Topic: After so many attempts at envisioning it, here is the REAL Khambatta Class  (Read 1509 times)

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Offline WillDecker

  • Commander of the U.S.S. Khambatta NCC-7101
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    • The Khambatta Project
This is the REAL Khambatta Class as I originally envisioned her. Using parts from WZ's models and some texture modifications, I have brought forth the Khambatta almost ready for her shakedown. Need to do some minor modifications to her, but this is the real one. As for previous versions of her. They will still be released under different names and with texture changes. But I hope you enjoy.

Where the universe ends, our dream begins. Somewhere beyond the dark... (Ilia's Theme ST:TMP/U.S.S. Khambatta Motto)

Offline Greenvalv

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I probably would enjoy it if the pictures were there.

Offline markyd

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^Yep Im jumping onboard th boat no piccies!!!

(and after teasing us with that title too!!! rofl)

Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Pics work for me...

So I don't know what is going on for you guys, but I have had the same problem as you also. I have had no pics load while others have seens them fine, when in doubt try a refresh or open the link and see if it will load that way.
People always said they wanted the government to listen to them and now the government is listening, taking notes and names...and coming to see you soon!

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 Its the land of the freeloaders

Remember the axiom of big government bureaucrats: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. When, finally, under the crushing weight of taxes and regulation, it stops moving, subsidize it.

Offline S33K100

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Looks cool. Though the saucer looks a bit odd and distorted from the side view.
If I determine the enemy's disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then the deepest spy cannot discern it, nor the wise make plans against it.

Sun Tzu 'The Art of War'.

S33K100: formerly Marauth

Offline markyd

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Their showing up now!!!

Looks good.... a few minor glitches but on the whole a very good job man!!!!!  ;) Good stuff!!!!

(minor glitches... the aft lighting on the underside of the saucer seems to be split by the neck and doesnt look right... a 5 second job to correct... but I love this ship... good work!)

Offline Terradyhne

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looks great only the nacelles are to thin

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Offline Kaenyne

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I...LOVE...IT! I'm gonna explode when you release your Connies. I really am. I have been so looking forward to that day for I don't know how long...
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Offline Sapharite

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Nice design. It is a first ship I love from individual designs :) (I mean not cannon designs)  :notworthy: :notworthy:

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