Yeah, it's been a couple of weeks. But I fianally got a night to myself and was able to dissect the final database. Here is the final map, and the final scores. I also have pulled out the records of all the individual pilots, and will try to get a web page up listing each pilots final standinds, the way Skull and BBJ used to do. (But that might take another couple of days. My lease is up at the end of the month, and the fiance is on her way over with moving boxes, so I'll likely be offline the rest of the day.)
Note the sneaky Romulans, buildiing their last few bases on the back line, where they won't be see by raiding Gorn captains.
Points Scored:EconomyRace Economy PointsGorn 1345 8
Hydran 1140 7
Romulan 955 6
Mirak 740 5
Federation 730 4
Klingon 610 3
ISC 565 2
Lyran 420 1
BasesRace Bases PointsGorn 16 8
Hydran 15 7
Mirak 12 6
Romulan 5 5
Federation 0 1
ISC 0 1
Klingon 0 1
Lyran 0 1
PvP KillsRace Win/Loss PointsGorn 5/1 8
Hydran 3/1 7
Lyran 1/4 6
ISC 1/2 5
Romulan 1/1 4
Klingon 0/1 3
Mirak 0/0 1
Federation 0/0 1
FINAL SCORE (The new Pecking Order of the Galaxy)Gorn: 24
Hydran: 21
Romulan: 15
Mirak: 12
Lyran: 8
ISC: 8
Klingon: 7
Federation: 6
Coaltion: 38
-Herr Burt