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+1 Karma for you!
I'd automate the kill reporting if missions did not crash or players alt out. (can't seperate crashes from real results in the db). Hmmm perhaps you could tell the difference from within the script and store the result elsewhere...?
Anyway, points for screenhots and films was to fill up the new library with some stuff and provide a place to store choice battles. The server is only semi-serious and is about having fun, so by no means feel obliged or pressured to get bogged down in documentation and kill reporting. This was an experiment and a somewhat successful one, I'm very pleased with the level of participation and feedback.

BTW Bonk
The extra 2 phaser 2's on the Bobcat "P" and the leader variant aren't usable.
(Spots 16 & 17 on the weapons list in shipedit)
Thanks Hexx, noted in my fix list...
OS? You mean MNV...Monarch BB. big difference.
thats what the report said on the webmap thingy, i dont know ???
Remember what hex the battle was in? There was a battle a little earlier in which deadman's BB was destroyed but no survivors reported:
deadmansix's H-MNV BPV:402 Dmg:3%
Battle location: 8,10
Battle Participants:
Host: deadmansix Victory level: Devastating Defeat
Regular prestige: -150 Bonus prestige: 0
Empire Defence value shift: 7-->6
Cartel Defence value shift: 7-->7
Battle finished at: 2005-01-06 19:41:08
The battle logging of the kit does not seem to be entirely reliable, which may be due to the scripts themselves... I'm pretty confident in the logic of my destroyed ships script (attached for inspection), but I'll take another look at it to see if I can find any flaws.
... now that we have the serverkit source I can hopefully decode the shipcachevector blob now, just need to find the time, energy and motivation... which will allow trading in of ships on the webpage, a "garage" and account creation!