Nope. Pick the house closest to your heart! (Check the roster on the webmap for balance based decisions)
When was the draft cancelled?
Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:10 am
To be honest, If we get some word from the third house leader, we can have round 1 done in approx. 48 - 72 hours, and a second round done in less than a week, allowing for communication concerns, ie, the fact that said 3rd house leader is half a world away and down under...

If we can corner the 3 of us with some kind of draft administrator (J'inn) all in 1 shot for a morning or so, we probably could be ready after that visit...
Until then, the KCW I signed up to lead a house for is incomplete and not ready to run. You are, of course, allowed to put up a server, however, it won't be the KCW I was expecting without the full draft etc.