team Ships on their side. The Host can also designate ships, starbases, planets etc. for all Human Players by selecting the 'Host Selected' option or allow Human Players to select their own ships by choosing the 'Player Selected' option.


1. 1-6 Human Players.

2. Can be Player vs Player, Player vs AI, or both Player vs Player with AI's.

3. Host can assign ships to (Client) Players or Players can select their own ships. Total of 22 Ships / Objects.

4. Host can assign up to 20 individual Ship Starting Positions on the Map.

5. Human Player Teams (Team A or Team B) can have up to 8 AI Ships, assigned to their team. This allows for setting up Base Assaults, Planetary Assaults, Armada Type Skirmishes; pretty much any type of skirmish that you can think up. 

6. Fleet Pick creates a "Fleet Pick Startup.txt" on your machines local C:\ Drive. This file displays all ships that have been generated in your custom Game Set. Model Developers can use this feature to pin point Mods that do not show due to folder assigning errors. 

7. At the end of each match Fleet Pick will create a ''FleetPick Records.txt'' file (Local C:\ Drive) on all user machines. This file will display all ship objects that were destroyed, disengaged, captured and remaining during the game. This feature makes Fleet Pick ideal for online Multiplayer Tournaments.

8. Fleet Pick also works hand in hand with "Ship Edit" for easy viewing and selection of ships and/or objects  from the ShipList.txt file.

9. Includes a Game Set ("FPData.DAT" data storage file) feature that allows you to store your customized skirmishes for later use. You can create and save as many Game Sets you desire.
10. Fleet Pick is a Universal Program. It will work with the Original 2552, Firesoul's OP+3.4, Chris Jones TNG, and anything else thats out there for OP.


The Map Viewer gives the user a visual perspective for assigning Ship Start Positions.

Fleet Pick and Firesoul's OP+ 3.4:

Output Text File: "Fleet Pick Records.txt" 
                  Fleet Pick Records         

GAME SET: 'Team ShipYard Defence'
SETTINGS: 'Host Selected Ships'

Player Team 1 (A Team Ship)
    Ships Remaining:
        Ship Name 'Player Team A'; Type R-XCB; Endgame Health 88.1%
    Ships Disengaged:
        Ship Name 'Player Team A'; Type R-XCB; Disengaged during game.
    Ships Destroyed:

Player Team 2 (B Team Ship)
    Ships Remaining:
        Ship Name 'Player Team B'; Type K-XCA; Endgame Health 91.5%
    Ships Disengaged:
    Ships Destroyed:

AI Team 7: (A Team Ship)
    Ships Remaining:
    Ships Disengaged:
    Ships Destroyed:
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XCA
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XDP
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XDP
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XDD
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XCF
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XDD
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-DEF
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-FRD

AI Team 8: (B Team Ship)
    Ships Remaining:
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type K-FRD; Endgame Health 100.0%
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type F-XDD; Endgame Health 84.8%
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type K-XDD; Endgame Health 20.8%
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type F-DEF; Endgame Health 100.0%
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type K-XCA; Endgame Health 92.6%
    Ships Disengaged:
    Ships Destroyed:
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type K-XDG
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type F-XCB
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type F-XDG

Output Text File: "Fleet Pick Startup.txt"
           Fleet Pick Startup       
GAME SET: 'Team ShipYard Defence'
SETTINGS: 'Host Selected Ships'


Player Team 1 (A Team Ship)
    Ships Created:
        Ship Name 'Player Team A'; Type R-XCB; Start Position Index 'M';

Player Team 2 (B Team Ship)
    Ships Created:
        Ship Name 'Player Team B'; Type K-XCA; Start Position Index 'W';

AI Team 7: (A Team Ship)
    Ships Created:
        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-FRD; Start Position Index 'M';

        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XDD; Start Position Index 'I';

        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XDP; Start Position Index 'K';

        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XDD; Start Position Index 'I';

        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XDP; Start Position Index 'K';

        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-DEF; Start Position Index 'J';

        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XCF; Start Position Index 'O';

        Ship Name 'AI Team A'; Type R-XCA; Start Position Index 'G';

AI Team 8: (B Team Ship)
    Ships Created:
        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type K-FRD; Start Position Index 'W';

        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type K-XDG; Start Position Index 'S';

        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type F-XDD; Start Position Index 'U';

        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type F-XDG; Start Position Index 'S';

        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type K-XDD; Start Position Index 'U';

        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type F-DEF; Start Position Index 'T';

        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type K-XCA; Start Position Index 'Y';

        Ship Name 'AI Team B'; Type F-XCB; Start Position Index 'Q';


You can download Fleet Pick and other mission scripts for SFCII OP and SFCIII (TNG)

« Last Edit: November 03, 2004, 09:08:21 pm by Centauri Vaughn »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2004, 04:15:38 pm »
Coolies! TY!

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2004, 04:30:48 pm »
Isn't this very similar to FMSE, but it doesn't generate a seperate .scr file? Could it be made to do so, so we can generate scripts for campaigns? Or, could one simply copy and rename the .scr from this mission and preserve the customised settings and add it to a .mct file for campaigns?
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Centauri Vaughn

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2004, 06:52:24 pm »
Isn't this very similar to FMSE, but it doesn't generate a seperate .scr file? Could it be made to do so, so we can generate scripts for campaigns? Or, could one simply copy and rename the .scr from this mission and preserve the customised settings and add it to a .mct file for campaigns?

Fleet Pick is actually unlike FSME. It does not generate any .scr files and the current edition will only support multiplayer mission scripts (Mul_).
However, this is not the end of the road. There will be an upgraded version of Fleet Pick that will allow the user to customize Single, Multiplayer, and Campaign Missions. This version of Fleet Pick (2.C) will be included with the Chris Jones UAW mod. [/b] 

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2004, 10:45:38 am »
Would you please, please make it available seperately? Nothing against CJ's mods. I'm on dialup though, and they're, well... BIG! Even when they're split up, it's still days worth of DLing for us unfortunate country folk. :(
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Offline Klingon Fanatic

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2004, 03:35:57 pm »
Would you please, please make it available seperately? Nothing against CJ's mods. I'm on dialup though, and they're, well... BIG! Even when they're split up, it's still days worth of DLing for us unfortunate country folk. :(

Well said Rod. Us 56kers on the wild frontier can't d/l a 200MB mod every day.

BTW: the Doomsday Machine works fine, [Maw effect works too!] in Fleetpick.

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Offline Reverend

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2004, 01:38:18 pm »
That totally rules! That could open up whole new doors!

DO you think there is a way to get it set for SFC3?

Centauri Vaughn

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2004, 04:16:00 pm »
I'm on dialup though, and they're, well... BIG!
 Even when they're split up, it's still days worth of DLing for us unfortunate country folk.

 Not a problem, Rod.

DO you think there is a way to get it set for SFC3?

There is a Fleet Pick (v1.A) release for SFC3. You can dl it here: 1.0.exe

Its also located on the same SFC Download page as FP (v2.A) for OP.[/b] 

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2004, 09:52:19 pm »
Way way cool, Centauri. :notworthy: Maybe my question wasn't worded right (or was really dumb. :help:) After you configure fleet pick could you then copy the fleetpick script and rename it to make it a permanently configured script that the game would read seperately? For example, configure a base assault... close the program... then go to the scripts folder and copy and rename the "copy of Mul_fleetpick.scr" (or whatever name that it has. I haven't had a chance to actually try it yet) to Mul_base_assault.scr. Would the game then run it as a regular script on it's own and possibly allow you to create multiple seperate scripts from the original one? I understand what you were saying about it not being able to be used as a campaign (Met_.scr) script, but if I'm understanding you the next version will create campaign scripts.
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Centauri Vaughn

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Re: A Cool Tool to Test those Models: Fleet Pick for SFC II OP
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2004, 06:52:16 am »
After you configure fleet pick could you then copy the fleetpick script and rename it to make it a permanently configured script that the game would read separately?

Actually its a good question, Rod.

I am sorry to say that would not work. The Fleet Pick program does not generate a script, it is a two part program consisting of the dialog (.exe) and a custom script (.scr).
Although the behavior is somewhat like the FMSE program, there is really no comparassion between the two on a development level.[/b]